Results217 papers found searching for papers by "mei" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 4 Norman, Jerry, and Mei Tsu-Lin. 1976. "The Austroasiatics in Ancient South China: Some Lexical Evidence." In MS, , no. 32274-301. cite.
STATS (11)
Mei Tsu-Lin. 1970. "Tones and Prosody in Middle Chinese and the Origins of the Ris-in Tone." In Harvard journal of Asiatic studies, , no. 3086-110. cite.
Bielmeier, Roland. 1982. "Problems of Tibetan Dialectology and Language History with Special Reference To the SKyid-gron Dialect." In Zentralasiatische Studien, 16: . cite.
Huang, Lillian M. 1994. "Ergativity in Atayal." In Oceanic Linguistics, 33 , no. 1: 129--143. University of Hawai'i Press. cite.
Hodson, Thomas Callan. 1908. "The Meitheis." . David Nutt, for Government of Eastern Bengal and Assam. cite.
Li, Mei-du. xxxx. "Anaphoric Structures of Chinese = Han Yu Ti Chao Ying Yu Shan Chien." . cite.
Mei, Kuang. 1982. "Pronouns and Verb Inflection in Kanakanavu." In Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, 14 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Harbsmeier, Christoph. xxxx. "Aspects of Classical Chinese Syntax." . cite.
Lee-Wong, Song Mei. 1994. "Address Forms in Modern China: Changing Ideologies and Shifting Semantics." In Linguistics : an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences, 32 , no. 2: . cite.
Lee-Wong, Song Mei. 1994. "Imperatives in Requests : Direct or Impolite : Observations From Chinese." In Pragmatics : quarterly publication of the International Pragmatics Association, 4 , no. 4: 491-516. cite.
Mei, Lee-Wong Song. 1994. "Qing/please - a Polite or Requestive Marker? : Observations From Chinese." In Multilingua : the journal of cross-cultural and interlanguage communication, 13 , no. 4: 343-360. cite.
Huang, Lillian M. 2000. "Verb Classification in Mayrinax Atayal." In Oceanic Linguistics, 39 , no. 2: 364--390. University of Hawai'i Press. cite.
Luo Meizhen. 1983. "A Tentative View Concerning the Genetic Classification of the Kam-Thai Languages." In MZYW, 30-40. cite.
Meier, Georg F. 1978. "." In Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung, , no. 31652-3. cite.
Mei, Tsu-Lin. 1989. "The Causative and Denominative Functions of the *s- Prefix in Old Chinese." In In: International Conference on Sinology (2nd: 1986: Taipei, Taiwan) Zhong yang yan jiu yuan di 2 jie guo ji Han xue hui yi lun wen ji: Zhonghua min guo qi shi wu nian shi er yue nian jiu ri zhi sa yi ri. [2] Yu yan yu wen zi zu, 33-51. Zhong yang yan jiu yuan. cite.
Toribio, Almeida Jacqueline. 1991. "Specifier-head Agreement in Japanese." In The proceedings of the ninth west coast conference on formal linguistics. Stanford, Calif, edited by Aaron L. Halpern. 535-548. Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information. cite.
Bielmeier, Roland. 1983. "Zum Alter Eines Lautwandels Im Ladakhi." In Documenta Barbarorum. Festschrift fur Walther Heissig zum 70. Geburtstag, edited by Klaus Sagaster and Michael Weiers. 17-21. Harrassowitz. cite.
Kemmelmeier, Markus and Brenda Yan-Ming Cheng. 2004. "Language and Self-construal Priming: a Replication and Extension in a Hong Kong Sample." In Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 35 , no. 6: . cite.
Shahar, Meir. 2000. "Epigraphy, Buddhist Historiography, and Fighting Monks: the Case of the Shaolin Monastery." In Asia Major, 13 , no. 2: . cite.
Meier, Franz Joseph. 1976. "Revue Bibliographique De Sinologie 2-10, Paris 1959-1973." In Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 71 , no. 6: . cite.
Mei, Tsu-lin. 1978. "The Etymology of the Aspect Marker Tsi in the Wu Dialect." In Computational Analyses of Asian & African Languages = Ajia Afurikago no keisu kenkyu, , no. 9. cite.
Lameiras-Campagnolo, Maria-Olimpia and Henri Campagnolo. 1979. "Rythmes Et Genres Dans La Litterature Orale Des Fataluku De Lorehe (Timor Oriental)." In Asie du sud-est et monde insulindien, 10 , no. 2-4: . cite.
