578 papers found searching for papers by "chen" .  Sorting results by author.
This author's H-Index: 3, G-Index: 16
Cheng, Anne. 1998. "JOHN MAKEHAM, Name and Actuality in Early Chinese Thought, SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994. 286 Pp. Notes, Bibliography, Index." In T'oung Pao, 84: 168-172(5). cite. STATS
Aschenbrenner, Joyce. 1970. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 72 , no. 4: 894--895. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Basri, Hasan and Yiya Chen. 1999. "When Harmony Meets Reduplication in Selayarese." In Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics, . cite. STATS
Bastian, Adolf. 1870. "Sprachvergleichende Studien Mit Besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung Der Indochinesischen Sprachen." xxxviii, 344 pp.. F. A. Brockhaus. cite. STATS (1)
Bertelson, Paul, Hsuan-Chih Chen and B’eatrice de Gelder. 1997. "Explicit Speech Analysis and Orthographic Experience in Chinese Readers." In Cognitive processing of Chinese and related Asian languages. Shatin, N.T, edited by Hsuan-Chih Chen. 27-46. Chinese University Press. cite. STATS
Boulnois, L. and Ho-Chia Chen. 1972. "Le Nepal Et La Chine En 1732-1734, a Propos De Trois Lettres Des Rois Newar a L'empereur De Chine." In Journal asiatique, 260 , no. 1-2: . cite. STATS
Broselow, Ellen, Su-I Chen and Chilin Wang. 1998. "The Emergence of the Unmarked in Second Language Phonology [by Native Speakers of Mandarin]." In Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 20 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Chan, Lau Kit-ching. 1972. "The Lincheng Incident--a Case Study of British Policy in China Between the Washington Conference (1921-22) and the First Nationalist Revolution (1925-28)." In Journal of Oriental Studies, 10 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Chang, Su-chen. 1976. "Reduction in Number of Chinese Characters." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 11 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Chang, Jason J.S. and Shun-Der Chen. 1995. "The Postprocessing of Optical Character Recognition Based On Statistical Noisy Channel and Language Model." In Language, information and computation: proceedings of the 10th Pacific Asia Conference, 27-28 December 1995, Hong Kong, edited by Benjamin K. T'sou and Tom B.Y. Lai. 127-131. Language Information Sciences Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong. cite. STATS
Chen T. S. and Shryock J. K. 1932. "Chinese Relationship Terms." In American Anthropologist, 34 , no. 4: 623--669. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Chen, Kenneth. 1951. "Review of Lalou, {\fr <Manuel élémentaire De Tibétain Classique>." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic studies, 14: 608-10. cite. STATS
Shilin, Chen. 1951. "Xi Kang Yi Zu La Ding Hua Xin Wen Zi Jie Shao." In Guang ming ri bao, September 26 1951: . cite. STATS
Shilin, Chen. 1952. "Liang Nian Lai Yi Zu Yu Yan Wen Zi De Fa Zhan." In Chung-kuo YĂŒ-wen, 6: 30-1. cite. STATS
Chen, Shih-Hsiang. 1958. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 78 , no. 1: 70--73. American Oriental Society. cite. STATS
Chen, Kenneth. 1959. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 79 , no. 4: 291--292. American Oriental Society. cite. STATS
Chen, Shih-hsiang. 1962. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 82 , no. 2: 249--256. American Oriental Society. cite. STATS
Yi-sien, Chen. 1968. "??" In Journal of Southeast Asian Researches, 4: 25-49. cite. STATS
Chen, Shih-chuan. 1968. "Dates of Some of the Tunhuang Lyrics." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 88 , no. 2: 261--270. American Oriental Society. cite. STATS
Chen, Tsu-lung. 1968. "Une "Academie De Chine" a T'Ai-Wan." In T'oung Pao, 54: 310-311(2). cite. STATS
Chen, David. 1968. "[Untitled]." In The Journal of Asian Studies, 27 , no. 3: 635--636. Association for Asian Studies. cite. STATS
Chen, Fu-mei Chang. 1970. "On Analogy in Ch'ing Law." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 30: . cite. STATS
