Results33 papers found searching for papers by "vickery" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 3DJVUPDF Vickery, Michael. 1991. "The Ram Khamhaeng Inscription: a Piltdown Skull of Southeast Asian History?" In The Ram Khamhaeng Controversy, edited by James R. Chamberlain. 3-52. The Siam Society. cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1978. "A Guide Through Some Recent Sukhothai Historiography (Review)." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 66 , no. 2: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1977. "The 2/K.125 Fragment: a Lost Chronicle of Ayutthaya." In Journal of the Siam Society, 65 , no. 1: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1976. "The Lion Prince and Related Remarks On Northern History: Review Article [On Manit Vallibhotama, Tamnan Sinhanavatikumara]." In Journal of the Siam Society, 64 , no. 1: . cite.
STATS (2) DJVUPDF Vickery, Michael. 1991. "Piltdown Skull: Installment 2." In The Ram Khamhaeng Controversy, edited by James R. Chamberlain. 333-418. The Siam Society. cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1973. "The Khmer Inscriptions of Tenasserim: a Reinterpretation." In Journal of the Siam Society, 61 , no. 1: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1974. "A Note On the Date of the Traibhdmikatha." In Journal of the Siam Society, 62 , no. 2: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1979. "A New Tamnan About Ayudhya [review Article On The Rise of Ayudhya By Charnvit Kasetsiri]." In Journal of the Siam Society, 67 , no. 2: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1976. "Review Article: Jeremias Van Vliet, The Short History of the Kings of Siam, Trans. By Leonard Andaya...Bangkok, 1975." In Journal of the Siam Society, 64 , no. 2: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1990. "The Old City of Chaliang'--Sri Satchanalai--Sawankhalok : A Problem of History and Historiography." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 78 , no. 2: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1990. "Cultural Survival in Cambodian Language and Literature." In Cultural Survival Quarterly, 14 , no. 3: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1992. "The Cold War and Cambodia." In Journal of Oriental Studies, 30 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1987. "From Lamphun To Inscription No.2." In Siam Society Newsletter, 3 , no. 1: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1991. "On Traibhumikatha." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 79 , no. 2: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1982. "Qui Etait Nan/Nong, Savant(s) Cambodgien(s) Des XVIIIe/XIXe Siecles?" In Asie du sud-est et monde insulindien, 13: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1984. "Prolegomena To Methods For Using the Ayutthayan Laws As Historical Source Material." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 72 , no. 1 & 2: . cite.
Thion, Serge and Michael Vickery. 1982. "Cambodge: Quelques Problemes De La Reconstruction." In Asie du sud-est et monde insulindien, 13: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1985. "The Reign of Suryavarman I and Royal Factionalism At Angkor." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 16 , no. 2: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. xxxx. "Funan Reviewed: Deconstructing the Ancients." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 101-143. cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1995. "Piltdown 3 Further Discussion of The Ram Khamhaeng Inscription." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 83 , no. 1&2: . cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Vickery, Michael. 1992. "A ‘modern’ Number Term in Old Khmer." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 21: 191-193. cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Vickery, Michael. 1992. "Evidence For Prehistoric Austronesian-Khmer Contact and Linguistic Borrowing." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 21: 185-189. cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1998. "Society, Economics, and Politics in Pre-Angkor Cambodia : the 7th-8th Centuries." viii, 486 p. Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, Toyo Bunko. cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1973. "." In Journal of Semitic studies, . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1974. "Review Article On R. B. Jones,." In Thai titles and ranks, JSS, 158-73. cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1982. "L'inscription K. 1006 Du Phnom Kulên." In Bulletin de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient, , no. 7177-86. cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1992. "Cambodia -- The General Assembly and the Kampuchean Issues: Intervention, Regime Recognition and the World Community 1979 To 1987 By Ramses Amer." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 23 , no. 1: 167. cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1992. "Book Reviews -- Cambodia Watching Down Under By Geoffrey C. Gunn and Jefferson Lee." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 23 , no. 2: 438. cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1995. "Cambodia." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 26 , no. 2: 439. cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1996. "Review Article: What To Do About The Khmers." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 27 , no. 2: 389. cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1999. "Society, Economics, and Politics in Pre-Angkor Combodia : the 7th-8th Centuries (Review)." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 87 , no. 1&2: . cite.
Vickery, Michael. 1980. "King Mangrai and the Le-shih (Note)." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 68 , no. 1: . cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Vickery, Michael. 1989-1990. "Loan Words and Devoicing in Khmer." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 18-19: 240-250. cite.