Hwang, Mei-shu. 1985. "Problems and Possibilities in Translating Proverbs and Allusions." In Tamkang Review, 16 , no. 2: . cite.
Cabaud, Marie-Christine. 1987. "Meitsa, Cousine Nepalaise De Cendrillon-Medwe?" In Cahiers d'etudes vietnamiennes, , no. 21. cite.
Kurita, Kyoko. 2000. "Meiji Japan's Y23 Crisis and the Discovery of the Future: Suehiro Tetcho's Nijusan-nen Mirai-ki." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 60 , no. 1: . cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Bielmeier, Roland. 2000. "Syntactic, Semantic, and Pragmatic-epistemic Functions of Auxiliaries in Western Tibetan." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 23 , no. 2: 79-125. cite.
Chang, Jimei, Daisy L Hung and Ovid J.L. Tzeng. 1992. "Miscue Analysis of Chinese Children's Reading Behavior At the Entry Level." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 20 , no. 1: . cite.
Harbsmeier, Christoph. 1999. "Authorial Presence in Some Pre-Buddhist Chinese Texts." In De l'un au multiple: traduction du chinois vers les langues europeennes = Translations from Chinese into European languages, edited by Viviane Alleton and Michael Lackner. 219-254. Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme. cite.
Luo, Meizhen. 1991. "Linguistics and Writing Systems." In South East Asian Review, 16 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Ramei, Takashi. 1978. "Covering and Covered Forms of Women's Language in Japanese--with Special Reference To the Ornamental Prefix O-." In Hitotsubashi Journal of Arts and Sciences, 19 , no. 1: . cite.
Harbsmeier, Christoph. 1990. "Some Desultory Speculations On Non-restrictive Modification of Nouns and Parentheses in Latin and Pre-Han Chinese." In The master said, to study and--: to Soren Egerod on the occasion of his sixty-seventh birthday, edited by Birthe Arendrup et al.. 107-116. East Asian Institute, University of Copenhagen. cite.
Choy, Rita Mei-wah. xxxx. "Understanding Chinese: a Guide To the Usage of Chinese Characters, with Cantonese and Mandarin Pronunciation, Yale and Pinyin Romanization." . cite.
Shahar, Meir. 2001. "Ming-period Evidence of Shaolin Martial Practice." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 61 , no. 2: . cite.
Choy, Rita Mei-Wah. xxxx. "Read and Write Chinese: a Simplified Guide To the Chinese Characters: with Cantonese and Mandarin Pronunciation, Yale and Pinyin Romanizations." . cite.
Meid, W. 1989. "The Indo-European Lexicon and Its Usage As a Problem in Reconstruction." In Hanjamana, edited by Subhadra Kumar Sen. 15-23. Calcutta University. cite.
Ueda, Masanobu and Takasi Ramei. 1978. "Relational Grammar and Passivization in Japanese." In Descriptive and Applied Linguistics, . cite.
Meid, Wolfgang. 1990. "Reconstructing Indo-European: a Methodological Approach." In Essays on Indo-European linguistics: proceedings of the Seminar on Indo-European Linguistics held on 1-2 February 1986, edited by Satya Ranjan Banerjee. 5-22. Asiatic Society. cite.
Lam, Jacqueline Kam-mei. 1994. "The Thinking-aloud Protocol in the Investigation of the Translation Process." In Meeting points in language studies: a festschrift for Ma Tailai, edited by Gregory James. 118-128. Language Centre, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology; Jilin, China: Division of Foreign Languages, Jilin University of Techonology. cite.
Chi, Marilyn Mei-Ying. 1999. "Linguistic Perspective On the Education of Chinese-American Students." In Asian-American education: prospects and challenges. Westport, Conn, edited by Clara C. Park and Marilyn Mei-Ying Chi. 18-46. Bergin and Garvey. cite.
Widmer, Urs. xxxx. "Suomei Und Ihr Netz: Eine Bearbeitung Als Begleitheft Beigefugten Bildegeschichte 'Yingzi Sashuang' (Shanghai 1976) Als Lekture Fur Den Chinesischen Sprachunterricht." . cite.
Mei, Tsu-Lin. 1991. "Tone Sandhi and Morphological Relevance." In Languages and dialects of China. Berkeley, Calif, edited by William S.-Y. Wang. 456-473. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. cite.
Meisterernst, Barbara. 2006. "Negation and the Causative Verb Shi in Han Period Chinese." In Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 69 , no. 3: 433-455. cite.
