34 papers found searching for papers by "adelaar" .  Sorting results by author.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 2
Adelaar, K.A. 1983. "Malay Consonant-harmony: An Internal Reconstruction." In Studies in Malay dialects, edited by James T. Collins. 57-67. Badan Penyelenggara Seri NUSA, Universitas Atma Jaya. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. A. 1984. "Some Proto-Malayic Affixes." In Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 140: . cite. STATS
Adelaar, K.A. 1989. "Les Langues Austronesiennes Et La Place Du Malagasy Dans Leur Ensemble." In Archipel : études interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien, 38: . cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. A. 1989. "Malay Influence On Malagasy: Linguistic and Culture-Historical Implications." In Oceanic Linguistics, 28 , no. 1: 1--46. University of Hawai'i Press. cite. STATS (1)
Adelaar, K. A. 1989. "[Untitled]." In Oceanic Linguistics, 28 , no. 1: 106--109. University of Hawai'i Press. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 1992. "Proto-Malayic: the Reconstruction of Its Phonology and Parts of Its Lexicon and Morphology." xi, 253 p. Australian National Univ., Dept. of Ling., Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. cite. STATS (4)
Adelaar, K.A. 1992. "The Relevance of Salako For Proto-Malayic and For Old Malay Epigraphy." In Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 148: . cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 1993. "The Internal Classification of the Malayic Subgroup." In Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 56 , no. 3: 566-581. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 1994. "The Classification of the Tamanic Languages." In Language contact and change in the Austronesian world, edited by Tom E. Dutton and Darrell T. Tryon. 1-42. Mouton de Gruyter. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K.A. 1994. "Malay and Javanese Loanwords in Malagasy, Tagalog and Siraya (Formosa)." In Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 150: . cite. STATS
Adelaar, K.A. 1994. "Mise Au Point Sur L'histoire Linguistique Du Malais Jakartanais." In Archipel : études interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien, , no. 47. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 1995. "Asian Roots of the Malagasy : a Linguistic Perspective." In Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 151 , no. 3: 325-356. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 1995. "Borneo As a Cross-roads For Comparative Austronesian Linguistics." In The Austronesians : historical and comparative perspectives, edited by Peter Bellwood James J. Fox Darrell T. Tryon. 75-95. Australian National Univ., Dept. of Anthropology, Comparative Austronesian Project. cite. STATS (1)
Adelaar, K. Alexander and Pierre Vérin. 1995. "Malagasy." In Comparative Austronesian dictionary : an introduction to Austronesian studies, edited by Darrell T. Tryon et al.. 1: 393-406. Mouton de Gruyter. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 1995. "Malay in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands." In Kongres bahasa melayu sedunia : kumpulan kertas kerja , Jilid I . (A-L) , II . (M-Z), edited by Urus Setia (Transl: World congress on Malay language : Malay as an international language: Visions and Kuala Lumpur, August 21-25, 1995 ) Convictions. 1: 63-92. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander and C. Anwar. 1995. "Minangkabau." In Comparative Austronesian dictionary : an introduction to Austronesian studies, edited by Darrell T. Tryon et al.. 1: 433-441. Mouton de Gruyter. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 1995. "Problems of Definiteness and Ergativity in Embaloh." In Oceanic Linguistics, 34 , no. 2: 375--409. University of Hawai'i Press. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander and P. W. J. Nababan. 1995. "Toba Batak." In Comparative Austronesian dictionary : an introduction to Austronesian studies, edited by Darrell T. Tryon et al.. 1: 421-432. Mouton de Gruyter. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 1995. "Une Perspective Linguistique Sur Les Origines Asiatiques Des Malgaches." In Cultures of Madagascar : ebb and flow of influences = Civilisations de Madagascar : flux et reflux des influences, edited by Sandra Evers Marc Spindler. 47-55. Intern. Inst. for Asian Studies. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 1996. "Contact Languages in Indonesia and Malaysia Other Than Malay." In Atlas of languages of intercultural communication in the Pacific, Asia, and the Americas , Vol. I . Maps , II, edited by and 2 . Texts /Stephen A. Wurm Peter Mühlhäusler Darrell T. Tryon. II/1: 695-711. Mouton de Gruyter. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander and David J. Prentice. 1996. "Malay : Its History, Role and Spread." In Atlas of languages of intercultural communication in the Pacific, Asia, and the Americas , Vol. I . Maps , II, edited by and 2 . Texts /Stephen A. Wurm Peter Mühlhäusler Darrell T. Tryon. II/1: 673-693. Mouton de Gruyter. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 1997. "An Exploration of Directional Systems in West Indonesia and Madagascar." In Referring to space : studies in Austronesian and Papuan languages, edited by Gunter Senft. 53-81. Clarendon. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 1997. "Grammar Notes On Siraya, An Extinct Formosan Language." In Oceanic Linguistics, 36 , no. 2: 362--397. University of Hawai'i Press. cite. STATS (1)
Adelaar, K A. 1999. "Language Use and Language Change in Brunei Darussalam." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 30 , no. 2: 359. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 1999. "Retrieving Siraya Phonology : a New Spelling For a Dead Language." In Selected papers from the eight International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, edited by Elizabeth Zeitoun Paul Jen-kuei Li. Taipei, 313-354. Acad. Sinica, Inst. of Linguistics (Preparatory Office). cite. STATS
Adelaar, Sander. 1999. "[Untitled]." In Oceanic Linguistics, 38 , no. 2: 429--433. University of Hawai'i Press. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 2000. "Siraya Reduplication." In Oceanic Linguistics, 39 , no. 1: 33--52. University of Hawai'i Press. cite. STATS
Adelaar, Sander. 2001. "[Untitled]." In Oceanic Linguistics, 40 , no. 1: 177--182. University of Hawai'i Press. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 2004. "Siraya: The Interpretation of a Corpus From the Seventeenth Century." In Faits de Langues, . cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 2004. "Where Does Malay Come From? Twenty Years of Discussions About Homeland, Migrations and Classifications." In Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 160 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Adelaar, Alexander. 2005. "Malayo-Sumbawan." In Oceanic Linguistics, 44 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Adelaar, Alexander. 2005. "Much Ado About 'di-'." In Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 161 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 2006. "Siraya Dialogues." In Bai chuan hui hai : Rengui Li xiansheng qizhi shouqing lunwenji = Streams converging into an ocean : Festschrift in honor of Professor Paul Jen-kuei Li on his 70th birthday, edited by Henry Y. Chang Meijin Huang Da'an He  bian ji =Henry Y. Chang  et al.. 665-685. Acad. Sinica. Inst. of Linguistics. cite. STATS
Adelaar, K.A. xxxx. "Proto-Malayic: the Reconstruction of Its Phonology and Parts of Its Lexicon and Morphology." . cite. STATS (2)