Results1060 papers found searching for papers by "paul" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 8, G-Index: 18 Benedict, Paul K. 1972. "The Sino-Tibetan Tonal System." In {\fr <Langues et techniques, nature et société>, edited by Jacques Barrau and et Al.. 25-34. Klincksieck. cite.
STATS (120)
Benedict, Paul K. 1975. "Austro-Thai: Language and Culture, with a Glossary of Roots." xxiv, 490 pp., map. Human Relations Area Files Press. cite.
STATS (63)
Benedict, Paul K. 1942. "Thai, Kadai, and Indonesian: A New Alignment in Southeastern Asia." In American Anthropologist, 44 , no. 4: 576--601. American Anthropological Association. cite.
STATS (21)
Benedict, Paul K. xxxx. "Japanese / Austro-Tai." . cite.
STATS (18)
Schachter, Paul and Fe T Otanes. xxxx. "Tagalog Reference Grammar." . cite.
STATS (18)
Benedict, Paul K. 1976. "Sino-Tibetan: Another Look." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 96 , no. 2: 167--197. American Oriental Society. cite.
STATS (15) DJVUPDF Benedict, Paul K. 1979. "Four Forays Into Karen Linguistic History." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 5 , no. 1: 1-35. cite.
STATS (11)
Benedict, Paul K. 1987. "Archaic Chinese Initials." In Wang Li memorial volumes, edited by Chinese Language Society of Hong Kong. 25-71. Joint. cite.
STATS (9) DJVUPDF Benedict, P.K. 1977. "Rhyming Dictionary of Written Burmese." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 3 , no. 1: 1-93. cite.
Lewis, Paul. 1968. "Akha Phonology." In Acta linguistica Hafniensia : international journal of general linguistics, 8-18. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1979. "Vocalic Transfer: a Southeast Asian Areal Feature." In Acta Orientalia, 40: 229-52. cite.
Schebesta, Paul. 1926-28. "Grammatical Sketch of the Jahai Dialect, Spoken By a Negrito Tribe of Ulu Perak and Ulu Kelantan, Malay Peninsula. Translated By C. 0. Blagden." In BSOS, , no. 4803-26. cite.
Friedrich, Paul. 1970. "Shape in Grammar." In Language, 46 , no. 2: 379--407. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
Means, Nathalie, Paul B. Means and Gordon P. Means. xxxx. "Sengoi-English, English-Sengoi Dictionary." . cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1983. "<This> and <that> in TB/ST." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area, 7 , no. 2: 75-98. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1976. "Early Chinese Borrowings." In In: Genetic relationship, diffusion and typological similarities of East and Southeast Asian languages: papers for the 1st Japan-US Joint Seminar on East & Southeast Asian linguistics, 60-100. The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. cite.
Jacq, Pascale and Paul J. Sidwell. 2000. "A Comparative West Bahnaric Dictionary." 230 p. LINCOM Europa. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1967. "Austro-Thai Studies 3: Austro-Thai and Chinese." In Behavior Science Notes, 2 , no. 4: 275-336. cite.
STATS (5) DJVUPDF Benedict, Paul K. 1976. "Austro-Thai and Austroasiatic." In Austroasiatic Studies, edited by Philip N. Jenner et al.. Honolulu, 1-36. The University Press of Hawaii. cite.
Bodding, Paul Olaf. 1929. "A Santal Dictionary." 5 vols, 28 cm.. Det Norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo, i kommisjon hos Jacob Dybwad. cite.
Schebesta, Paul. 1931. "Grammatical Sketch of the Ple-Temer Language...Translated By C. O. Blagden." In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Third series, , no. 1931641-52. cite.
STATS (5) DJVUPDF Benedict, Paul K. 1986. "Miao-Yao Enigma: the Na-e Language." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 9 , no. 1: 89-90. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1984. "Austro-Thai Parallel -- a Tonal Chamic Language On Hainan." In Computational Analyses of Asian and African Languages, 22: 83-6. cite.