Dong, Yunmei. 1989. "Written Chinese Reform and Chinese Information Processing." In Text processing Chinese by computer: characters, speech and language. Washington, D.C, edited by Wesley A. Clark. 80-87. Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China, National Academy of Sciences. cite.
Harbsmeier, Christoph. 2004. "The Semantics of Qing in Pre-Buddhist Chinese [distinguishes Seven Basic Meanings of the Term Qing: Factual, Metaphysical, Political, Anthropological, Psychological, Personal and Emotional]." In Love and emotions in traditional Chinese literature. Leiden, The Netherlands; Boston, Mass, edited by Halvor Eifring. 69-148. Brill. cite.
Chelliah, Shobhana L. 2003. "Meithei." In The Sino-Tibetan languages, edited by Graham Thurgood and Randy J. Lapolla. 427-438. Routledge. cite.
Hwang, Mei-Yuh. 2007. "Acoustic Modeling For Mandarin Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition." In In: Lee, Chin-Hui, et al. Advances in Chinese spoken language processing. Singapore; Hackensack, N.J, 153-177. World Scientific. cite.
Kamei, Takashi. 1975. "How Did the Sparrow Twitter in Ancient Japanese?" In Hitotsubashi Journal of Arts and Sciences, 16 , no. 1: . cite.
Luo, Meizhen. 1992. "A Discussion of the Genetic Classification of the Kam-Tai Languages: a Reply To Benedict." In Papers on Tai languages, linguistics, and literatures: in honor of William J. Gedney on his 77th birthday. De Kalb, Ill, edited by Carol J. Compton and John F. Hartmann. 44-51. Northern Illinois University Center for Southeast Asian Studies. cite.
Jiang, Wenyu, Chang-Liao I and Fang-Mei Chiang. 2006. "The Prosodic Realization of Negation in Saisiyat and English." In Oceanic Linguistics, 45 , no. 1: . cite.
Zhang, Meisuo. 2000. "Cohesive Features in the Expository Writing of Undergraduates in Two Chinese Universities." In RELC Journal, 31 , no. 1: . cite.
Copeland, Rebecca L. 1997. "The Meiji Woman Writer "amidst a Forest of Beards"." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 57 , no. 2: . cite.
Kepner, Susan Fulop. 2002. "Mein Gott, Miss Siripan [learning Thai]." In In: O'Reilly, James; Habegger, Larry, comps. Travelers' tales, Thailand: true stories, 211-218. Traverlers' Tales. cite.
Almeida, Matthew. 1988. "Angelo Maffei and the Konkani Language." In Indica, 25 , no. 2: . cite.
Huish, David J. 1972. "The Meirokusha: Some Grounds For Reassessment." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 32: . cite.
Harbsmeier, Christoph. 1989. "The Classical Chinese Modal Particle Yi." In In: International Conference on Sinology (2nd: 1986: Taipei, Taiwan) Zhong yang yan jiu yuan di 2 jie guo ji Han xue hui yi lun wen ji: Zhonghua min guo qi shi wu nian shi er yue nian jiu ri zhi sa yi ri. [2] Yu yan yu wen zi zu, 471-503. Zhong yang yan jiu yuan. cite.
Harbsmeier, Christoph. 2001. "May Fourth Linguistic Orthodoxy and Rhetoric: Some Informal Comparative Notes." In New terms for new ideas: Western knowledge and lexical change in late imperial China. Leiden; Boston, Mass, edited by Michael Lackner et al.. 373-410. Brill. cite.
Liu, Mei-Chun and Chu-Ren Huang. 1995. "The Syntax and Pragmatics of Anaphora By Yan Huang [review Article]." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 23 , no. 2: . cite.
Harbsmeier, Christoph. 1990. "Confucius Ridens: Humor in the Analects." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 50 , no. 1: . cite.
Meisezahl, R.O. 1977. "Zu De Jong's "Notes a Propos Des Colophones Du Kanjur"." In Zentralasiatische Studien, 11: . cite.
Lin, Mei-rong. 1981. "Morphological Expansion and Semantic Extension in Chinese Kin Terms." In Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica = Chung yang yen chiu yuan. Min tsu hsueh yen chiu so, , no. 52. cite.
Liu, Meiru. 2004. "Designing a Functional Chinese Curriculum For a Graduate International Business Program [at Portland State University]." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 39 , no. 1: . cite.
Meister, Michael W. xxxx. "The Visual in South Asian Culture." In Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bombay, 66-72. cite.
