54 papers found searching for papers by "gao" .  Sorting results by author.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1
Cheng, Liying and Lingyun Gao. 2002. "Passage Dependence in Standardized Reading Comprehension: Exploring the College English Test [Chinese University-level Students]." In Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 12: . cite. STATS
Huanien, Gao. 1947. "??" In Pien-chiang Jen-wen, 4: 70-81. cite. STATS
Huanien, Gao. 1951. "Na Su Yu Zhong De Han Yu Jie Ci Yan Jiu." In Ling nan xue bao, 11 , no. 2: 211ff. cite. STATS
Huanien, Gao. 1951. "Tan Tan Xiao Li Yu De Te Dian." In Guang ming ri bao, September 29 1951: . cite. STATS
Huanien, Gao. 1952. "Yang-wu Hani Yü Ch'u-t'an." In Scholarly reports of Chung-shan University, 2: 175ff. cite. STATS
Bingchin, Gao and Wen Cunzhi. 1957. "Han Zang Xin Ci Hui (Disan, Si Ji)." . Ethnic publishing House. cite. STATS
Guangyu, Gao. 1957. "Lun Bai Zu De Yu Yan Xi Shu Wen Ti." . Yunnan Peoples' Publishing House. cite. STATS
Huanien, Gao. 1958. "??" . cite. STATS
Huanien, Gao. 1958. "I Yü-fa Yen-chiu." 161 pp.. Scientific Publishing Co.. cite. STATS
Huanien, Gao. 1968. "??" . Scientific Publishing Co.. cite. STATS
Bingchen, Gao. 1980. "Zang Wen Zao Shi Ci Qian Shuo." In Minzu yuwen, 1980 , no. 1: 44ff. cite. STATS
Daxian, Gao. 1981. "The Li People of Hainan Island." In China Reconstructs, 30 , no. 10: 59-65. cite. STATS (1)
Gao, Qian. 1993. "Chinese NP Structure." In Ohio State University working papers in linguistics, 42: 88-116. cite. STATS
Gao, Qian. 1994. "Chinese NP Structure [Noun Phrase]." In Linguistics : an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences, 32 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Gao, Mobo C. F. 1994. "Dóu As a Wide Scope Universal Quantifier." In Australian journal of linguistics, 14 , no. 1: 39-62. cite. STATS
Gao, Qian. 1995. "The Syntactic Structure of Chinese Formal Focus." In Ohio State University working papers in linguistics, 47: 21-46. cite. STATS
Gao, Qiao. 1997. "Resultative Verb Compounds and BA-constructions in Chinese." In Journal of Chinese linguistics, 25 , no. 1: 84-130. cite. STATS
Gao, Yihong, Xinchun Su and Lei Zhou. 2000. "Pre-handover Language Attitudes in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Guangzhou." In Journal of Asian Pacific communication, 10 , no. 1: 135-153. cite. STATS
Gao, Pat. 2000. "Preserving the Poetry [translation Profession]." In Taipei Review, 50 , no. 12: . cite. STATS
Gao, Liwei. 2001. "Language Shift in Progress : Evidence From Mandarin Chinese/English Codeswitching." In The LACUS Forum, 28: 221-231. cite. STATS
Gao, Hong. 2001. "The Physical Foundation of the Patterning of Physical Action Verbs : a Study of Chinese Verbs." 265 p. Lund Univ.. cite. STATS
Gao, Yihong, Yuxia Li and Weina Li. 2002. "EFL Learning and Self-identity Construction: Three Cases of Chinese College English Majors [English As a Foreign Language]." In Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 12: . cite. STATS
Gao, Ding-Guo and Henry S.R. Kao. 2002. "Psycho-geometric Analysis of Commonly Used Chinese Characters." In Cognitive neuroscience studies of the Chinese language, edited by Henry S.R. Kao et al.. 195-206. Hong Kong University Press. cite. STATS
Gao, Liwei. 2002. "A Strategy of Persuasion in Chinese Advertising : English-based Identity Construction." In The LACUS Forum, 29: 217-227. cite. STATS
Gao, Yihong. 2004. "Motivation Types of Chinese University Undergraduates [motivation For Learning English]." In Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 14: . cite. STATS
Gao, Pat. 2005. "Finding the Words: Local Languages Are Finding Their Way Onto the Pages of Books and Other Publications [Holo, Taiwan's Most Widely Spoken Minority Language]." In Taiwan Review, 55 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Gao, Andy Xuesong. 2006. "Interpreting Chinese Students' Motives in a Weekly English Discussion Group: a Case Study." In Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 16: . cite. STATS
Gao, Pat. 2006. "Out of Character: the Development of Writing Systems in Taiwan and China Represents Different Ways To Break Free From the Unifying Force of the Classical Han Chinese Tradition." In Taiwan Review, 56 , no. 9: . cite. STATS
Gao, Liwei. 2007. "Chinese Internet Language : a Study of Identity Constructions." xii, 171 p. LINCOM Europa. cite. STATS