Li, Paul Jen-kuei. xxxx. "Rukai Structure." . cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1947. "An Analysis of Annamese Kinship Terms." In Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 3: 371-92. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1980. "The PST Tone/accent System: Additional TB Data." . cite.
STATS (4) DJVUPDF Benedict, Paul K. 1990. "How To Tell Lai: An Exercise in Classification." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 13 , no. 2: 1-26. cite.
Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1978. "A Comparative Vocabulary of Saisiyat Dialects." In Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica = Chung yang yen chiu yuan. Li shih yu yen yen chiu so, 49 , no. 2: . cite.
STATS (3) DJVUPDF Benedict, Paul K. 1991. "Austric: An 'extinct' Proto-language." In Austroasiatic Languages, Essays in honour of H. L. Shorto, edited by Jeremy H.C.S. Davidson. 7-12. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. cite.
Kroeger, Paul. xxxx. "Phrase Structure and Grammatical Relations in Tagalog." . cite.
Yap, Elsa Paula and Maria Victoria Bunye. xxxx. "Cebuano-Visayan Dictionary." . cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1973. "Tibeto-Burman Tones with a Note On Teleo-reconstruction." In Acta Orientalia, 35: 127-38. cite.
Sidwell, Paul J. 2000. "Proto South Bahnaric : a Reconstruction of a Mon-Khmer Language of Indo-China." x, 225 p. Australian National Univ., Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. cite.
Sidwell, Paul J. 2005. "The Katuic Languages : Classification, Reconstruction and Comparative Lexicon." iii, 307 p. LINCOM Europa. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1939. "Semantic Differentiation in Indo-Chinese. Old Chinese <lâp Nâ>." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic studies, 4: 213-29. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1942. "Chinese and Tibetan Kinship Terms." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic studies, 6: 313-37. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1976. "Shorto: in Defense of Austric -- Comment." In Computational Analyses of Asian and African Languages, 6: 105-8. cite.
Bodding, Paul Olaf. 1923. "Materials For a Santali Grammar (Part 1: Mostly Phonetic, 1923; Part 2: Mostly Morphological, 1929)." iv, 336 pp.. Santal Mission of the Northern Churches. cite.
Bodding, P. O. 1929. "A Santali Dictionary, in 5 Volumes." . cite.
Macey, Paul. 1906. "Etude Ethnographique Sur Diverses Tribus, Aborigènes Ou Autochtones Habitant Les Provinces Des Hua-phans, Ha-tang-hoc Et Du Cammon, Au Laos." In Actes 14e Congrès Or. (Alger 1905) I (5e sec.): 3-63. [AA vocab: Chari, Kha-Khao (Tié), Kha Phong (Pou K'kenieng), Kha Pou Hoc (K'kssing M'moull)[Puôc], Khoi, . cite.
Trủỏng văn ky, Paulus J. B. 1883. "Grammaire De La Langue Annamite,." . C. Guilland et Martinon,. cite.
STATS (3) DJVUPDF Benedict, Paul K. 1987. "Early MY/TB Loan Relationships." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 10 , no. 2: 12-21. cite.
Bunye, Maria Victoria R and Elsa Paula Yap. xxxx. "Cebuano Grammar Notes." . cite.
Kroeger, Paul R. 1992. "Vowel Harmony Systems in Three Sabahan Languages." In In: Martin, Peter W. Shifting patterns of language use in Borneo. Williamsburg, Va, 279-296. Department of Anthropology, College of William and Mary in Virginia. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1973. "Austro-Thai and Austroasiatic." In In: International Conference on Austroasiatic Linguistics, lst, Honolulu, 1973. Austroasiatic studies. Edited by Philip N. Jenner, Laurence C. Thompson, Stanley Starosta, 1-36. University Press of Hawaii. cite.
Pelliot, Paul. 1904. "Deux Itinéraires De Chine En Inde á La Fin Du VIIIe Siècle." In Bulletin de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient, 131-413. cite.
Lewis, Paul. 1972. "Phonetic Problems Involved in Teaching Thai To Speakers of Lahu and Akha." In Teorija i praktika perevoda, . cite.
