19 papers found searching for papers by "moskalev" .  Sorting results by author.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 2
Morev, Leo N., A.A. Moskalev and Y.Y. Plam. xxxx. "The Lao Language." . cite. STATS
Morev, Lev Nikolaevich, Aleksei Alekseevich Moskalev and IUrii IAkovlevich Plam. xxxx. "Laosskii Iazyk." . cite. STATS
Moskalev, Aleksei Alekseevich. xxxx. "Grammatika Iazyka Chzhuan." . cite. STATS
Moskalev, A.A. xxxx. "Politika KNR V Natsional'no-iazykovom Voprose. 1949-1978. Moskva: Nauka, Glav. Red." . cite. STATS
Moskalev, Aleksel Alekseevich and G. Diffloth. xxxx. "Translation of a Part of A.A. Moskalev's "Grammar of the Chuang Language"." . cite. STATS
Morev, L. N., A. A. Moskalev, and Iu. Ia. Plam. 1972. "Laosskii Iazyk." . Nauka,. cite. STATS
Morev, L. N., A. A. Moskalev, and Iu. Ia. Plam. 1979. "The Lao Language,." . Nauka,. cite. STATS (2)
Moskalev, A. A. 1964. "Differntsial'nye Priznaki Chzhyuanskikh Tonov." In [Debatable questions of the structure of languages of China and Southeast Asia],, . Moscow.. cite. STATS
Moskalev, A. A. 1964. "Sistema Slogov Chzhuanskogo Iazyka." In VSI, 47-51. cite. STATS
Moskalev, A. A. 1967. "O Chzhuanskoi Ieroglificheskoi Pis'mennosti." In NAA, 103-8. cite. STATS
Moskalev, A. A. 1970. "Differentsial'nye Priznaki Chzhuanskikh Fonem." In VMFF, 254-9. cite. STATS
Moskalev, A. A. 1970. "K Opisaniiu Vida V Iazyke Chzhuan." In VMFF, 136-44. cite. STATS
Moskalev, A. A. 1970. "Predvaritel'nye Zamechaniia Po Fonologii Govora Tian'ba." In VMFF, 260-7. cite. STATS (1)
Moskalev, A. A. 1971. "Grammatika Iazyka Chzhuan." . Nauka,. cite. STATS (2)
Moskalev, A. A. 1972. "." . cite. STATS
Moskalev, A. A. 1976. "Grammar of the Chuang Language." In (in part, transl. by GĂ©rard Diffloth) (Kyoto U. Center for Southeast Asian studies, Discussion paper 19), Kyoto U. Center for Southeast Asian studies., . cite. STATS (2)
Moskalev, A. A. 1978. "Iazyk Duanskikh Yao (Iazyk Nu)." . Languages of Asia and Africa, Akademia Nauk SSSR,. cite. STATS (2)
Moskalev, A. A. 1979. "." . cite. STATS
Moskaleva, I. M. 1967. "K Voprosu O Poslelogakh V Birmanskom Iazyke." In IIVA., . cite. STATS