Chen, Edward I-te. 1970. "Japanese Colonialism in Korea and Formosa: a Comparison of the System of Political Control." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 30: . cite. STATS
Yi-sien, Chen. 1970. "A Model Burmese--English Dictionary." 682 pp.. Tokyo Bunko. cite. STATS (1)
Chen, Shih-chuan. 1970. "The Rise of the TZ'U, Reconsidered." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 90 , no. 2: 232--242. American Oriental Society. cite. STATS
Chen, Tieh-Fan. 1971. "The Sources of Four Tun-Huang Mss of the Tso-Chuan *)." In T'oung Pao, 57: 302-304(3). cite. STATS
Chen, Victor. 1972. "Chinese Shorthand." In Free China Review, 22 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, Shih-chuan. 1972. "How To Form a Hexagram and Consult the I Ching." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 92 , no. 2: 237--249. American Oriental Society. cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew. 1972. "Metarules and Universal Constraints in Phonological Theory." edited by 11th, Bologna-Florence, 1972. Proceedings. International congress of linguists. p.909-924. by Luigi Heilmann, Bologna, Societa editrice il Mulino. cite. STATS
Chen, Victor. 1972. "Speaking Borrowed Chinese." In Free China Review, 22 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Chen, Chi-yun. 1972. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 92 , no. 4: 542--544. American Oriental Society. cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew. 1973. "Cross-dialectal Comparison: a Case Study and Some Theoretical Considerations." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 1 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, Nai-Ruenn. 1973. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 93 , no. 2: 222--223. American Oriental Society. cite. STATS
Chen, John Hsueh-Ming. 1973. "Vietnam: a Comprehensive Bibliography." ix, 314 pp.. The Scarecrow Press. cite. STATS
Chen, Gwang-tsai. 1974. "The Pitch Range of English and Chinese Speakers." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 2 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Chen, Chi-yun. 1974. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 94 , no. 2: 215. American Oriental Society. cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew Y. 1975. "An Areal Study of Nasalization in Chinese." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 3 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen Matthew Y. and Wang William S-Y. 1975. "Sound Change: Actuation and Implementation." In Language, 51 , no. 2: 255--281. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Chen, Gwang-tsai. 1975. "Tone Pair." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 10 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, Victor. 1976. "Chinatown Dialect." In Free China Review, 26 , no. 9: . cite. STATS
Chen, Ching-hsiang and Chinchuan Cheng. 1976. "Computer-assisted Instruction in Chinese." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 4 , no. 2-3: . cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew Y. 1976. "From Middle Chinese To Modern Peking." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 4 , no. 2-3: . cite. STATS
Chen, Chung-yu. 1976. "Pronunciation of English By Students From the Chinese Stream in Singapore: Some Salient Features." In RELC Journal, 7 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew Y. 1976. "Relative Chronology: Three Methods of Reconstruction [Middle Chinese with Special Reference To Northwestern Mandarin]." In Journal of Linguistics, 12 , no. 2: . cite. STATS (2)
Chen, Virginia Wei-chieh. 1977. "Simplified Characters in the People's Republic of Chlna, Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 12 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, Chung-yu. 1978. "Aspectual Features of the Verb and the Relative Position of the Locatives." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 6 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew Y. 1978. "How Proto-Chinese Was Reconstructed." In by Konrad Koerner, edited by Ottawa, Ontario, 1978. Progress in linguistic historiography: papers from the International Conference on the History of Language Sciences International conference on the history of the language sciences. 311-322. cite. STATS