STATS (2) DJVUPDF Sidwell, Paul. 2002. "Genetic Classification of the Bahnaric Languages: A Comprehensive Review." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 32: 1-24. cite.
Means, Paul B. 1977. "A Comparative Linguistic Study of Three Malayan Aboriginal Tribes." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 48-68. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1941. "A Cham Colony On the Island of Hainan." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic studies, 6: 129-34. cite.
STATS (2) DJVUPDF Benedict, Paul. 1976. "Formosan Reflexes of Pan Nasal/Orals." In South-east Asian Linguistic Studies Vol. 2, edited by Nguyen Dang Liem. 2: 237-252. Pacific Linguistics, the Australian National University. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1978. "Chinese Cryptoglyphics." . cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1981. "TB/Karen Cluster Vs. Prefix *s." . cite.
Benedict, Paul K. Kinship in Southeastern Asia. PhD thesis, Harvard University, 0nd0. cite.
Berlin, Brent and Paul Kay. 1969. "Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution." xi, 178 pp.. University of California Press. cite.
Guilleminet, Paul and R. P. Jules Alberty. 1959. "Dictionnaire Bahnar--français." Volume 1: A-K, 1959, 1-494; volume 2: L-U, 1963, 495-991. Ecôle Française d'Extrême Orient. cite.
Macey, Paul. 1907. "Etude Ethnographique Et Linguistique Sur Les K'Katiam-pong-houk, Dits 'Thai Pong' (Province De Cammon-Laos)." In RI, , no. 51411-24. cite.
Schebesta, Paul. 1929. "Among the Forest Dwarfs of Malaya,." In transl. by Arthur Chambers, London, Hutchinson and Co., 288p., . cite.
Schachter, Paul. 1973. "Focus and Relativization." In Language, 49 , no. 1: 19--46. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
Kroeger, Paul R. 1998. "Language Classification in Sarawak : a Status Report." In The Sarawak Museum journal. N.S, 53 , no. 74: 137-173. cite.
Schachter, Paul. xxxx. "Studies in the Structure of Toba Batak." . cite.
Langman, Paul and Hirofumi Saito. 1984. "Cross-linguistic Categorization of Kanji Characters." In Japanese Psychological Research, 26 , no. 2: . cite.
Kroeger, Paul R. 1993. "Another Look At Subjecthood in the Philippines." In Philippine Journal of Linguistics, 24 , no. 2: . cite.
Denlinger, Paul B. 1984. "Vowel Length in Mandarin." In Monumenta Serica, 36: . cite.
Kiparsky, Paul. xxxx. "Some Theoretical Problems in Panini's Grammar." 16: . cite.
Li, Rengui. 1999. "Some Problems in the Basay Language." In Selected papers from the eight International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, edited by Elizabeth Zeitoun Paul Jen-kuei Li. Taipei, 637-665. Acad. Sinica, Inst. of Linguistics (Preparatory Office). cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1993. "Tibeto-Burman “split Cognates”." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 16 , no. 2: 121-122. cite.
Jeyapaul, V.Y. xxxx. "Karbi Grammar." . cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1981. "TB/Karen Cluster Vs. Prefix S." In Papers from the Fourteenth International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, edited by Chauncey Chu et al.. 19-Sep. Student Book Co.. cite.
Schneider, Paul. 1988. "Son Et Signification Dans Les Ideogrammes Vietnamiens." In Vietnam Forum, , no. 12. cite.
Denlinger, Paul. 1987. "'Tone' in Sino-Tibetan." In Chinese-Western encounter: studies in linguistics and literature. Festschrift for Franz Giet, SVD on the occasion of his 85th birthday, edited by Agatha C., et al Bramkamp. 3-34. Chinese Materials Center. cite.
STATS (1) DJVUPDF Benedict, Paul. 1992. "Suprasegmentals in Southeast Asia." In Papers from the First Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, edited by Martha Ratliff and Eric Schiller. 15-33. Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. and James A. Matisoff. xxxx. "Sino-Tibetan, a Conspectus." . cite.