Chen, Fu-mei Chang. 1970. "On Analogy in Ch'ing Law." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 30: . cite.
Kao, Yu-kung and Tsu-lin Mei. 1978. "Meaning, Metaphor, and Allusion in T'ang Poetry." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 38 , no. 2: . cite.
Harbsmeier, Christoph. xxxx. "Where Do Classical Chinese Nouns Come From?" In Early China, 77-163. cite.
Ho, Chuimei. 1995. "Chinese Temples in Bangkok." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 83 , no. 1&2: . cite.
Liu, Ellen Meihua. 2006. "Reticence in Oral English Classrooms: Causes and Consequences [mainland Chinese EFL (English As a Foreign Language) Classrooms]." In Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 16: . cite.
Luo, Meizhen. 1993. "The Influence of the Pali Language Upon the Tai Spoken and Written Languages." In South East Asian Review, 18 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Liu, Shu-Mei. 1995. "Preferred Clause Structure in Mandarin Spoken and Written Discourse." In Language, information and computation: proceedings of the 10th Pacific Asia Conference, 27-28 December 1995, Hong Kong, edited by Benjamin K. T'sou and Tom B.Y. Lai. 231-235. Language Information Sciences Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong. cite.
Chiang, Wen-yu and Fang-Mei Chiang. 2005. "Saisiyat As a Pitch Accent Language: Evidence From Acoustic Study of Words." In Oceanic Linguistics, 44 , no. 2: . cite.
Mair, Victor H. and Zulin Mei. 1991. "The Sanskrit Origins of Recent Style Prosody." In Harvard journal of Asiatic studies, 51 , no. 2: 375-470. cite.
Mei Tsu-Lin. 1979. "Sino-Tibetan Year, Month, Foot, and Vulva." In THJCS, 117-32. cite.
Furukawa, Hisao. 1994. "Meiji Japan's Encounter with Modernization." In Southeast Asian Studies = Tonan Ajia kenkyu, 32 , no. 3: . cite.
Meisig, Konrad. 1999. "Carter and Courtesan--the Ox and the Tigress: Humour in Phanishwarnath Renu's Hindi Story." In Of clowns and gods, Brahmans and babus: humour in South Asian literatures, edited by Christina Oesterheld and Claus Peter Zoller. 50-62. Manohar. cite.
Liu, Mei-chun. 1997. "From Motion Verb To Linking Element : Discourse Explanations For the Grammaticalization of Jiu in Mandarin Chinese." In Journal of Chinese linguistics, 25 , no. 2: 258-289. cite.
Lin, Angel Mei-yi and Nobuhiko Akamatsu. 1997. "The Learnability and Psychological Processing of Reading in Chinese and Reading in English." In Cognitive processing of Chinese and related Asian languages. Shatin, N.T, edited by Hsuan-Chih Chen. 369-387. Chinese University Press. cite.
Sparling, Kathryn. 1982. "Meian: Another Reading." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 42 , no. 1: . cite.
Meisterernst, Barbara. 2005. "Some Remarks On the Syntax and Semantics of the So-called Aspectual Markers Ji and Yi in Han Period Chinese." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 33 , no. 1: . cite.
Almeida, Matthew. xxxx. "A Description of Konkani." . cite.
Li, Dejin and Meizhen Cheng. xxxx. "A Practical Chinese Grammar For Foreigners." . cite.
Wu, Sue-mei. 1998. "Designing a Chinese Newspaper Reading Course." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 33 , no. 3: . cite.
Liu, Meichun. 2005. "Lexical Information and Beyond: Meaning Coercion and Constructional Inference of the Mandarin Verb Gan." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 33 , no. 2: . cite.
Bielmeir, Roland. 1988. "A Preliminary Survey of the Dialect of Mustang." In Journal of the Nepal Research Centre, 8: . cite.
Mei, Tsu-lin. 1979. "The Etymology of the Aspect Marker Tsi in the Wu Dialect." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 7 , no. 1: . cite.
Bielmeier, Roland. 1988. "On Tone in Tibetan." In Tibetan studies: proceedings of the 4th seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Schloss Hohenkammer, Munich 1985, edited by Helga Uebach and Jampa Losang Panglung. 43-54. cite.
Kornicki, P.F. 1982. "The Enmeiin Affair of 1803: the Spread of Information in the Tokugawa Period." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 42 , no. 2: . cite.
Kamei, Takashi. 1977. "An Experimental Study of Syntactic Comprehension in Japanese Aphasia." In Descriptive and Applied Linguistics, 10: . cite.
