Results428 papers found searching for papers by "ding" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 4, G-Index: 4 Bodding, Paul Olaf. 1929. "A Santal Dictionary." 5 vols, 28 cm.. Det Norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo, i kommisjon hos Jacob Dybwad. cite.
Bodding, P. O. 1922. "Materials For a Santali Grammar, 2 Parts." In Dukma, , no. thern. cite.
Gandour, Jackson T., Eva Gårding and Kristina Lindell. 1978. "Tones in Northern Kammu: a Perceptual Investigation." In Acta Orientalia, 39: 181-9. cite.
Garding, Eva and Kristina Lindell. 1977. "Tones in Northern Kammu: a Phonetic Investigation." In Acta Orientalia, 38: . cite.
Bodding, Paul Olaf. 1923. "Materials For a Santali Grammar (Part 1: Mostly Phonetic, 1923; Part 2: Mostly Morphological, 1929)." iv, 336 pp.. Santal Mission of the Northern Churches. cite.
Bodding, P. O. 1929. "A Santali Dictionary, in 5 Volumes." . cite.
STATS (3) DJVUPDF Luo Yongxian. 1997. "Expanding the Proto-Tai Lexicon–a Supplement To Li (1977)." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 27: 271-298. cite.
Bresnahan, Mary Isabelle. xxxx. "Finding Our Feet: Understanding Crosscultural Discourse." . cite.
Tzeng, Ovid J.-L., Daisy L. Hung and Linda Garro. 1978. "Reading the Chinese Characters: An Information Processing View." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 6 , no. 2: . cite.
Ramble, Charles A.E. and Michael Vinding. 1987. "The Bem-chag Village Record and the Early History of Mustang District." In Kailash, 13 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Vinding, Michael. 1988. "A History of the Thak Khola Valley, Nepal." In Kailash, 14 , no. 3-4: . cite.
Gauchan, Surendra and Michael Vinding. 1977. "The History of the Thakaali According To the Thakaali Tradition." In Kailash, 5 , no. 2: . cite.
Nagaraja, K. S. 1984. "Compounding in Khasi." In Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute, Pune., 43: 79-90. cite.
Hatta, Takeshi. 1985. "Reading Processes in Japanese: Do Japanese Have Script Specific Mechanisms?" In Language Sciences, 7 , no. 2: . cite.
Vinding, Michael. 1979. "A Preliminary Report On Kinship Terminologies of the Bodish Section of Sino-Tibetan Speaking People." In Kailash, 191-225. cite.
Bauer, Robert S. 1985. "The Expanding Syllabary of Hong Kong Cantonese." In Cahiers de linguistique Asie Orientale, 14 , no. 1: 99-111. cite.
STATS (1) DJVUPDF Ding, Picus Shizhi. 2001. "The Pitch-accent System of Niuwozi Prinmi." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 24 , no. 2: 57-83. cite.
Bodding, P. O. 1925. "Santal Folk Tales, in Three Volumes." , no. .. cite.
Phillips, Elnathan Gooding. 1904. "Out Line Grammar of the Garo Language,." . cite.
Seidenfaden, Erik. 1943. "Regarding the Customs, Manners, Economics and Languages of the Kha (Si) and Phuthai Living in Amphỏ Kutchinarai..., Changvat Kalasindhu, Monthon Roi Et. Translated and Commented On By Major E. Seidenfaden." In Journal of Semitic studies, , no. 34145-81. cite.
STATS (1) DJVUPDF Dinh Dien. 2005. "Building An Annotated English-Vietnamese Parallel Corpus." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 35: 21-36. cite.
Goscha, Christopher E. 2003. "Building Force: Asian Origins of Twentieth-century Military Science in Vietnam (1905-54)." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 34 , no. 3: 535. cite.
Kang, Nae-hui. 2004. "The Ending -da and Linguistic Modernity in Korea [-da Style]." In Impacts of modernities. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2004. xi, 296p, edited by Thomas Lamarre and Nae-hui Kang. 139-163. cite.
Mcnaughton, William. xxxx. "Reading and Writing Chinese: a Guide To the Chinese Writing System, the Student's 1,020 List." . cite.
Shi, Dingxu. 1990. "Is There Object-to-subject Raising in Chinese?" In Proceedings of the sixteenth annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 16-19, 1990. Berkeley, Calif, edited by Kira, et al. Hall. 305-314. Berkeley Linguistics Society. cite.
Chen, Yi-Ping. 2002. "Reading Efficiency and Reading Strategies." In Cognitive neuroscience studies of the Chinese language, edited by Henry S.R. Kao et al.. 143-155. Hong Kong University Press. cite.
Ram, Tulsi. xxxx. "Trading in Language: the Story of English in India." . cite.