Shilin, Chen. 1979. "??" In Minzu yuwen, 1979 , no. 4: 241-8. cite. STATS
Chen, Gwang-tsai. 1979. "The Aspect Markers LE, GUO, and ZHE in Mandarin Chinese." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 14 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew Y. 1979. "Metrical Structure: Evidence From Chinese Poetry." In Linguistic Inquiry, 10 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Qiguang, Chen. 1979. "Miao Yao Yu Ru Sheng De Fa Zhan." In Minzu yuwen, 1979 , no. 1: 25ff.. cite. STATS
Chen, Chung-yu. 1979. "On Predicative Complements." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 7 , no. 1: . cite. STATS (1)
Chen, Yu-shih. 1979. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 99 , no. 3: 491--492. American Oriental Society. cite. STATS
Qiguang, Chen and Li Yongsui. 1981. "??" In Minzu yuwen, 1981 , no. 2: 13-26. cite. STATS
Chen, Li-fu. 1981. "The Chinese Writing System: An Analysis of Its Systematic and Aesthetic Value." In In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sinology: section on linguistics and paleography, 445-459. Chung Yang Yen Chiu Yuan. cite. STATS
Chen, Chung-yu. 1981. "Towards An Affiliation of the Nanping Mandarin Dialect of Fujian." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 9 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Chen, Ching-Lung. 1981. "Trading Activities of the Turkic Peoples in China." In Central Asiatic Journal, 25 , no. 1-2: . cite. STATS
Zhulin, Chen. 1982. "??" In Minzu yuwen, 1982 , no. 4: 39-60. cite. STATS
Chen, Ta-tuan. 1982. "Maintenance and Extension: An Approach To Teaching Literary Chinese." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 17 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Chen, Ta-tuan. 1982. "Using Chinese in the Intermediate and Advanced Classroom." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 17 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Shilin, Chen. 1982. "Xun Gu Zha Ji - Han Yu <yue>, <yun> Yu Yi Yu <di {?? Chao Low Falling?" In {\ch <Minzu yuwen yan jiu wenji>, 70-89. Qinghai People's Publishing House. cite. STATS
Kang, Chen, Peng Xiumo and Ye Deshu. 1983. "??" In Minzu yuwen, 1983 , no. 6: 26-9. cite. STATS
Chen, G.T. 1983. "The Ba Construction: a Topic and Comment Approach." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 18 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, Chung-yu. 1983. "A Fifth Tone in the Mandarin Spoken in Singapore." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 11 , no. 1: . cite. STATS (1)
Chen, Susan W. 1983. "The Personal Element in Mao Tun's Early Fiction." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 43 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew Y. 1984. "Abstract Symmetry in Chinese Verse." In Linguistic Inquiry, 15 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, Chungyu. 1984. "Certain Lexical Features of Singapore Mandarin." In New papers on Chinese language use, edited by Beverly Hong. 93-104. Contemporary China Centre, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. cite. STATS
Chen, Chung-yu. 1984. "Neutral Tone in Mandarin: Phonotactic Description and the Issue of the Norm." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 12 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew. 1985. "From Middle Chinese To Modern Cantonese (part III)." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 13 , no. 1: . cite. STATS (1)
Chen, Hsuan-chih. 1986. "Component Detection in Reading Chinese Characters." In Linguistics, psychology, and the Chinese language, edited by Henry S.R. Kao and Rumjahn Hoosain. 1-10. Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong. cite. STATS