Schachter, Paul. 1973. "Constraints On Clitic Order in Tagalog." In Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez: essays in honor of Cecilio Lopez on his seventy-fifth birthday, edited by Andrew B. Gonzalez. 214-231. Linguistic Society of the Philippines. cite.
Bennet, Paul A. 1979. "A Critique of the Altaicization Hypothesis." In Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, , no. 6. cite.
Lewis, Paul. 1973. "Tone in the Akha Language." In Acta linguistica Hafniensia : international journal of general linguistics, 183-8. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1990. "The Gods of Sino-Tibetan [etymologies]." In Acta Orientalia, 51: . cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1996. "Parental *pa/ba ~ *ma in Southeast Asia." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 25: 1-6. cite.
Kratochvil, Paul. 1977. "Traditions Ln Chinese Linguistics: Fact or Fiction?" In Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, , no. 1. cite.
Jacq, Pascale and Paul J. Sidwell. 1999. "Loven (Jruq) Consolidated Lexicon." xvi, 128 p. LINCOM Europa. cite.
Jacq, Pascale and Paul J. Sidwell. 1999. "Sapuan (Sǝpuar)." 62 p. LINCOM Europa. cite.
Sidwell, Paul J. 2003. "A Handbook of Comparative Bahnaric . Vol. 1 . West Bahnaric." ix, 225 p. Australian National Univ., Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. cite.
Kroeger, Paul R. Phrase Structure and Grammatical Relations in Tagalog. PhD thesis, Stanford Univ, 1991. cite.
Law, Paul S. 1997. "On Extraction, Argument Binding and Voice Morphology in Malagasy." In Studies on universal grammar and typological variation, edited by Artemis Aleksiadou T. Alan Hall. 155-179. Benjamins. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1948. "Tonal Systems in Southeast Asia." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 68 , no. 4: 184--191. American Oriental Society. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1966. "Austro-Thai." In Behavior Science Notes, 1: 227-61. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1976. "Gedney: On the Thai Evidence For Austro-Thai -- Comment." In Computational Analyses of Asian and African Languages, 6: 83-6. cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1979. "Linguistic Prediction: the Case of Saek." . cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 0000. "Austroasiatic Loanwords in Sino-Tibetan." In Papers from the Helsingør symposium on Austroasiatic linguistics and literature, edited by Jan-Olaf Svantesson. . Scandinavian Institute for Asian Studies/Curzon. cite.
Bodding, P. O. 1925. "Santal Folk Tales, in Three Volumes." , no. .. cite.
Boell, Paul Victor. 1899. "Contribution à L'étude De La Langue Lolo." 2, 21 pp.. E. Leroux. cite.
Guilleminet, Paul. 1960. "Langues Spéciaux Utilisées Dans La Tribu Bahnar Du Kontum." In Bulletin de l'Ecôle Française d'Extrême-Orient, 50 , no. 1: 117-32. cite.
Lewis, Paul. 1966. "Final Particles in Akha." In ms., . cite.
Lewis, Paul. 1969-70. "Ethnographic Notes On the Akhas of Burma,." In 4 vols., New Haven, HRAF. (Vol. I and II, 1969; Vol. III and IV, . cite.
Lewis, Paul, and Elaine Lewis. 1984. "Peoples of the Golden Triangle: Six Tribes in Thai Land,." . Thames and Hudson,. cite.
Matisoff, James A. 1985. "Paul K. Benedict - An Appreciation." In LSTA, 16-20. cite.
Neo, Paul, and Marilyn Gregerson. 1974. "Bai Pỏchrâm Nâr Rỏngao: Bai Hoc Tiêng Rỏngao: Rỏngao Language Lessons,." . Dept. of Education,. cite.
Schebesta, Paul. 1925. "The Semang of Patalung." In Man, , no. 1223-6. cite.
Schebesta, Paul. 1926. "The Jungle Tribes of the Malay Peninsula." In Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, , no. 4269-78. cite.
Shafer, Robert, and Paul K. Benedict. 1937-41. "Sino-Tibetan Linguistics,." . cite.
Vial, Paul. 1890. "De La Langue Et De L'écriture Indigènes Au Yûn-nân, Paris." In Chā jên (Tchòngkiàtsè), . cite.