Vovin, Alexander. 2002. "Building a 'bum-pa For Sino-Caucasian: a Reply To Sergai Starostin's Reply." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 30 , no. 1: . cite.
Rao, S.R. 1985. "Decoding the Indus Script." In Indus Valley to Mekong Delta: explorations in epigraphy, edited by Noboru Karashima. 189-201. New Era Publications. cite.
Tolmie, P.W. 1989. "The Holdings of Malayan Material in Rhodes House Library, Oxford." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 62 , no. 1: . cite.
Chandra, K. Rishabh. xxxx. "Proceedings of the Seminar On Prakrit Studies, 1973." . cite.
Benson, Philippa Jane. 1991. "Leading-edge Research or Lost Cause? The Search For Interscriptual Stroop Effects [includes Chinese]." In Visible Language, 25 , no. 1: . cite.
Jorden, Elenor Harz and Hamako Ito Chaplin. xxxx. "Reading Japanese." . cite.
Abdullah, Dato' Sedia Raja. 1925. "The Leading Saints in Rembau." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 3 , no. 3: . cite.
Cox, Thomas. xxxx. "Herding and Socio-economic Change Among Khumbu Sherpas." In Kailash, 12: 63-80. cite.
Khan, Ishtiaq. 1994. "Safeguarding the Historic Quarters of Hanoi City." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 42. cite.
Vinding, Michael. 1983. "A Comment On Two 12-year Festivals in the Thaak Khola." In Kailash, 10 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Koyama, Nobuko. 2004. "Grounding and Deixis: a Comprehensive Approach To the Grounding Phenomenon in Japanese Narrative." In Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 2 , no. 1: . cite.
Gilhooly, Helen. 1999. "Reading and Writing in Japanese: a Challenging Task." In Japanese children abroad: cultural, educational and language issues. Clevedon, Eng.; Philadelphia, Pa, edited by Asako Yamada-yamamoto and Brian J. Richards. 119-120. Multilingual Matters. cite.
Teng, Shou-hsin. xxxx. "Readings in Chinese Transformational Syntax." . cite.
Dowling, Carol and Anita Mitchell. 1993. "Reading in a Specific Purpose Foreign Language Course: a Case Study of Technical Japanese." In Modern Language Journal, 77 , no. 4: . cite.
Muller, Kurt E. xxxx. "Funding Curricular Expansion: a Review of the Efforts By the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation To Expand Chinese Language Programs in America's High Schools." . cite.
Cheng, Robert L., Ying-che Li and Ting-chi Tang. xxxx. "Proceedings of Symposium On Chinese Linguistics, 1977 Linguistic Institute of the Linguistic Society of America." . cite.
Chan, Marjorie K.M. and Thomas Ernst. xxxx. "*Proceedings of the Third Ohio State University Conference On Chinese Linguistics (13-14 May 1988)." . cite.
Rangan, K. xxxx. "Proceedings of the Thirteenth All India Conference of Dravidian Linguists." . cite.
Seeley, Christopher. 1991. "The Standing of Gyosotai As the Basis of Script Education in Edo Japan." In Japan Forum, 3 , no. 1: . cite.
Ras, J.J. xxxx. "Inleiding Tot Het Modern Javaans." . cite.
Daub, Edward E. xxxx. "Comprehending Technical Japanese." . cite.
Tan, Soon Hook and Nesamalar Chitravelu. 1980. "Reading Comprehension: the University of Malaya Approach." In RELC Journal, 11 , no. 1: . cite.
Ding, Picus Sizhi. 2001. "Semantic Change Versus Categorical Change: a Study of the Development of Ba in Mandarin." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 29 , no. 1: . cite.
Winslow, Miron. xxxx. "Winslow's A Comprehensive Tamil and English Dictionary." . cite.
Kneedler, W. Harding. xxxx. "The Coins of North Siam." In Journal of the Siam Society, 29 , no. 1: . cite.
Ode, Cecilia and Wim Stokhof. xxxx. "*Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference On Austronesian Linguistics, Leiden, 22-27 August 1994." . cite.
Choy, Rita Mei-wah. xxxx. "Understanding Chinese: a Guide To the Usage of Chinese Characters, with Cantonese and Mandarin Pronunciation, Yale and Pinyin Romanization." . cite.
Ryding, Karin C. 1989. "Less Commonly Taught Languages: the Current Situation [includes Chinese and Japanese]." In Language teaching, testing, and technology: lessons from the past with a view toward the future. Washington, D.C, edited by James E. Alatis. 114-121. Georgetown UP. cite.
Mangione, L. and Dingxuan Li. 1993. "A Compositional Analysis of -guo and -le." In Journal of Chinese linguistics, 21 , no. 1: 65-122. cite.
