Results101 papers found searching for papers by "yuan" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1 Zhang, Yuansheng and Xingyun Wei. 1997. "Regional Variants and Vernaculars in Zhuang." In Comparative Kadai : the Tai branch, edited by Jerold A. Edmondson David B. Solnit Eds.. 77-96. Summer Inst. of Ling. Dallas, TX : Univ. of Texas at Arlington. cite.
Pan Yuanen (P'an Yüan-En). 1972. "Four-syllable Coordinative Constructions in the Miao Language of Eastern Kweichow." In MYLS:211-34. (Eng. transl. of above), . cite.
Yuan Jiahua (Yüan Chia-Hua). 1947. "Er-shan Wo-ni Yu Chu-tan." In Tientsin, Publ. of the Frontier People's Culture Department, vol. 4., . cite.
Yuan Jiahua (Yüan Chia-Hua). 1953. "A-hsi Min-tsu-ko Chi Ch'i Yu-yen." In Peking, Chinese Scientific Institute, Linguistics research department., . cite.
Meserve, Ruth I. 1990. "The Yuan Shih and Middle Mongolian." In Mongolian Studies, 13: . cite.
Lyu, Ren-yuan. 2007. "Taiwanese Min-nan Speech Recognition and Synthesis." In In: Lee, Chin-Hui, et al. Advances in Chinese spoken language processing. Singapore; Hackensack, N.J, 387-406. World Scientific. cite.
Chang, Kuang-yuan. 1996. "A New Study of Ancient Chinese Calligraphy: Shang Dynasty Bronze Inscriptions As Standard Script and Oracle Bone Inscriptions As Simplified Script." In Arts of the Sung and Yuan: papers prepraed for an international symposium organized by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in conjunction with the exhibition Splendors of Imperial China: Treasures from the National Palace Museum, Taipei, edited by Maxwell K. Hearn and Judith G. Smith. 15-21. Metropolitan Museum of Art. cite.
Zhuang, Yuansheng and Xingyun Wei. 1997. "Regional Variants and Vernaculars in Zhuang." In Comparative Kadai: the Tai branch, edited by Jerold A. Edmondson and David B. Solnit. 77-96. Summer Institute of Linguistics. cite.
Chen, Yuan and Katia Chirkova. 2004. "Lexicon and Metaphysics [influence of Social Upheavels, Especially the Cultural Revolution, On the Modern Chinese Lexicon]." In Contemporary Chinese Thought, 35 , no. 3: . cite.
Huang, Taiyi and Yuanfu Jiang. 1994. "Language Processing For Chinese Speech Recognition." In In: ISSIPNN '94: 1994 International Symposium on Speech, Image Processing and Neutral Networks: proceedings vol.1, 151-154. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. cite.
Hu, Li-ren, Chang Yuan-wei and Jack Kai-tung Huang. 1978. "The Digitalized Chinese Dictionary: "three Corner Coding Method"." In Ming Chuan Journal = Ming-Ch'uan hsueh pao, . cite.
Yuan, Jie. xxxx. "Funktionsverbgefuge Im Heutigen Deutsch: Eine Analyse Und Kontrastierung Mit Ihren Chinesischen Entsprechungen." . cite.
Hightower, James R. 1973. "Yuan Chen and The Story of Ying-ying." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 33: . cite.
Yuan, Kele. 1994. "Suggestions For the Compilation of a Comprehensive English-Chinese Learner's Dictionary." In Entering text, edited by Lynne Flowerdew and Anthony K.K. Tong. 281-293. Language Centre, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Guangzhou: Department of English, Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages. cite.
Yuan, Yulin. 1997. "Theoretical Reflections On Cognitive Linguistics." In Social Sciences in China, 18 , no. 4: . cite.
Yuan, Yulin. 1995. "Linguistic Hypotheses Concerning Natural Language Understanding; Rev. By Yang Zhi and Tao Busi." In Social Sciences in China, 16 , no. 4: . cite.
Hu, Li-jen, Chang Yuan-wei and Jack Kai-tung Huang. xxxx. "The Digitalized Chinese Dictionary, "three Corner Coding Method": For 1. Chinese Computer Input Method, 2. Chinese Character Learning Method." . cite.
