The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal :: Vol 8
Keywords (combined index to all articles by keyword)

DJVU PDF Sujaritlak Wajanarat. 1979, "Classifiers in Mal (Thin)", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 8, pp. 295-303. cite.


DJVU PDF Thomas, D. 1979, "The paragraph level in Chrau", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 8, pp. 187-220. cite.


DJVU PDF Khin Sok. 1979, "L’inscription moderne de la Prom (Bati), K. 39", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 8, pp. 77-89. cite.


DJVU PDF Khing Hoc Dy. 1979, "Note sur le motif du cygne mecanique dans la littérature populaire khmére", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 8, pp. 91-101. cite.

historical linguistics

DJVU PDF Thomas, D. 1979, "The place of Alak, Tampuan, and West Bahnaric", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 8, pp. 171-186. cite.

DJVU PDF Jacob, J. 1979, "Some recent works on Austroasiatic languages", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 8, pp. 305-313. cite.

historical phonology

DJVU PDF Ferlus, M. 1979, "Formation des registres et mutations consonantiques dans les langues Mon-Khmer", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 8, pp. 1-76. cite.

DJVU PDF Pinnow, H.-J. 1979, "Reflections on the history of the Khmer phonemic system", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 8, pp. 103-130. cite.


DJVU PDF Pinnow, H.-J. 1979, "Remarks on the structure of the Khmer syllable and word", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 8, pp. 131-137. cite.

DJVU PDF Theraphan L. Thongkum. 1979, "The distribution of the sounds of Bruu", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 8, pp. 221-293. cite.


DJVU PDF Pou, S. 1979, "Une description de la phrase en vieux-khmer", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 8, pp. 139-169. cite.