Hare, Thomas Blenman. 1990. "Reading Writing and Cooking: Kukai's Interpretive Strategies." In Journal of Asian Studies, 49 , no. 2: . cite.
Leong, Che Kan. 1989. "Reading and Reading Difficulties in a Morphemic Script [Chinese]." In Reading and writing disorders in different orthographic systems, edited by P.G. Aaron and R. Malatesha Joshi. 266-282. Kluwer Academic Publishers. cite.
Hatasa, Yukiko Abe and Kazumi Hatasa. xxxx. "*Proceedings of Sixth Annual Lake Erie Teachers of Japanese Conference: Bridging Gaps, April 15-16, 1994, Purdue University." . cite.
Gao, Ding-Guo and Henry S.R. Kao. 2002. "Psycho-geometric Analysis of Commonly Used Chinese Characters." In Cognitive neuroscience studies of the Chinese language, edited by Henry S.R. Kao et al.. 195-206. Hong Kong University Press. cite.
Bhatnagar, Y.C. xxxx. "Readings in Foreign Language Teaching (L5) in India." . cite.
Milsark, Gary and Ding Xuan Li. 1990. "Arbitrary Reflexives in Chinese." In In: Carter, Juli, et al. North Eastern Linguistics Society: proceedings of NELS 20. Volumes 1-2, 391-398. Dept. of Linguistics, University of Massachusetts. cite.
Shimizu, Noeinaga, Qiang Li and Hiroshi Asada. 1995. "Findings of Chinese Qigong and the Esoteric Buddhist Meditation On EEG: FM O Wave Appearance." In Journal of the Institute of Asian Studies, 13 , no. 1: . cite.
Hsu, Vivien Ling. xxxx. "Readings From the People's Daily." . cite.
Chen, Chun-an. 1987. "Spreading Putonghua in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone." In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists: Berlin / GDR, August 10-August 15, 1987, edited by Werner Bahner et al.. 1607-1610. Akademie-Verlag. cite.
Singh, Kripa Shanker. xxxx. "Readings in Hindi-Urdu Linguistics." . cite.
Shi, Dingxu. 1989. "Topic Chain As a Syntactic Category in Chinese." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 17 , no. 2: . cite.
Liow, Susan Rickard. 1999. "Reading Skill Development in Bilingual Singaporean Children." In Learning to read and write: a cross-linguistic perspective. Cambridge, Eng, edited by Margaret Harris and Giyoo Hatano. 196-213. Cambridge University Press. cite.
Shukla, H.L. 1989. "Understanding Kalidasa (a Stylo-statistical Approach)." In Dharma-nirajana: a volume dedicated to the memory of Dr. D.N. Shastri, edited by Avanindra Kumar. 492-504. Parimal Publications. cite.
Dingman, Roger V. 2004. "Language At War: U.S. Marine Corps Japanese Language Officers in the Pacific War." In Journal of Military History, 68 , no. 3: . cite.
Hatta, Takeshi and Takehito Hirose. 1995. "Reading Disabilities in Japan: Implications From the Study of Hemisphere Functioning." In Scripts and literacy: reading and learning to read alphabets, syllabaries, and characters, edited by Insup Taylor and David R. Olson. 231-246. Kluwer Academic Publishers. cite.
Coniam, David. 1990. "Reading Aloud Speed As a Factor in Oral Fluency and General Language Proficiency?" In Hong Kong Papers in Linguistics & Language Teaching, , no. 13. cite.
Rattanavong, Houmphan. 2534. "Regarding What One Calls the Thai." In In: Searching for Asian cultural integrity: papers from the Inter-Cultural Seminar, Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus, 11-15 March 1990, 92-102. Santi Pracha Dhamma Institute Sathirakoses-Nagapradipa Foundation. cite.
Mao, LuMing R. 1995. "Understanding Self and Face Through Compliment Responses." In Language and culture in multilingual and visions, edited by Makhan L. Tickoo. 209-226. SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. cite.
Shi, Dingxu. 1990. "The Structure of Postverbal Adverbials Associated with De." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, , no. 2. cite.
Leonard, George J. 1999. "Reading Asian Characters in English: Why 'Chou' and 'Zhou' Are the Same Word, and They Are Both Pronounced Joe: the Perils of Readings Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Characters Transliterated Into English; with Notes On Vietnamese and Thai." In The Asian Pacific American heritage: a companion to literature and arts, edited by George J. Leonard. 3-13. Garland. cite.
Columbia), Nitobe-Ohira Memorial Conference on Japanese Studies (1984: University of British. xxxx. "*Proceedings of the Nitobe-Ohira Memorial Conference On Japanese Studies, the University of British Columbia, May 23-25, 1984: Panel 4: Papers in Japanese Linguistics." . cite.