Chen, Yuan and Wu Jingrong. xxxx. "A Chinese-English Dictionary." . cite.
Du, Ruofu, Yida Yuan and Wang Zizhen. 1995. "The Evolution of Chinese Surnames and Surname Frequency in Different Dialect Zones; Rev. By Yang Zhi and Yang Dawu." In Social Sciences in China, 16 , no. 2: . cite.
Lu, Dan, Yili Li and Yue Yuan Huang. 2004. "Unpacking Learner Factors in L2 Learning: a Comparative Study of Students From Hong Kong and Mainland China." In Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 14: . cite.
Chang, Kuang-yuan and John Marney. xxxx. "The Stone Drums and the Glory of Ch'in Culture: the Successor of the Culture of Western Chou." In National Palace Museum Bulletin, 13 , no. 3: 1-17. cite.
Chen, Yuan and David F. Marshall. xxxx. "*Sociolinguistics in the People's Republic of China." . cite.
Yuan, Jia-hua. 1981. "English Words of Chinese Origin." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 9 , no. 2: . cite.
Tsai, Ching-yuan. 1990. "Question Words As Quantifiers in Chinese." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 18 , no. 1: . cite.
Brokaw, Cynthia. 1987. "Yuan Huang (1533-1606) and the Ledgers of Merit and Demerit." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 47 , no. 1: . cite.
Chang, Kuang-yuan. 1981. "A Study of the Kang-hou Gui." In Oriental Art, 27 , no. 3: . cite.
Ji, Fengyuan. 2004. "Language and Violence During the Chinese Cultural Revolution." In American Journal of Chinese Studies, 11 , no. 2: . cite.
Zheng, Yuan-Cheng and Bao-Zong Yuan. 1988. "Knowledge-based Chinese Speech Recognition." 556-557. In: International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages (. cite.
He, Yuanjian. 2004. "Mapping Culturally Indigenous Concepts in the Translation Process: a Cognitive Perspective." In Fan yi xue bao = Journal of Translation Studies, , no. 9. cite.
Yuan, Yan. 2002. "An Interpretation of Religious Influences of the Dai Nationality On the Atsang Language and Culture: a Case Study." In Inter-ethnic relations in the making of mainland Southeast Asia and southwestern China, edited by Yukio Hayashi and Aroonrut Wichienkeeo. 231-258. Center for Ethnic Studies, Rajabhat Institute; Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. cite.
Huang, Yuanwei. 1997. "The Interaction Between Zhuang and the Yue (Cantonese) Dialects." In Comparative Kadai : the Tai branch, edited by Jerold A. Edmondson David B. Solnit Eds.. 57-76. Summer Inst. of Ling. Dallas, TX : Univ. of Texas at Arlington. cite.
Huang, Yihua, Xulong Wang and Chunfeng Yuan. 1992. "An Algorithm For Font Scaling and Generating From a Kind of Curve-contoured Chinese Character Fonts." In Intelligent systems for processing oriental languages: proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, December 15-18, 1992, edited by Julius T. Tou and Joseph J. Liang. 191-196. Chinese Language Computer Society. cite.
Yuan, Fangyuan and Maiheng Shen Dietrich. 2004. "Formal Instruction, Grammatical Teachability, and Acquisition of Chinese As a Second / Foreign Language." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 39 , no. 2: . cite.
Chen, Yuan and Katia Chirkova. 2004. "An Analysis of the Greatest Amount of Information and the Most Effective Language Communication Based On Several Examples From Modern Chinese: Notes of a Sociolinguist." In Contemporary Chinese Thought, 35 , no. 3: . cite.
Mowry, Hua-yuan Li. 1979. "Pattern 13.3a of BEGINNING CHINESE." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 14 , no. 1: . cite.
Schmidt, J.D. 1999. "Yuan Mei (1716-1797) and Qing-dynasty Narrative Verse." In Journal of Oriental Studies, 37 , no. 1: . cite.
Yuan, Boping. 1997. "Asymmetry of Null Subjects and Null Objects in Chinese Speakers' L2 English." In Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 19 , no. 4: . cite.