Chen, Chung-yu. 1986. "Constraints On the 'V1-ZHE"V2' Structure." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 21 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, Chung-yu. 1986. "Salient Segmental Features in Singapore Mandarin." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 14 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew Y. 1986. "[Untitled]." In Language, 62 , no. 3: 690--694. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Chen, Ping. 1987. "Pronominal Anaphora and Nominal Anaphora in Chinese Narratives: a Discourse-pragmatic Approach." In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists: Berlin / GDR, August 10-August 15, 1987, edited by Werner Bahner et al.. 2032-2035. Akademie-Verlag. cite. STATS
Chen, Chung-yu. 1987. "Reply To a Note On -zhe." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 22 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Chen, Chun-an. 1987. "Spreading Putonghua in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone." In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists: Berlin / GDR, August 10-August 15, 1987, edited by Werner Bahner et al.. 1607-1610. Akademie-Verlag. cite. STATS
Chen, Chung-yu. 1987. "Stemming From the Verbal Suffix -zhe." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 22 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew Y. 1987. "A Symposium On Tianjin Tone Sandhi: Introductory Remarks." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 15 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Chen, Sheng Bao. 1988. "Chinese Borrowings From the Japanese Language." In Japan Foundation Newsletter, 15 , no. 5-6: . cite. STATS
Chen, Keh-Jiann and Chuan-Shu Cha. 1988. "The Design of a Conceptual Structure and Its Relation To the Parsing of Chinese Sentences." 428-431. In: International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages (. cite. STATS
Chen, Eileen Shu-hui. 1988. "Functional Theoretical Perspectives On the Modernization of the Chinese Language." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 16 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, Hsin-Hsi, I-Peng Lin and Chien-Ping Wu. 1988. "On the Interpretation of Chinese Sentences in Logical Formulae." 459-464. In: International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages (. cite. STATS
Chen, Susan Wilf. 1988. "Mao Tun the Translator." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 48 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, An-Dung. 1988. "Synthesis of the Mandarin Syllables Using Intial-final Models." 526-529. In: International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages (. cite. STATS
Chen, Paul. 1989. "The Distribution and Referential Interpretation of Empty Categories in Chinese." 272 p. Univ. of Texas at Austin. cite. STATS
Chen, Chung-yu. 1989. "Lexical Diffusion of a Tonal Change in Reduplicates and Its Implications." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 17: . cite. STATS
Chen, Lufan. 1989. "A Preliminary Analysis of Important Cultural Relics of the Nanzhao-Dali Kingdom." In Journal of the Siam Society, 77 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, Rong. 1989. "[Untitled]." In Language, 65 , no. 3: 652--653. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Chen, Victoria. 1990-91. "Mien Tze At the Chinese Dinner Table : a Study of the Interactional Accomplishment of Face." In Research on language and social interaction. Formerly published under “Papers in Linguistics”, 24: 109-140. cite. STATS
Chen, Chi-yun. 1990. "Chinese Language and Truth--a Critique of Chad Hansen's Analysis." In Chinese Culture, 31 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Chen, Victoria. 1990. "Mien Tze At the Chinese Dinner Table: a Study of the Interactional Accomplishment of Face." In Research on Language and Social Interaction, 24: . cite. STATS
Chen, Zhangtai and Jianmin Chen. 1990. "Sociolinguistics Research Based On Chinese Reality." In Sociolinguistics in the People's Republic of China, edited by Yuan Chen and David F. Marshall. 21-43. Mouton de Gruyter. cite. STATS
Chen, Yuan. 1990. "Thoughts On Sociolinguistic Studies in China." In Sociolinguistics in the People's Republic of China, edited by Yuan Chen and David F. Marshall. 15-19. Mouton de Gruyter. cite. STATS