Mei, Tsu-lin. 1977. "Tones and Tone Sandhi in 16th Century Mandarin." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 5 , no. 2: . cite.
Chang, Mei-chih Laura. 1992. "The Representation of Tone and the Parametric Variations of Tonal Systems [includes Chinese]." In Proceedings of the eighteenth annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 14-17, 1992: special session on the typology of tone languages. Berkeley, Calif, edited by Laura A., et al. Buszard-welcher. 41-53. Berkeley Linguistics Society. cite.
Taube, Erika. 1980. "Gemeinsamkeiten Zentralasiatischer Nomadenlieder." In Acta Orientalia, . cite.
Harbsmeier, Christopher. 1999. "Chinese Rhetoric." In T'oung Pao, 85: 114-126(13). cite.
Meisterernst, Barbara. 2001. "The Position of Interrogatives in Han-time Texts." In Collected essays in ancient Chinese grammar, edited by Redouane Djamouri. 265-287. Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. cite.
Meier, G.F. 1981. "Der Syntagmen Nomen Plus Funktionsverb in Indoarischen Sprachen." In Sudasiatische sprachwissenschaftliche Studien. Berlin: Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, 1981. v.l- , edited by M., W. Morgenroth, Andronov and E. Richter. 127-143. cite.
Yeh, Marie Meili. 2000. "The Syntax and Semantics of Saisiyat Negators." In Grammatical analysis : morphology, syntax, and semantics : studies in honor of Stanley Starosta, edited by Videa P. de Guzman and Byron W. Bender. 258-273. Univ. of Hawai’i Press. cite.
Farris, Catherine S. 1985. "A Semeiotic Analysis of Sajiao As a Gender Marked Communication Style in Chinese." In In: Unbound Taiwan, closeups from a distance: select papers from the International Symposium on Taiwan Studies, 1985-1989, 9-29. Center for East Asian Studies, University of Chicago. cite.
Shahar, Meir. 1992. "The Lingyin Si Monkey Disciples and the Origins of Sun Wukong." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 52 , no. 1: . cite.
Hao, Mei, Meihua Liu and Ruoping Hao. 2004. "An Empirical Study On Anxiety and Motivation in English As a Foreign Language [Students of Science At a University in China]." In Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 14: . cite.
Liu, Mei-Chun. 2003. "Motion, Direction and Spatial Configuration: a Lexical Semantic Study of 'hang' Verbs in Mandarin." In Motion, direction and location in languages in honor of Zygmunt Frajzyngier. Amsterdam; Philadelphia, Pa, edited by Erin Shay and Uwe Seibert. 177-187. John Benjamins. cite.
Scholfield, Phil and Gloria Shu-Mei Chwo. 2005. "Are the L1 and L2 Word Reading Processes Affected More By Writing System or Instruction? [studies the Ways School Children in Hong Kong and Taiwan Read Words For Meaning in Chinese and English]." In Second language writing systems. Clevedon, England; Buffalo, N.Y, edited by Vivian Cook and Benedetta Bassetti. 215-237. Multilingual Matters. cite.
Mei, Tsu-lin. 1981. "A Common Etymon For Chih and Ch'i and Related Problems in Old Chinese Phonology." In In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sinology: section on linguistics and paleography, 185-211. Chung Yang Yen Chiu Yuan. cite.
Meier, Georg F. 1973. "Das Nationalsprachenproblem in Nepal." In Zeitschrift fur Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung, 26 , no. 5: . cite.
Meier, Georg F. 1983. "Some Questions About Nepalese Lexemes (lexical Items)." In Indian Journal of Linguistics, 10: . cite.
Meisterernst, Barbara. 2003. "The Syntax of Duration Phrases in Han Period Chinese." In Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 56 , no. 2-4: 117-136. cite.
Mei, Kuang. 1980. "Is Modern Chinese Really a SOV Language?" In Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, , no. 7. cite.
Tsai, Mei-chih. 1993. "L’opposition Entre V- Qilai Et V- De Et Les Adjectifs Prédicatifs." In Cahiers de linguistique Asie Orientale, 22 , no. 2: 199-215. cite.
Meisterernst, Barbara. 2002. "A Propos DeGassmann Robert Antikchinesisch in Funf Element(ar)gangen. Eine Propadeutische Einfuhrung. Bd. 15/1. Antikchinesische Texte. Materialien Fur Den Hochschulunterricht. Bd. 15/2. Grundstrukturen Der Antikchinesischen Syntax. Eine Erklarende Grammatik. Bd. 26 [review Article]." In Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 31 , no. 2: . cite.