He, Yuanjian. 2007. "A Fresh Cognitive Perspective To Horizontal Translation [includes Chinese]." In Journal of Translation Studies, 10 , no. 1: . cite.
He, Yuanjian. 2002. "Source-text Acting As Stimuli: a Text-processing Account For Translational Contrasts [Chinese-English]." In Fan yi xue bao = Journal of Translation Studies, , no. 7. cite.
Yuan, Yulin. 1994. "On the Valence of Nouns in Mandarin; Rev. By Yang Zhi and Yang Dawu." In Social Sciences in China, 15 , no. 3: . cite.
Yuan, Boping. 1998. "Interpretation of Binding and Orientation of the Chinese Reflexive Ziji By English and Japanese Speakers." In Second Language Research, 14 , no. 4: . cite.
Chen, Yuan and Katia Chirkova. 2004. "Explaining the Word Da (big): On Dictionary Compilation, Lexicography, and Certain Problems in Sociolinguistics." In Contemporary Chinese Thought, 35 , no. 3: . cite.
Kong, Yuan Zhi. 1987. "A Study of Chinese Loanwords (from South Fujian Dialects) in the Malay and Indonesian Languages." In Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 143: . cite.
Yuan, Jie. 1986. "Die Demonstrativpronomina Zheli-'hier' Und Nali-'dort' Als Lokale Deiktika Im Modernen Chinesisch." In In: Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung, 229-246. Studienverlag Dr. Norbert Brockmeyer. cite.
Chen, Yuan. 1990. "Thoughts On Sociolinguistic Studies in China." In Sociolinguistics in the People's Republic of China, edited by Yuan Chen and David F. Marshall. 15-19. Mouton de Gruyter. cite.
Ptak, Roderich. 1993. "Yuan and Early Ming Notices On the Kayal Area in South India." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 80: . cite.
Tsai, Ching-yuan. 1993. "Frozen Rhetorical Questions." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 28 , no. 1: . cite.
He, Yuanjian. 2006. "Some Observations On Dialectal Lexis Interference in Putonghua : with a Specific Reference To Question Words and Interrogative Particles in Wh -questions of Chengdu Putonghua." In Journal of Asian Pacific communication, 16 , no. 2: 279-298. cite.
Yuan, Fangyuan. 2006. "Case Study Approach, Task-based Language Teaching and a Framework For Business Chinese Instruction." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 41 , no. 1: . cite.
Yang, Daoyuan. 1992. "The Theory and Practice About the Intelligent Conversion System [internal Code Structures of Chinese Characters]." In Intelligent systems for processing oriental languages: proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, December 15-18, 1992, edited by Julius T. Tou and Joseph J. Liang. 216-220. Chinese Language Computer Society. cite.
Yuan, Jia Hua. 1982. "An Anglo-Chinese Glossary." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 10 , no. 1: . cite.
Yuan, Haiwang. 2005. "Curses and Maledicta." In Encyclopedia of contemporary Chinese culture, edited by Edward L. Davis. 127. Routledge. cite.
Chao, Yuan Ren. 1973. "Chinese As a Symbolic System." edited by Richard B. Mather. 1-9. Papers of the C.I.C. Far Eastern l.anguage Institute. Vol. IV. Ann Arbor, Committee on Institutional Cooperation. cite.
Chang, Kuang-yuan. xxxx. "The Mao Kung Ting: a Major Bronze Vessel of the Western Chou Period--rebuttal of Dr. Noel Barnard's Theories." In Monumenta Serica, 446-474. cite.
Chen, Yuan and Katia Chirkova. 2004. "The Chinese Language (Mandarin) in the Twenty-first Century [China, Hong Kong, Taiwan]." In Contemporary Chinese Thought, 35 , no. 3: . cite.
Luo, Ting and Bao-Zhong Yuan. 1988. "Experimental Results of Chinese Speech Analysis-synthesis Based On Arma Model." 518-521. In: International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages (. cite.
Ji, Feng Yuan, Koenraad Kuiper and Shaogu Shu. 1990. "Language and Revolution: Formulae of the Cultural Revolution." In Language in Society, 19 , no. 1: . cite.