Chen, May Jane and Joseph Chak-Kau Yuen. 1991. "Effects of Pinyin and Script Type On Verbal Processing: Comparisons of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong Experience." In International Journal of Behavioral Development, 14 , no. 4: . cite. STATS (1)
Chen, Chung-yu. 1991. "The Nasal Endings and Retroflexed Initials in Peking Mandarin: Instability and the Trend of Changes." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 19 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew Y. 1991. "An Overview of Tone Sandhi Phenomena Across the Chinese Dialects." In Languages and dialects of China. Berkeley, Calif, edited by William S.-Y. Wang. 113-158. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. cite. STATS
Chen, Song-Cen. 1991. "Social Distribution and Development of Greeting Expressions in China." In International Journal of the Sociology of Language, , no. 92. cite. STATS
Chen, Lilly Lee. 1991. "Taiwanese Negation : a Case of Semantic Synthesis." In CLS : proceedings from the ... meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Part 1: The main session. Part 2: The panels, 27 , no. 2: 1-16. cite. STATS
Chen, Aizheng. 1991. "Transnumeralitat Der Deutschen Und Chinesischen Nomen." In Neue Forschungen chinesischer Germanisten in Deutschland: Akten des 2. und des 3. Kolloquiums des Chinesischen Germanistenverbandes in Deutschland, edited by Jinyang Zhu. 39-51. Peter Lang. cite. STATS
Chen, Dasheng. 1991. "Une Pierre Tombale Du Debut Du XIVe S. Retrouvee a Brunei." In Archipel : Ă©tudes interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien, , no. 42. cite. STATS
Chen, Rong. 1991. "[Untitled]." In Language, 67 , no. 1: 170--171. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew Y. 1992. "The Chameleon (r) in Yanggu: Morphological Infixation or Phonological Epenthesis?" In Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 1 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Chen, Matthew Y. 1992. "Competing Sound Changes: Evidence From Kam-Tai, Miao-Yao, and Tibeto-Burman." In The Third International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand, 16-27. Chulalongkorn University. cite. STATS
Chen, Ping. 1992. "Diversity and Uniformity in Chinese Syntax: A Scalar Parametric Perspective." In Sociolinguistics Today: International Perspectives., edited by Kingsley Bolton and Helen Kwok. . Routledge. cite. STATS
Chen, Liwei. 1992. "On English-Chinese Dictionaries in the First Half of the 19th Century." In Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan, , no. 37. cite. STATS
Chen, Ju-Wei and Suh-Yin Lee. 1992. "A New Stroke Spatial Relationship Representation For Chinese Characters." In Intelligent systems for processing oriental languages: proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, December 15-18, 1992, edited by Julius T. Tou and Joseph J. Liang. 333-340. Chinese Language Computer Society. cite. STATS
Chen, Hsuan-Chih. 1992. "Reading Comprehension in Chinese: Implications From Character Reading Times." In Language processing in Chinese, edited by Hsuan-Chih Chen and Ovid J.L. Tzeng. 175-205. North-Holland. cite. STATS
Chen, Feng-Yi et al. 1992. "Reduplication in Mandarin Chinese: Their Formation Rules, Syntactic Behavior and ICG Representation." In Research on Computational Linguistics, 5: . cite. STATS
Chen, Ping. 1992. "The Reflexive Ziji in Chinese: Functional Vs Formalist Approaches." In Research on Chinese linguistics in Hong Kong = Hsiang-kang Han yu yu yen hsueh yen chiu lun wen chi, edited by Thomas Hun-tak Lee. 1-35. Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Chen, Baoya. 1992. "On Sino-Tibetan Alliance." In The Third International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand, 605-613. Chulalongkorn University. cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew Y. 1992. "Tone Rule Typology." In Berkeley Linguistics Society : proceedings of the annual meeting, 18S: 54-66. cite. STATS
Chen, Lilly Lee. 1993. "Chinese : a Not-so-analytic Language." In The LACUS Forum, 20: 286-294. cite. STATS
