47 papers found searching for papers by "burma" .  Sorting results by author.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 3
Anonymous. 1969. "<Burman Linguistics>, Vol. 1." edited by Alton L. Becker. 221 pp.. University of Michigan, Publications of the Linguistics Department. cite. STATS
Becka, Jan. 1991. "Burma -- "Divide Et Impera"? Britische Minderheitenpolitik in Burma 1917-1948 By Roland Bless." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 22 , no. 2: 414. cite. STATS
Becka, Jan. 1992. "Burma -- The Fashioning of Leviathan: The Beginnings of British Rule in Burma By John S. Furnivall." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 23 , no. 1: 166. cite. STATS
Becka, Jan. 1993. "Burma -- Scots in Burma: Golden Times in a Golden Land By Alister McCrae." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 24 , no. 1: 169. cite. STATS
Bernot, Denise. 1993. "Burma -- Not Out of Hate: A Novel of Burna By Ma Ma Lay and Translated By Margaret Aung-Thwin and Edited By William H. Frederick." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 24 , no. 1: 166. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Bradley, David. 1997. "Tibeto-Burman Languages and Classification." In Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics No. 14: Tibeto-Burman Languages of the Himalayas, edited by David Bradley. 14: 1-72. Pacific Linguistics, the Australian National University. cite. STATS (4)
Burma,. 1867. "The Three-tongued Book: English, Karen, and Burmese." 2 parts. cite. STATS
Burma,. 1880. "<British Burma Gazeteer>, Vol. 1." . cite. STATS
Burma,. 1889. "An Anglo-Burmese Grammatical Reader For Beginners." , no. revised ed.79 pp.. cite. STATS
Department, Burma Education. 1890. "Revised Burmese Orthographical Vocabulary ... As the Standard of Burmese Spelling in the Province." 98 pp.. Burmese Education Department. cite. STATS
Department, Burma Education. 1891. "Fourth Standard Burmese Reader." 148 pp.. Burmese Education Department. cite. STATS
Committee, Burma Textbook. 1895. "List of Authorized Terms Used in Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry." 20 pp.. Burma Textbook Committee. cite. STATS
Burma,. 1900. "Tables For Transliteration of Shan Names Into English." 2, 13 pp.. Superintendent, Government Printing and Stationery. cite. STATS
Burma,. 1917. "Linguistic Survey of Burma: Preparatory Stage or Linguistic Census." 67 pp.. Government Preparatory and Stationery. cite. STATS (2)
Mission, Burma Baptist. 1955. "Conversation in Spoken Burmese." , no. mimeo.158 pp.. cite. STATS
Burma, John. 1957. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 59 , no. 4: 760--761. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Burman, A. D. 1977. "??" In {\rus <??>, . Nauka. cite. STATS
Burman, Sahdev Bikram Kisore Dev and A.R. Das. 1989. "Search For An Indigenous Script: a Case For Kak-Barak." In Journal of North-East India Council for Social Science Research, 13 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Burman, A.D. 1994. "The Purvaranga and the Prologue Scenes in the Indian and South-East Asian Theatres." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 37 , no. 4: . cite. STATS
Chan, Aye. 2006. "Burma: Shan Domination in the Ava Period (c. AD 1310-1555)." In Journal of the Siam Society, 94: . cite. STATS
Cornyn, William S. 1967. "Burma." In Linguistics in East Asia and Southeast Asia, edited by Thomas A. Sebeok. 777-81. Mouton. cite. STATS
Farrars, Max and Bertha Farrars. 1900. "Burma." . cite. STATS
Harvey, G.E. 1975. "Burma 1885." In Journal of the Burma Research Society, 58 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Hitchins, Keith. 1991. "Burma -- The National Liberation Movement in Burma During the Japanese Occupation Period (1941-1945) By Jan Becka." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 22 , no. 2: 413. cite. STATS
Hitchins, Keith. 1994. "Burma -- La Birmanie Ou La Quete De L'unite By Pierre Fistie." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 25 , no. 1: 185. cite. STATS
Jitchins, Keith. 1994. "Burma -- Burmese Nationalist Movements, 1940-1948 By U. Maung Maung." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 25 , no. 2: 429. cite. STATS
Laypway, Tetkatho. 1974. "Some Burmanized Foreign Words." In Guardian, 21 , no. 10: . cite. STATS
Laypwäy, Tetkatho. 1974. "Some Burmanized Foreign Words." In Guardian (Rangoon) 21.10:12-13., . cite. STATS
Mazaudon, Martine. xxxx. "TibetoBurman Tonogenetics." . cite. STATS
Roy burman, B. K., S. P. Bhatnagar and N. K. Banerjee. 0nd0. "Bibliography of Publications in Tribal Languages." iv, 98 pp.. Office of the Registrar General. cite. STATS
DJVU Luce, Gordon H. 1968. "Burma Languages." In JBRS, 29-34. cite. STATS
Lwin, San. 1996. "Burma To Myanmar." In Myanmar Perspectives, 2 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Mason, Francis. 1860. "Burmah,." In its people and natural productions, or notes on the nations, fauna, flora, and minerals of Tenasserim, Pegu, and Burma..., Rangoon, Ranney, xviii, 913p. (First ed. 1852; ethnographic section omitted from 3rd (Hertford) ed. - SJS), . cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Matisoff, James A. 2000. "Tibeto-Burman Tonology in An Areal Context." In The Fifth International Symposium on Languages and Linguistics, Hochiminh City, 85-151. Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities. cite. STATS
Maule, Robert B. 1993. "Burma -- Burma (The World Bibliographical Series Vol. 132) By Patricia M. Herbert." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 24 , no. 1: 168. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Mazaudon, Martine. 1977. "Tibeto-Burman Tonogenetics." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 3 , no. 2: 1-123. cite. STATS (8)
Roy burman, B. K. 1970. "Census of India 1961: Demographic and Socio-economic Profiles of the Hill Areas of North-East India." 379 pp., appendices. Office of the Registrar General, Ministry of Home Affairs. cite. STATS
Silverstein, Josef. 1985. "Burma Through the Prism of Western Novels." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 16 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Steinberg, David I. 1991. "Burma -- Myanmar Dilemmas and Options: The Challenge of Economic Transition in the 1990s Edited By Mya Than and Joseph L. H. Tan." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 22 , no. 2: 416. cite. STATS
Terwiel, Barend Jan. 1200. "Burma in Early Thai Sources: An Essay On Models of Perception." In The maritime frontier of Burma: exploring political, cultural and commercial interaction in the Indian Ocean World, 1200-1800, edited by Jos Gommans and Jacques Leider. 9-23. Koninklijke Nederlandse van Wetenschappen; Leiden: KITLV Press. cite. STATS
Than, Kyaw. 1987. "Burma's Struggle Against British Imperialism (1885-1985) (Review)." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 75: . cite. STATS
Tint, Tint. 1987. "Burma: The Untold Story (Review)." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 75: . cite. STATS
Toru, Ohno. 1991. "Burma -- Irrigation in the Heartland of Burma: Foundations of the Pre-Colonial Burmese State By Michael Aung-Thwin." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 22 , no. 2: 411. cite. STATS
Trager, Frank N. 1973. "Burma: a Selected and Annotated Bibliography,." . HRAF Press,. cite. STATS
Walker, Anthony R. 1993. "Burma -- True Love and Bartholomew: Rebels On the Burmese Border By Jonathan Falla." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 24 , no. 2: 401. cite. STATS
Walker, Anthony R. 1994. "Burma -- Nat-Pwe: Burma's Supernatural Sub-culture By Yves Rodrigue." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 25 , no. 2: 431. cite. STATS