He, Yuanjian. 1999. "Translating: Towards a Principle-and-parameter Theory." In Fan yi xue bao = Journal of Translation Studies, , no. 3. cite.
Kara, G. 1990. "Zhiyuan Yiyu. Index Alphabetique Des Mots Mongols." In Acta Orientalia, 54 , no. 3*: . cite.
Du, Ruofu, Yida Yuan, Juliana Hwang, Joanna Mountain and L. Luca Cavalli-sforza. 1992. "Chinese Surnames and the Genetic Differences Between North and South China." 93 p. Project on Linguistic Analysis, Univ. of California. cite.
Han, Yuan. The Language of Newspaper Advertising in Chinese. PhD thesis, Ohio State Univ, 1991. cite.
Huang, Yue Yuan and Allan K. K. Chan. 2005. "The Role of Language and Culture in Marketing Communication : a Study of Chinese Brand Names." In Journal of Asian Pacific communication, 15 , no. 2: 257-285. cite.
Huang, Yue Yuan. Verbal Compounding and Chinese Phrase Structure. PhD thesis, State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook, 1991. cite.
Kawasumi, Tetsuya. 2003. "Yuan Dynasty "Quasi-Mongolian Chinese" and Modern Qinghai, Gansu Dialect." In Kyoto daigaku gengogaku kenkyō, 22: 301-324. cite.
Kong, Yuan Zhi. 1997. "Chinese Loans in Malay From the South Fujian Dialect." In Dewan Bahasa, 41 , no. 9: 800-805. cite.
Tsai, Ching-yuan Kenneth. Studies On Interrogatives in Chinese. PhD thesis, Univ. of Hawaii, 1990. cite.
Yuan, Boping. 1999. "Acquiring the Unaccusative/unergative Distinction in a Second Language : Evidence From English-speaking Learners of L2 Chinese." In Linguistics : an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences, 37 , no. 2: 275-296. cite.
Yuan, Boping. 1995. "Acquisition of Base-generated Topics By English-speaking Learners of Chinese." In Language learning : a journal of research in language studies, 45 , no. 4: 567-603. cite.
Yuan, Boping. "How Are Lexical-semantic Differences Represented in L2 Syntax? : a Study of the Unaccusative/unergative Distinction in L2 Chinese." . cite.
Yuan, Boping. 2004. "Negation in French-Chinese, German-Chinese and English-Chinese Interlanguages." In Transactions of the Philological Society, 102 , no. 2: 169-197. cite.
Yuan, Yi. 2001. "An Inquiry Into Empirical Pragmatics Data-gathering Methods : Written DCTs, Oral DCTs, Field Notes, and Natural Conversations." In Journal of pragmatics : an interdisciplinary monthly of language studies, 33 , no. 2: 271-292. cite.
Zhu, Hua, Wei Li and Yuan Qian. 2000. "The Sequential Organisation of Gift Offering and Acceptance in Chinese." In Journal of pragmatics : an interdisciplinary monthly of language studies, 32 , no. 1: 81-103. cite.
Kong, Yuan Zhi. 1993. "Kata Pinjaman Bahasa Cina Dalam Bahasa Melayu." In Dewan Bahasa, 37 , no. 8: 616-702;. cite.
Dengyuan, Guo. 1978. "Guan Yu Zang Wen Tong Su Hua De Ju Zhong Qing Xiang (zang Wen)." In Qinghai min zu xue yuan xue bao, 1978 , no. 1-2: 89ff.. cite.
Hanks, Lucien M. 1983. "The Yuan or Northern Thai." In Highlanders of Thailand, edited by John Mckinnon and Wanat Bhruksasri. 101/12. Oxford University Press. cite.
Luo Anyuan. 1980. "Guizhou Songtao Miao Hua De Guan Ci." In MZYW, 28ff. cite.
Luo Anyuan. 1982. "The 'predicate-subject' Construction in the Western Hunan Dialect of Miao." In Studia Turcologica Cracoviensia, . cite.
Luo Anyuan. 1983. "The Predicate-subject Structure in Miao." In YYYC, 221-3. cite.