Chen, Jingsong. 1993. "A Comparison Between Daoist and Confucian Masters' Views On Language." In Chinese Culture, 34 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Chen, Sylvia. 1993. "On Grammatical Deficits in Chinese Aphasia." In Confluence : linguistics, L2 acquisition and speech pathology, edited by Fred R. Eckman. 177-192. Benjamins. cite. STATS
Chen, Ping. 1993. "Modern Written Chinese in Development." In Language in society, 22 , no. 3: 505-537. cite. STATS
Chen, Rong. 1993. "Responding To Compliments : a Contrastive Study of Politeness Strategies Between American English and Chinese Speakers." In Journal of pragmatics : an interdisciplinary monthly of language studies, 20 , no. 1: 49-75. cite. STATS
Chen, Hsin-hsi. 1994. "The Contextual Analysis of Chinese Sentences with Punctuation Marks." In Literary and linguistic computing, 9 , no. 4: 281-289. cite. STATS
Chen, Jianping. 1994. "Cross-cultural Aspects of English-Chinese and Chinese-English Dictionaries." In Entering text, edited by Lynne Flowerdew and Anthony K.K. Tong. 272-280. Language Centre, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Guangzhou: Department of English, Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages. cite. STATS
Chen, Kuangyu. 1994. "E. Ab.: Zhui Wang in Oracle Bone Language : Possible Relationship To the Bird Totem of Shang Dynasty." In Journal of Chinese linguistics, 22 , no. 1: 101-113. cite. STATS
Chen, Chungyu. 1994. "Evidence of High-frequency Colloquial Forms Moving Towards the Yin-ping Tone." In Journal of Chinese linguistics, 22 , no. 1: 1-39. cite. STATS
Chen, Ping. 1994. "Four Projected Functions of New Writing Systems For Chinese." In Anthropological linguistics, 36 , no. 3: 366-381. cite. STATS
Chen, Lilly Lee. 1994. "From Variable To Fixed Word Order." In CLS : proceedings from the ... meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Part 1: The main session. Part 2: The panels, 30 , no. 1: 103-116. cite. STATS
Chen, Ching-ho. 1994. "Les 'missions Officielles Dans Les Ha Chau' Ou 'Contrees Meridionales' De La Premiere Periode Des Nguyen." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 81: . cite. STATS
Chen, Lilly Lee. 1994. "The Origin of Adversative Passives." In Berkeley Linguistics Society : proceedings of the annual meeting, 20G: 113-124. cite. STATS
Chen, Fangze. 1994. "The Syntactic Structure of the Sentences with Topicalized 'no' Nominalization in Japanese." In Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan, , no. 39. cite. STATS
Chen, Lilly Lee. 1994. "Syntacticization of Affect." In The LACUS Forum, 21: 174-182. cite. STATS
Chen, Dongdong. 1995. "Chinese Reflexive Ziji in Second Language Acquisition." In Penn working papers in Linguistics, 2 , no. 2: 37-52. cite. STATS
Chen, Rong. 1995. "Communicative Dynamism and Word Order in Mandarin Chinese." In Language sciences, 17 , no. 2: 201-222. cite. STATS
Chen, Chao-ran, Chu-Ren Huang and Kathleen Ahrens. 1995. "Construction As a Theoretical Entity: An Argument Based On Mandarin Existential Sentences." In Language, information and computation: proceedings of the 10th Pacific Asia Conference, 27-28 December 1995, Hong Kong, edited by Benjamin K. T'sou and Tom B.Y. Lai. 91-95. Language Information Sciences Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong. cite. STATS
Chen, Shing-Lung. 1995. "Die Redensart 'Das Gesicht Verlieren' in Der Chinesischen Und Deutschen Sprache." In Fu Jen Studies: Literature & Linguistics, , no. 28. cite. STATS
Chen, Chung-yu. 1995. "An Interflow Between Yang-Ping and Qu: in Comparison with An Interflow Between Shang and Qu." In Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 24 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Chen, Baoya. 1995. "On the Original Relationship Between Chinese and Kam-Tai." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 18 , no. 1: 149-171. cite. STATS (1)
Chen, Xing, Lei Ye and Yanyin Zhang. 1995. "Refusing in Chinese." In Pragmatics of Chinese as native and target language, edited by Gabriele Kasper. 119-163. Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa. cite. STATS
