64 papers found searching for papers by "diffloth" .  Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 9, G-Index: 11
Diffloth, Gérard. 1984. "The Dvaravati Old Mon Language and Nyah Kur." iii, 402 pp., maps. Chulalongkorn University Printing House. cite. STATS (26)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1974. "Austro-Asiatic Languages." In Encyclopedia Britannica, (Macropaedia) 2 , no. 15th ed.: 480-4. Encyclopaedia Britannica. cite. STATS (17)
DJVU PDF Diffloth, Gerard. 1976. "Expressives in Semai." In Austroasiatic Studies, edited by Philip N. Jenner et al.. Honolulu, 249-264. The University Press of Hawaii. cite. STATS (15)
DJVU PDF Diffloth, Gérard. 1982. "Registres, Dévoisement, Timbre Vocalique: Leur Histoire En Katouique." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 11: 47-82. cite. STATS (14)
DJVU PDF Diffloth, Gérard. 1977. "Mon-Khmer Initial Palatals and “substratumized” Austro-Thai." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 6: 39-57. cite. STATS (10)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1972. "Notes On Expressive Meaning." In Papers of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 8: 440-7. cite. STATS (10)
DJVU PDF Diffloth, G. 1979. "Expressive Phonology and Prosaic Phonology in Mon-Khmer." In Studies in Tai and Mon-Khmer Phonetics and Phonology In Honour of Eugénie J.A. Henderson, edited by Theraphan L. Thongkum et al.. 49-59. Chulalongkorn University Press. cite. STATS (10)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1977. "Towards a History of Mon-Khmer: Proto-Semai Vowels." In Tōnan Ajia Kenkyū, 14 , no. 4: 463-95. cite. STATS (9)
DJVU PDF Diffloth, Gerard. 1976. "Minor-Syllable Vocalism in Senoic Languages." In Austroasiatic Studies, edited by Philip N. Jenner et al.. Honolulu, 229-248. The University Press of Hawaii. cite. STATS (9)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1976. "Jah Hut, An Austroasiatic Language of Malaysia." In Southeast Asian linguistic studies, 2: 73-118. University of Hawaii Southeast Asia Program. cite. STATS (9)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1975. "Les Langages Mon-khmer De Malaisie, Classification Historique Et Innovations." In Asie du Sud-Est et Monde Insulindien, 6 , no. 4: 1-20. cite. STATS (7)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1976. "Proto-Mon-Khmer Final Spirants." 15 pp.. Center for Southeast Asian studies, Kyoto University. cite. STATS (5)
Diffloth, Gerard. 1994. "The Lexical Evidence For Austric, So Far." In Oceanic Linguistics, 33 , no. 2: 309--321. University of Hawai'i Press. cite. STATS (4)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1979. "Aslian Languages and Southeast Asian Prehistory." In <Federation Museums Journal> n.s., 24: 3-16. cite. STATS (4)
Diffloth, Gerard. 1974. "Jah-Hut, An Austroasiatic Language of Malaysia." In South-East Asian linguistic studies, edited by Nguyen Dang Liem. 73-118. Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. cite. STATS (3)
DJVU PDF Diffloth, G. 1991. "Palaungic Vowels in Mon-Khmer Perspective." In Austroasiatic Languages, Essays in honour of H. L. Shorto, edited by Jeremy H.C.S. Davidson. 13-28. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. cite. STATS (3)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1976. "Mon-Khmer Numerals in Aslian Languages." In Austroasiatic number systems, edited by Gérard Diffloth and Norman H. Zide. 31-8. Mouton. cite. STATS (3)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1974. "Body Moves in Semai and French." In Papers of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 10: 128-38. cite. STATS (2)
Diffloth, Gerard. 1973. "Expressives in Semai." In In: International Conference on Austroasiatic Linguistics, lst, Honolulu, 1973. Austroasiatic studies. Edited by Philip N. Jenner, Laurence C. Thompson, Stanley Starosta, 249-264. University Press of Hawaii. cite. STATS (2)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1968. "Proto-Semai Phonology." In <Federation Museums Journal> n.s., 13: 65-74. cite. STATS (2)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1977. "Proto-Waic and the Effects of Register On Vowel Gliding." . cite. STATS (2)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1980. "Austroasiatic, the Indigenous Southeast Asian Language Family." . cite. STATS (2)
Diffloth, Gerard. xxxx. "An Appraisal of Benedict's Views On Austroasiatic and Austro-Thai Relations." . cite. STATS (1)
Diffloth, Gerard. 2005. "The Contribution of Linguistic Palaeontology To the Homeland of Austro-Asiatic." In The peopling of East Asia: putting together archaeology, linguistics and genetics, edited by Laurent Sagart et al.. 77-80. RoutledgeCurzon. cite. STATS (1)
DJVU PDF Diffloth, Gérard. 1992. "Vietnamese As a Mon-Khmer Language." In Papers from the First Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, edited by Martha Ratliff and Eric Schiller. 125-139. Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies. cite. STATS (1)
Diffloth, Gerard. 1987. "What Happened To Austric?" In Mon-Khmer Studies, , no. 16-17. cite. STATS (1)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1994. "I : Big, a : Small." In Sound symbolism, edited by Leanne Hinton Johanna Nichols John J. Ohala. 107-114. Cambridge UP.. cite. STATS (1)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1975. "Remarks On the Jeh-H\uet Language." In Jah H\uet of Malaysia: art and culture, edited by Roland Werner. . University of Malaya Press. cite. STATS (1)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1978. "Expressive Phonology and Prosaic Phonology in Semai." . cite. STATS (1)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1981. "Reconstructing Dvaravati-Old Mon." 127 pp.. Chulalongkorn University. cite. STATS (1)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1983. "Parthenogenesis of Register in North Bahnaric." In Berkeley Linguistics Society, 9: . cite. STATS (1)