Sin, Sang-sun, Ton-ju Yi and Hwan-muk Yi. xxxx. "Understanding" . cite.
Kaneko, Kazushige. 1994. "The Safeguarding and Promotion of Vietnamese Ethno-forms: Protecting the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Minority Groups in Vietnam." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 42. cite.
Ramble, Charles. 1983. "The Founding of a Tibetan Village: the Popular Transformation of History." In Kailash, 10 , no. 3-4: . cite.
Ding, Choo Ming. 1978. "An Introduction To the Indonesian Peranakan Literature in the Library of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 51 , no. 1: . cite.
Shi, Dingxu. 1989. "Definiteness Effect and the Hierarchy of NP Positions." In Proceedings--Eastern States Conference on Linguistics, 6: . cite.
Pasurapunya, Prakaikaew. 1984. "Reading Comprehension Techniques Through Broad Contexts of Language." In Pasaa, 14 , no. 2: . cite.
Nairrita, B. 2005. "Proceedings of the 32nd AICDL At Warangal [All India Conference of Dravidian Linguists]." In International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 34 , no. 1: . cite.
Blah, Edingson and B.B. Chaudhuri. xxxx. "Chapala's Khasi Self Teacher." . cite.
Voskuil, Jan. 1990. "Binding and the Transference of Phi-features [focuses On Chinese and the Athapaskan Languages]." In Student conference in linguistics. Cambridge, Mass, edited by Thomas Green and Sigal Uziel. 223-229. Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. cite.
Chakraborty, Arindam. 1986. "Understanding Falsehoods: a Note On the Nyaya Concept of Yogyata." In Journal of the Asiatic Society, 28 , no. 1: . cite.
Gao, Pat. 2005. "Finding the Words: Local Languages Are Finding Their Way Onto the Pages of Books and Other Publications [Holo, Taiwan's Most Widely Spoken Minority Language]." In Taiwan Review, 55 , no. 1: . cite.
Ramana, P.S. 2006. "Reading Literature From the Margins." In Indian writings in English, edited by Binod Mishra and Sanjay Kumar. 217-229. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors. cite.
Singh, Namwar. 2004. "Understanding Each Other Through Literature." In Imaging India, imaging Japan: a chronicle of reflections on mutual literature, edited by Unita Sachidanand and Teiji Sakata. 21-25. Published for Department of East Asian Studies University of Delhi & Japan Foundation in association with Manak Publications. cite.
Kao, Henry S.R., Chekan Leong and Ding-Guo Gao. xxxx. "*Cognitive Neuroscience Studies of the Chinese Language." . cite.
Epp, Robert. 1969. "On Reading Crowley's Theory On the Function of Kanji." In Association of Teachers of Japanese. Journal-Newsletter , 6, no.2, 6 , no. 2: . cite.
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Kim, Ji-Hye and Silvina Montrul. 2004. "Binding Interpretations in Korea Heritage Speakers." In Proceedings of the 28th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, Mass, edited by Alejna Brugos et al.. 306-317. Cascadilla Press. cite.
Allison, Desmond and Kung Sau Ip. 1991. "Misreading Viewpoints: Reading Problems Among ESL University Students in Hong Kong." In Hong Kong Papers in Linguistics & Language Teaching, 14: . cite.
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Sen, Reena and Peter Blatchford. 2001. "Reading in a Second Language: Factors Associated with Progress in Young Children [English]." In Educational Psychology, 21 , no. 2: . cite.
Warnick, J. Paul. 2001. "Reading As Socio-cultural Performance." In Advances in Japanese language pedagogy, edited by Hiroshi Nara. 137-180. National East Asian Languages Resource Center, Ohio State University. cite.
Davis, Jessica Milner. xxxx. "*Understanding Humor in Japan." . cite.
Go, Gam. xxxx. "Understanding Chinese Characters By Means of Their Ancestral Forms." . cite.
Vinding, Michael. 1982. "The Thakalis As Buddhists: a Closer Look At Their Death Ceremonies." In Kailash, 9 , no. 4: . cite.
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Hsu, Chen-Chin. 1995. "Reading Success and Failure in Logographic Writing Systems: Children Learning To Read Chinese Do Evidence Reading Disabilities." In Chinese societies and mental health, edited by Tsung-Yi Lin et al.. 93-105. Oxford University Press. cite.
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Shi, Dingxu. 1991. "Chinese Pidgin English: Its Origin and Linguistic Features." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 19 , no. 1: . cite.
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Vinding, Michael. 1978. "The Local Oral Tradition About the Kingdom of Thin Garab Dzong." In Kailash, 6 , no. 3: . cite.
Ding, Choo Ming. xxxx. "Studies On Malay Language and Literature." . cite.
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