Pan Yuanen (P'an Yüan-En). 1958. "Ch'ien-tung Miao-yü Te Ping-lieh Szu-tzu-ko." In SMYL, , no. 191-109. cite.
Tan Yuanyang. 1983. "A Review of the Sketch of Maonan Language." In MZYW, 62-6. cite.
Yuan Jiahua (Yüan Chia-Hua). 1946. "The A-si Love Songs and the A-si Language." In Frontier Politics (Nankai U.) 5.6., . cite.
Yuan Jiahua (Yüan Chia-Hua). 1952. "Guangxi Zhuang Yu Fang Yan Fen Bu Gai Kuang He Chuang Zhi Wen Zi De Tu Jing." In CKYW, , no. 65-7. cite.
Yuan Jiahua (Yüan Chia-Hua). 1952. "Zhuang Yu Chuang Zhi Wen Zi De Tu Jing." In Guangxi Ri Bao, November, . cite.
Yuan Jiahua (Yüan Chia-Hua). 1954. "Zhuang Zu Yuwen Wenti." In CKYW, , no. 2312-15. cite.
Yuan Jiahua (Yüan Chia-Hua). 1956. "Linguistic Study of A-hsi Popular Songs." In Peking. [In Chinese] 1963 "Zhuang yu /r/ de fang yin dui ying [Dialect correspondences of the phoneme /r/ in the Chuang language]", [Essays on linguistics], , no. 5187-218. cite.
Yuan Jiahua (Yüan Chia-Hua). 1979. "Han Zhuang Yu De Ti Ci Xiang Xin Jie You." In MZYW, 113-33. cite.
Yuan jiahua, et al. 1958. "Shaoshu Minzu Yuwen Lunji." In Peking, 171, 78p., . cite.
Yuan jiahua, and Zhang Yuansheng. 1958. "Zhuang Yu Ci Fa Chu Bu Yan Jiu." In SMYL, , no. 11-40. cite.
Yuan jiahua, Zhang Junru, and Wei Qingwen. 1953 1952. "Nian Zhuang Zu Yu Wen Gong Zuo Bao Gao." . Chinese Academy of Sciences,. cite.
Zhang Junru. 1980. "Yuan Shi Tai Yu Sheng Mu Lei Bie Tan Suo." In MZYW, 31ff. cite.
Zhang Yuansheng. 1958. "." . cite.
Zhang Yuansheng. 1979. "Wuming Zhuang Yu De Ming Liang Ci." In MZYW, , no. 3191ff. cite.
Zhang Yuansheng. 1980. "Zhuang Han Yu Guan Xi Qian Tan." In Zhong yang min zu xue yuan xue bao, , no. 158ff. cite.
Zhang yuansheng, and Wang Wei. 1982. "A Preliminary Investigation of Sino-Tai Languages." In Studia Turcologica Cracoviensia, . cite.
Zhong Yang Min Zu Xue Yuan Yu Wen Xi Zang Yu Jiao Yen Zu. 1959. "Cong Zang Yu Zhong De Han Yu Jie Ci Kan Han Zang Liang Min Zu De Qin Mi Guan Xi." In Min zu yan jiu, , no. 710ff. cite.
Chen, Sanping. 2003. "Yuan Hong: A Case of Premature Death By Historians?" In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 123 , no. 4: 841--846. American Oriental Society. cite.
Yuan, Boping. 1994. "Second Language Acquisition of Reflexives Revisited." In Language, 70 , no. 3: 539--545. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
Zongdao, Yuan. 1968. "De La Prose." In T'oung Pao, 54: 262-266(5). cite.
Zhongdao, Yuan. 1968. "Biographie De Yuan Zongdao." In T'oung Pao, 54: 266-274(9). cite.
Liu, Cary Y. 1992. "The Yuan Dynasty Capital, Ta-Tu: Imperial Building Program and Bureaucracy." In T'oung Pao, 78: 264-301(38). cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Liao, Zhao-yuan and Zhen-hui Wu. 2000. "An Optimality Approach To Southern Min and Spanish Gemination." In The 33rd International Conference on Sino-Tibentan Languages and Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand, 52-61. Ramkhamhaeng University. cite.