Diffloth, Gérard. 1985. "The Registers of Mon Vs the Spectrographist's Tones." In University of California at Los Angeles/Working Papers in phonetics, . cite. STATS (1)
DJVU PDF Diffloth, Gérard. 1976. "Jah-Hut, An Austroasiatic Language of Malaysia." In South-east Asian Linguistic Studies Vol. 2, edited by Nguyen Dang Liem. 2: 73-118. Pacific Linguistics, the Australian National University. cite. STATS (1)
Moskalev, Aleksel Alekseevich and G. Diffloth. xxxx. "Translation of a Part of A.A. Moskalev's "Grammar of the Chuang Language"." . cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1982. "Proto-Mon Registers: Two, Three, Four...?" In Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistic Society, 8: 148-57. cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gerard. xxxx. "Proto-Mon-Khmer Final Spirants." . cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gerard. 1973. "Minorsyllable Vocalism in Senoic Languages." In In: International Conference on Austroasiatic Linguistics, lst, Honolulu, 1973. Austroasiatic studies. Edited by Philip N. Jenner, Laurence C. Thompson, Stanley Starosta, 229-247. University Press of Hawaii. cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1980. "The Wa Language." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area, 5 , no. 2: 192 pp.. cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gerard. xxxx. "The Dvaravati Old Mon Language and Nyah Kur." . cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gerard. 2001. "Les Expressifs De Surin, Et Ou Cela Conduit." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 88: . cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Diffloth, Gérard. 1986. "Proto-Austroasiatic Creaky Voice." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 15: 139-154. cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gerard. 1994. "The Linguistic Treasure of Vietnam." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 42. cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1999. "History of the Word “Khmer”." In Paper presented at Khmer Studies = La Khmerologie = Khemarawidyā : proceedings of [the] International Conference on Khmer Studies, Phnom Penh, 26-30 August 1996, Phnom Penh, 644-651. [s.n.]. cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1972. "Ambiguïté Morphologique En Semai." In {\fr <Langues et techniques, nature et société (Volume presented to Andreé G. Haudricourt on his 60th birthday)>, edited by Jacques Barrau and et Al.. I: 91-4. Klincksieck. cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1973. "Review of Johnston, R., Et Al., Eds., <Mon-Khmer Studies III>." In Language : journal of the Linguistic Society of America, 49 , no. 1: 233-4. cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1974. "The KmMu' Principle." In Parmentier Festschrift, edited by Eric P. Hamp. . University of Chicago Press. cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1975. "Resultative Verb Pairs and the Optative in Some Mon-Khmer Languages." . cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1976. "An Appraisal of Benedict's Views On Austroasiatic and Austro-Thai Relations." 20, iii pp.. Center for Southeast Asian studies, Kyoto University. cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1976. "Translation of a Part of A. A. Moskalev's Grammar of the Chuang Language." . Center for Southeast Asian studies, Kyoto University. cite. STATS
Diffloth, G. 1978. "Proto East Austroasiatic Short Central Vowels." In Presented at SICAAL, . cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1979. "Copying and Transporting of the Final in Northern Mon-Khmer Languages." . cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1979. "The Bulang (Sam Tao) Language." . cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1980. "Phāsā ñah Kur, Mo̧n Bōrān, Kap 'ānācak Thawārāwadī." In Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, 12 , no. 1: 54-85. cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1980. "To Taboo Everything At All Times." In Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistic Society, 6: 157-65. cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1982. "On the Palaungic Branch of Mon-Khmer." . cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 1985. "Non-universals of Register." . cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 0000. "On the Bulang (Blang, Phang) Languages." In Papers from the Helsingør symposium on Austroasiatic linguistics and literature, 95-105. SIAS/Curzon. cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 0000. "Etymological Dictionary of Mon-Khmer." . cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard. 0000. "An Outline of Semai Grammar." . cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gérard and Theraphan L. Thongkum. 1985. "Mon and Nyah Kur Linguistic Studies." . Chulalongkorn University Printing House. cite. STATS
Diffloth, Gerard F. 1973. "[Untitled]." In Language, 49 , no. 1: 233--234. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Diffloth, Gérard. 1979. "The Wa Languages." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 5 , no. 2: 1-182. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Diffloth, Gérard. 1987-1988. "What Happened To Austric?" In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 16-17: 1-9. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Diffloth, Gérard. 1989-1990. "On the Bulang (Blang, Phang) Languages." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 18-19: 35-43. cite. STATS