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Kroll, Paul W. 1989. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 109 , no. 4: 668--670. American Oriental Society. cite.
STATS (1) DJVUPDF Benedict, Paul K. 1991. "A Note On PST-level Morphosyntax." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 14 , no. 1: 137-142. cite.
STATS (1) DJVUPDF Benedict, Paul K. 1991. "Genital Flipflop: a Chinese Note." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 14 , no. 1: 143-146. cite.
STATS (1) DJVUPDF Benedict, Paul K. 1991. "The Proto-Burmese-Yipho Nominalizing <i>*-t</i> Suffix." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 14 , no. 2: 149-153. cite.
STATS (1) DJVUPDF Benedict, Paul K. 1992. "Miller: All About Japanese (A Review of a Review)." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 15 , no. 1: 149-157. cite.
STATS (1) DJVUPDF Benedict, Paul K. 1992. "Laha Reexamined." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 15 , no. 2: 207-218. cite.
STATS (1) DJVUPDF Benedict, Paul K. 1985. "PST Interrogative *<i>ga(ng)</i> ~ *<i>ka</i>." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 8 , no. 1: 1-10. cite.
Levy, Paul. 1970. "Thala Borivat Ou Stu'n Tren: Sites De La Capitale Du Souverain Khmer Bhavavarman Ier." In Journal asiatique, 258 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Schachter, Paul. 1990. "Tagalog." In Korean economic development, edited by Jene K. Kwon. 208-230. Greenwood Press. cite.
Mus, Paul. 1931. "Etudes Indiennes Et Indochinoises. IV, Deux Legendes De Chames." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 31 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Li, Paul Jen-Kuei. 1974. "Alternations Between Semi-Consonants and Fricatives or Liquids." In Oceanic Linguistics, 13 , no. 1/2: 163--186. University of Hawai'i Press. cite.
Goldin, Paul Rakita. 1994. "Some Old Chinese Words." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 114 , no. 4: 628--631. American Oriental Society. cite.
Mus, Paul. 1933. "Barabudur: Les Origines Du Stupa Et La Transmigration, Essai D'archeologie Religieuse Comparee - Cinquieme Partie: La Valeur Cosmique Du Stupa, Cosmogrammes Et Geomancie Dans La Croyance Commune De L'Asie." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 33 , no. 2: . cite.
Li, Ying-che. 1989. "Aspects of Historical and Comparative Syntax in Taiwanese and Mandarin." In In: International Conference on Sinology (2nd: 1986: Taipei, Taiwan) Zhong yang yan jiu yuan di 2 jie guo ji Han xue hui yi lun wen ji: Zhonghua min guo qi shi wu nian shi er yue nian jiu ri zhi sa yi ri. [2] Yu yan yu wen zi zu, 715-752. Zhong yang yan jiu yuan. cite.
Kiparsky, Paul and J.F. Staal. 1988. "Synactic and Semantic Relations in Panini." In Modern studies in Sanskrit, edited by Rajendra, et al. Singh. 135-175. Bahri Publications. cite.
Hyer, Paul. 1982. "An Historical Sketch of Kobe -Khota City." In Central Asiatic Journal, 26 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Cohen, Paul T. 1984. "The Sovereignty of Dhamma and Economic Development ; Buddhist Social Ethics in Rural Thailand." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 72 , no. 1 & 2: . cite.
Benedict, Paul K. 1983. "Mulao: Key To Kadai Phonology." In Computational Analyses of Asian and African Languages, 21: 1-5. cite.
Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1979. "Variations in Tsou Dialects." In Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica = Chung yang yen chiu yuan. Li shih yu yen yen chiu so, 50 , no. 2: . cite.
Cadiere, L. and Paul Pelliot. 1904. "Premiere Etude Sur Les Sources Annamites De L'histoire D'Annam." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 4 , no. 3: . cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Benedict, Paul K. 1975. "A Note On Proto-Burmese-Lolo Prefixation." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 2 , no. 2: 289-291. cite.
