47 papers found searching for papers by "khin" .  Sorting results by author.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1
Alaev, Leonid Borisovich and L.V Bychikhina. 1981. "Piataia Vsemirnaia Tamil'skaia Konferentsiia." In Narody Azii i Afriki, , no. 6. cite. STATS
Aleksakhin, A.N. 1990. "Inspiratornye Glasnye V Foneticheskikh Sistemakh Shankhaiskogo I Meisian'skogo Dialektov I Ikh Foneticheskie Korrespondenty-retrofleksnye Glasnye--v Foneticheskoi Sisteme Pekinskogo Dialekta." In Aktual'nye voprosy kitaiskogo iazykoznaniia: materialy V Vsesoiuznoi konferentsii (Moskva, iiun' 1990 g.), edited by Vadim Mikhailovich Solntsev. 3-7. Izd-vo Nauka, Glav. red. vostochnoi lit-ry. cite. STATS
Aleksakhin, A.N. and K.I. Dolotin. 1990. "Opyt Akusticheskogo Analiza Raznotonal'nykh Glasnykh Pekinskogo, Shankhaiskogo, Meisian'skogo Dialektov Kitaiskogo Iazyka." In Aktual'nye voprosy kitaiskogo iazykoznaniia: materialy V Vsesoiuznoi konferentsii (Moskva, iiun' 1990 g.), edited by Vadim Mikhailovich Solntsev. 7-9. Izd-vo Nauka, Glav. red. vostochnoi lit-ry. cite. STATS
Bechert, Heinz, Daw Khin khin su and Daw Tin tin myint. 1979. "Burmese Manuscripts, Part 1." 223 pp., 5 plates. Steiner. cite. STATS
Chit, Khin Myo. 1984. "A Wonderland of Burmese Legends (Review)." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 72 , no. 1 & 2: . cite. STATS
Dy, Khing Hoc. 1976. "L'oeuvre Litteraire De Nan, Auteur Cambodgien De La Fin Du XVIIIe Et Du Debut Du XIXe Siecle." In Asie du sud-est et monde insulindien, 7 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Dy, Khing Hoc and Jacqueline Khing. 1978. "Les Recommandations De Kram Ngoy." In Mon-Khmer Studies, 7: . cite. STATS
Dy, Khing Hoc. 1979. "Note Sur Le Motif Du Cygne Mecanique Dans La Litterature Populaire Khmer." In Mon-Khmer Studies, . cite. STATS
Han, U. Thein and U Khin Zaw. 1976. "Ramayana in Burmese Literature and Arts." In Journal of the Burma Research Society, . cite. STATS
Iyer, N.E. Viswanatha. 1989. "Dakkhini Hindi and South Indian Languages." In Malayalam Literary Survey, 11 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Jones, Robert B. and U Khin. 1953. "The Burmese Writing System." 37 pp.. American Council of Learned Societies. cite. STATS
Karunaratne, Saddhamangala. 1971. "Dakkhina Vihara Slab Inscription." In Ancient Ceylon, , no. 1. cite. STATS
Khin, U and Glen San Lwin. 1956. "Burmese--English Dictionary." 689p., typescript ??. National Security Agency. cite. STATS
Win, Khin Maung. 1964. "The Burmese Language: An Epistemological Analysis." In Cross-cultural understanding: Epistomology in anthropology, edited by F. S. C. Northrup and Helen H. Livingston. 223-36. Harper and Row. cite. STATS
Aye, Khin Khin. Repetitive Forms in Burmese. Master thesis, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1965. cite. STATS
Khin, U. 1976. "Spoken Burmese, Vol. 1 (Lessons 1-35)." 653 pp.. Foreign Service Institute. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Khin Sok. 1977. "Les Chroniques Royales Khmers." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 6: 191-215. cite. STATS (1)
Sok, Khin. 1978. "Deux Inscriptions Tardives Du Phnom Bákhéng, K.465 Et K.285." In Bulletin de l'Ecôle Française d'Extrême-Orient, 65 , no. 1: 171-80. cite. STATS
Sok, Khin. 1979. "L'inscription Moderne De Ta Prom (Bati), K.39." In Mon-Khmer studies, edited by Philip N. Jenner. VIII: 77-89. University of Hawaii Press. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Khin Sok. 1979. "L’inscription Moderne De La Prom (Bati), K. 39." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 8: 77-89. cite. STATS