Gao, Yuqing, Liang Gu and Bowen Zhou. 2007. "Speech-to-speech Translation." In In: Lee, Chin-Hui, et al. Advances in Chinese spoken language processing. Singapore; Hackensack, N.J, 271-300. World Scientific. cite. STATS
Ghadessy, Mohsen and Yanjie Gao. 2001. "Simplification As a Universal Feature of the Language of Translation." In Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 11 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Gregerson, Kenneth J. and André Ir. 1969. "Rengao Dictionary." 409 pp.. cite. STATS (1)
Gregerson, Marilyn. 1980. "Rengao Vocal Music." In Notes from Indochina on ethnic minority cultures, edited by Marilyn Gregerson and Dorothy Thomas. 135-42. Summer Institute of Linguistics. cite. STATS (1)
Liáng, Mīn and Jūnrú Zhāng. 1997. "Lingao Yu Yan Jiu." 2, 1, 335 p. Shanghai yuandong chubanshe. cite. STATS
Chutia, Dharmeswar. xxxx. "Dighaligaon Copper Plates of Maharaja-Dhiraja Sri Vanamalavarmadeva." In Journal of the Assam Research Society, 29: . cite. STATS
Gao, Yongqi. "A Brief Introduction of Mang Language [ Sic ]." . cite. STATS
Kao, Henry S.R., Chekan Leong and Ding-Guo Gao. xxxx. "*Cognitive Neuroscience Studies of the Chinese Language." . cite. STATS
Ngaosyvath, Phiouphanh and Manila Ngaosyvath. xxxx. "Manuel De Conversation Francais-laotien." . cite. STATS
Shen, Xiaolong and Yihong Gao. xxxx. "*Collected Essays of Shen Xiaolong On Chinese Cultural Linguistics." . cite. STATS
Toffin, Gerard. xxxx. "Pyangaon, Une Communaute Newar De La Vallee De Kathmandou: La Vie Materielle." . cite. STATS
Mayoury, Dr. and Dr. Pheuiphanh Ngaosyathn. 1988. "World Super Power and Regional Conflicts." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 76: . cite. STATS
Nagao, Gadjin. 1971. "Siddham and Its Study in Japan." In Acta Asiatica, , no. 21. cite. STATS
Nagao, Makoto, Jun-ichi Tsujii and Takashi Matsuyama. 1981. "Methodologies of Japanese Language Treatment By Computer For Information and Documentation Sciences." In Scientific information systems in Japan, edited by Hiroshi Inose. 229-236. NorthHolland Pub. Co.. cite. STATS
Nagao, Makoto. 1989. "New Directions of Machine Translation [Japanese-English Machine Translation]." In Language teaching, testing, and technology: lessons from the past with a view toward the future. Washington, D.C, edited by James E. Alatis. 378-384. Georgetown UP. cite. STATS
Nagao, Makoto. 1996. "Some Rationales and Methodologies For Example-based Machine Translation [Japanese and English]." In Discourse and meaning: papers in honor of Eva Hajicova, edited by Barbara H. Partee and Petr Sgall. 291-306. John Benjamins. cite. STATS
Ngaosyvathn, Mayoury and Pheuiphanh Ngaosyvathn. 1989. "Lao Historiography and Historians: Case Study of the War Between Bangkok and the Lao in 1827." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 20 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Ngaosyvathn, Mayoury and Pheuiphanh Ngaosyvathn. 1998. "Renewing and Changing and Keeping-up: Lao Culture in the Year When the Formal Capital Luang Prabang Gains a World Heritage Status." In In: Proceedings of the symposium 'Human Flow and Creation of New Cultures in Southeast Asia', 165-174. Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA). cite. STATS
Ngaosywathn, Mayoury and Pheuiphanh Ngaosywathn. 1988. "World Super Power and Regional Conflicts." In Journal of the Siam Society, 76: . cite. STATS
Ning, Yegao and Yun Ning. 1995. "Chinese Personal Names / Transl. By Tang Bowe." vi, 184 p. Federal Publ.. cite. STATS
Shen, Xiaolong and Yihong Gao. 1997. "On the Humanistic Spirit of Chinese Characters." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 229-240. Northeast Normal University Press. cite. STATS
Shen, Xiaolong, Yabin Hu and Yihong Gao. 1997. "An Outline of Chinese Cultural Linguistics." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 44-66. Northeast Normal University Press. cite. STATS
Shen, Xiaolong and Yihong Gao. 1997. "On the Psychological Viewpoints of Chinese Sentences." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 114-142. Northeast Normal University Press. cite. STATS
Xu, Gaoyu. 1992-1993. "Formation of Compound Colour Terms in Russian & Chinese : a Contrastive Analysis." In Filologija : razred za filološke znanosti. Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 20-21: 565-571. cite. STATS
Zhang, Shaoquan and Mobo Gao. 2001. "The Trojan Horse of English Language Teaching: the Contribution of ELT To the De-radicalization of Political Discourse in China." In China Information, 15 , no. 2: . cite. STATS