Ferreira, Paulo. 1992. "Da Necessidade Do Ensino--aprendizagem Do Portugues Nos Colegios Particulares Chineses." In Administracao, 5 , no. 16: . cite.
Lavy, Paul A. 2003. "As in Heaven, So On Earth: The Politics of Visnu, Siva and Harihara Images in Preangkorian Khmer Civilisation." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 34 , no. 1: 21. cite.
Tennant, Paul. 1973. "The Abolition of Elective Local Government in Penang." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 4 , no. 1: . cite.
Serruys, Paul L.-M. 1984. "On the System of the Pu Shou C N the Shuo-wen Chieh-tzu C." In Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica = Chung yang yen chiu yuan. Li shih yu yen yen chiu so, , no. 55. cite.
Kratoska, Paul H. 1985. "The Peripatetic Peasant and Land Tenure in British Malaya." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 16 , no. 1: . cite.
Paulsen, Debbie, Paulette Hopple and Rew Ting. xxxx. "Plang-English Lexicon." . cite.
Webb, R.A.F. Paul. 1993. "Hill Tribes and Catholics." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 81 , no. 1: . cite.
Kratoska, Paul H. 1983. "Ends That We Cannot Foresee: Malay Reservations in British Malaya." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 14 , no. 1: . cite.
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Modini, Paul. 1991. "The Function of the Particle O in Old Japanese." In Japanese Studies Association of Australia, 11 , no. 2: . cite.
Comtois, Claude, Francois Soulard and Jean Paul Rodrigue. 1990. "The Canadian Foreland of Chinese Ports." In Journal of Oriental Studies, 28 , no. 2: . cite.
Levine, Paul. 2002. "A Teaching Methodology with Examples of the Kinds of Cultural Recognition Needed For Translators and Interpreters in Hong Kong." In Teaching translation and interpreting 4: building bridges, edited by Eva Hung. 145-154. John Benjamins. cite.
Pelliot, Paul. 1909. "Notes De Bibliographie Chinoise. II. Le Droit Chinoise." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 9 , no. 1: . cite.
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Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1982. "Male and Female Forms of Speech in Atayal." In Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica = Chung yang yen chiu yuan. Li shih yu yen yen chiu so, 53 , no. 2: . cite.
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Durrenberger, E. Paul and Nicola Tannenbaum. 1989. "Continuities in Highland and Lowland Religions of Thailand." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 77 , no. 1: . cite.
Yule, Paul, K. Rath and Karen Hojgaard. 1989. "Sankarjang--ein Metallzeitlicher Bestattungsplatz Im Dhenkanal-Vorgebirge Des Ostlichen Indien." In Anthropos : internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde = international review of ethnology and linguistics = revue internationale d’ethnologie et de linguistique, 84 , no. 1-3: . cite.
Taylor, Paul Michael. 1983. "North Moluccan Malay: Notes On a Substandard Dialect of Indonesian." In Studies in Malay dialects, edited by James T. Collins. 14-27. Badan Penyelenggara Seri NUSA, Universitas Atma Jaya. cite.
Kroeger, Paul. 1998. "Clitics and Clause Structure in Tagalog." In Pagtanaw: essays on language in honor of Teodoro A. Llamzon, edited by Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista. 53-72. De La Salle University Press. cite.
Lewis, Paul. xxxx. "*The Changing Face of CALL: a Japanese Perspective." . cite.
Denlinger, Paul B. 1976. "Long and Short Vowels in Chinese." In T'oung Pao, 62 , no. 1-3: . cite.
Paul, Diana. 1979. "An Introductory Note To Paramartha's Theory of Language." In Journal of Indian Philosophy, 7 , no. 3: . cite.
Scott, Paul. 1989. "The Etymology of Cooperation: Sino-Japanese Relations and Arao Sei." In Sino-Japanese Newsletter, 1 , no. 2: . cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Benedict, Paul K. 1994. "On VO Vs OV in Southeast Asia." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 17 , no. 1: 173-174. cite.
Kratochvil, Paul. 1982. "Modern Chinese and Linguistic Change." In China Quarterly, , no. 92. cite.
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