Chen, Si-Qing. 1996. "The Automatic Identififaction and Recovery of Chinese Acronyms." In Studies in the linguistic sciences, 26 , no. 1-2: 61-82. cite. STATS
Chen, Bao-ya. Lun Yu Yan Jie Chu Yu Yu Yan Lian Meng : Han Yue (Dong Tai) Yu Yuan Guan Xi Di Jie Shi. PhD thesis, Yuwen chubanshe, 1996. cite. STATS
Chen, Ping. 1996. "Modern Written Chinese, Dialects, and Regional Identity." In Language problems and language planning, 20 , no. 3: 223-243. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Chen, Imogen Y. 1996. "Perfectivity and the Chinese Ba-verbs." In The Fourth International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Thailand, 416-450. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite. STATS
Chen, Ping. 1996. "Pragmatic Interpretations of Structural Topics and Relativization in Chinese." In Journal of pragmatics : an interdisciplinary monthly of language studies, 26 , no. 3: 389-406. cite. STATS
Chen, Rongqiu. 1996. "Sound Change in the Modern Shanghai Dialect and Its Cause." In Journal of Chinese linguistics, 24 , no. 1: 55-84. cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew Y. 1996. "Tonal Geometry : a Chinese Perspective." In New horizons in Chinese linguistics, edited by C.-T. James Huang and Y.-H. Audrey Li. 21-48. Kluwer Academic Publishers. cite. STATS
Chen, Ping. 1996. "Toward a Phonographic Writing System of Chinese : a Case Study in Writing Reform." In International journal of the sociology of language, 122: 1-46. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Chen Baoya. 1996. "What Is the Original Relationship Between Mon-Khmer and Kam-Tai?" In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 25: 191-203. cite. STATS
Chen, Zu-Yan. 1997. "The Art of Black and White: Wei-ch'i in Chinese Poetry." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 117 , no. 4: 643--653. American Oriental Society. cite. STATS
Chen, Hsuan-Chih and Anne Cutler. 1997. "Auditory Priming in Spoken and Printed Word Recognition [in Chinese]." In Cognitive processing of Chinese and related Asian languages. Shatin, N.T, edited by Hsuan-Chih Chen. 77-81. Chinese University Press. cite. STATS
Chen, Lilly Lee. 1997. "Discourse and the Making of Grammatical Particles." In The LACUS Forum, 24: 147-160. cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew Y. and Hongming Zhang. 1997. "Lexical and Postlexical Tone Sandhi in Chongming." In Studies in Chinese phonology, edited by Jialing Wang Norval Smith. 13-52. Mouton de Gruyter. cite. STATS
Chen, Shu-Hui Eileen. 1997. "Pragmatic Comprehension : Development of Mandarin-speaking Children's Strategies For Interpretation of Given and New Information." In The proceedings of the twenty-eighth annual child language research forum, edited by Eve V. Clark. Stanford, CA, 63-72. CSLI. cite. STATS
Chen, Qinghai. 1997. "Toward a Sequential Approach For Tonal Error Analysis." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 32 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chen, Aizheng. 1997. "What Is a Numerative?" In Neue Forschungen chinesischer Germanisten in Deutschland : Akten der Kolloquien des Chinesischen Germanistenverbandes in Deutschland, Frankfurt am Main (1994) und MĂŒnchen (1995), edited by Hongjun Cai (hrsg.). 51-65. Lang. cite. STATS
Chen, Qinghai. 1998. "Business Chinese Education: a Challenging and Promising Endeavor Into the Twenty-first Century." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 33 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Chen, Fanglan. 1998. "A Comparison of Nature-based Metaphors in Chinese and Swedish." In Papers from the 16th Scandinavian conference of linguistics, edited by Toimittanut Timo Haukioja. Turku, 30-37. Turun Yliopisto. cite. STATS
Chen, Matthew Y. 1998. "Competing Strategies and Derivational Economy." In Journal of Chinese linguistics, 26 , no. 2: 191-235. cite. STATS
Chen, Sylvia and Elizabeth A. Bates. 1998. "The Dissociation Between Nouns and Verbs in Broca’s and Wernicke’s Aphasia : Findings From Chinese." In Aphasiology : an international interdisciplinary journal, 12 , no. 1: 5-36. cite. STATS
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