Sok, Khin. 1980. "L'inscription De Prah Thom Du Kulên K.715." In Bulletin de l'Ecôle Française d'Extrême-Orient, 67: 133-6. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Khing Hoc Dy. 1978. "Les Recommandations De Kram Ngoy." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 7: 141-181. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Khing Hoc Dy. 1979. "Note Sur Le Motif Du Cygne Mecanique Dans La Littérature Populaire Khmére." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 8: 91-101. cite. STATS
Klyashtorny, S.G. 1982. "The Terkhin Inscription." In Acta Orientalia, 36: . cite. STATS
Kyu, Khin Mya. 1988. "La Representation Des Marionnettes Birmanes." In Cahiers d'etudes vietnamiennes, , no. 24. cite. STATS
Liow, Woon Khin Benny. 1989. "Buddhist Temples and Association in Penang, 1845-1948." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 62 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Nyunt, Khin Maung. xxxx. "Shwe Nat Taung Pagoda and Bell Inscriptions IX, X." In Guardian, 51 , no. 1: 13-19. cite. STATS
Pryadokhin, Mikhail G. xxxx. "Kitaiskie Nedogovorki-inoskazaniya." . cite. STATS
Schmidt, Ruth Laila. xxxx. "Dakhini Urdu, History and Structure." . cite. STATS
Sok Khin. "." . cite. STATS
Sok, Khin. xxxx. "L'inscription De Prah Thom Du Kulen K 715." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, . cite. STATS
Solntseva, N.I. and O.G Ul'tsiferov. xxxx. "Khindi-russkii Slovar' Obshchestvenno-politicheskoi Leksiki." . cite. STATS
Win, Khin Maung. "." . cite. STATS
Nyunt, Khin Maung. 1996. "Historical and Cultural Development of Bagan." In Business opportunities in Myanmar, edited by Teck Meng, et al. Tan. 53-66. Nanyang Technological University; Prentice Hall. cite. STATS
Nyunt, Khin Maung. 1999. "The Inscriptions of Ratanapontha Pagoda." In In: Studies in Myanma history, vol. 1: Essays given to Than Tun on his 75th birthday, 151-156. U Kyi Win. cite. STATS
Nyunt, Khin Maung. 2002. "Myazedi and Roselta [Rosetta] Stone Inscriptions." In Guardian, 49 , no. 4: . cite. STATS
Nyunt, Khin Maung. 2003. "Shwe Nat Taung Pagoda and Bell Inscriptions." In Guardian, 50 , no. 12: . cite. STATS
Sok, Khin. 1977. "Les Chroniques Royales Et L'inscription Moderne D'Angkor Ne39." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 64: . cite. STATS (1)
Sok, Khin. 1978. "Deux Inscriptions Tardives Du Phnom Bakhen: K 465 Et K 285." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 65 , no. 1: . cite. STATS (2)
Sok, Khin. 1979. "L'inscription Moderne De Ta Prom (Bati), K.39." In Mon-Khmer Studies, . cite. STATS
Sok, Khin. 1982. "Essai D'interpretation De Formules Maqiques Des Cambodgiens." In Asie du sud-est et monde insulindien, 13: . cite. STATS
Sok, Hkin. 1985. "Quelques Documents Khmers Relatifs Aux Relations Entre Le Camboge Et L'Annan En 1843." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 74: . cite. STATS
Sok, Khin. 1986. "Quelques Reflexions Sur La Valeur Historique Des Chroniques Royales Du Cambodge." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 75: . cite. STATS
Khin Sok. 1999. "La Grammaire Du Khmer Moderne." [5], 620 p. You-Feng. cite. STATS
Khin Sok. 1999. "Précisions Sur La Catégorie Et L’emploi De Certains Mots Du Khmer Moyen." In bhāṣā cārɨk. 6. Felicitation volume, presented to Asst. Prof. Dr. Uraisri Varasarin, edited by [ Orawan Boonyarith Phayao Charoenchay Pornsawan Amaranon Aphasom Chaysaengchan ]. 5-45. Silpakorn Univ.. cite. STATS
Khin Sok. 2000. "Manuel Du Khmer = Seiyawbhau Reiyan Khmaer . Vol. I = Bhāg Dī I." 305 p. You-Feng. cite. STATS
Zevakhina, T.S. 1990. "O Dvukh Komponentakh Mashinnogo Banka Dannykh Po Semanticheskoi Tipologii Iazykov." In Aktual'nye voprosy kitaiskogo iazykoznaniia: materialy V Vsesoiuznoi konferentsii (Moskva, iiun' 1990 g.), edited by Vadim Mikhailovich Solntsev. 176-179. Izd-vo Nauka, Glav. red. vostochnoi lit-ry. cite. STATS