Meisterernst, Barbara. 2004. "Temporal Phrases in the Shiji: Adverbials Indicating a Point of Time." In Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 33 , no. 2: . cite.
Cheng, Mei and Bingbing Li. 1997. "Cultural Transplantation and Transformation : Metaphor Translation of A Dream of Red Mansions." In Perspectives : studies in translatology, 5 , no. 2: 227-236. cite.
Fang, Meili. 2002. ""Location Nouns" and "motion Verbs" : a Comparative Study of Chinese and Japanese." In Nihongo Kagaku (Kokuritsu Kokugo Kenkyûjo), 11: 55-78. cite.
Guo, Taomei, Danling Peng and Ying Liu. 2005. "The Role of Phonological Activation in the Visual Semantic Retrieval of Chinese Characters." In Cognition : international journal of cognitive science, 98 , no. 2: B21-B34. cite.
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Harbsmeier, Christoph. 1991. "The Scope of Final Particle Erh Z in Lun Yü and Meng Tzu." In Rocznik Orientalistyczny, 47 , no. 2: 69-75. cite.
Hu, Chinmei. "On Mongolian-Chinese Bilingual Education." . cite.
Lee-Wong, Song Mei. 1998. "Face Support - Chinese Particles As Mitigators : a Study of Ba a / Ya and Ne." In Pragmatics : quarterly publication of the International Pragmatics Association, 8 , no. 3: 387-404. cite.
Lee-Wong, Song Mei. 1996. "Request Strategies Across Societal Structures in Southeast Asia." In Pan-Asiatic linguistics : proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Languages and Linguistics, January 8-10, 1996 , 1; 2 . Language description , 3 . Language comparison , 4 . Language and related sciences , 5 . Keynote addresses, language description , [6] . Abstracts , [7] . Program, edited by Suwilai Premsrirat Iam Thongdee [et Al.]. Bangkok, 4: 1251-1273. Mahidol Univ., Inst. of Language and Culture for Rural Development. cite.
Lee-Wong, Song Mei. 1997. "Undoing Some Effects of the Cultural Revolution : Chinese Address Forms." In Undoing and redoing corpus planning, 95-115. Mouton de Gruyter. cite.
Lin, Angel Mei Yi. 1997. "Analyzing the "language Problem" Discourses in Hong Kong : How Official, Academic, and Media Discourses Construct and Perpetuate Dominant Models of Language, Learning, and Education." In Journal of pragmatics : an interdisciplinary monthly of language studies, 28 , no. 4: 427-440. cite.
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Arnaud, Véronique, Henri Campagnolo, Maria-Olímpia Lameiras-campagnolo, Josiane Cauquelin, Jeanne Ivanoff, Jeannine Koubi, Ghislaine Loyre, T. Llamson, Alain Martenot, Christian Pelras, Antoon Postma, Jean-Paul G. Potet, Brigitte Renard-clamagirand and Nicole Revel. 1997. "Thematic Multilingual Lexicon of Thirty Six Languages." xxvi, 129; 904 p. L’Harmattan Paris : Laboratoire du Sud-Est et Monde Austronésien, Centre national de la Recherche Scientifique. cite.
Djiwatampu, Meithy. 1997. "The Role of the Working Memory in Reading." In Pertemuan Linguistik Lembaga Bahasa Atma Jaya: kesepuluh : bahasa anak, psikolinguistik, sintaksis, wacana, penerjemahan, dan pengajaran bahasa Inggeris, edited by 22-23 Aug. 1996 ) Penyunting bambang kaswanti (transl: the 10th meeting of the atma jaya language institute. 76-107. Kanisius. cite.
Yeh, Marie Meili. 2006. "The Grammaticalization of 'am in Saisiyat." In Bai chuan hui hai : Rengui Li xiansheng qizhi shouqing lunwenji = Streams converging into an ocean : Festschrift in honor of Professor Paul Jen-kuei Li on his 70th birthday, edited by Henry Y. Chang Meijin Huang Da'an He bian ji =Henry Y. Chang et al.. 393-413. Acad. Sinica. Inst. of Linguistics. cite.
Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2000. "Concerning Ka-, An Overlooked Marker of Verbal Derivation in Formosan Languages." In Oceanic Linguistics, 39 , no. 2: 391--414. University of Hawai'i Press. cite.
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