481 papers found searching for papers by "sun" .  Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 3, G-Index: 3
Sun, Jackson T. S. 1993. "The Linguistic Position of Tani (Mirish) in Tibeto-Burman : a Lexical Assessment." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 16 , no. 2: 143-188. cite. STATS (4)
Sun Hongkai. 1983. "A Brief Description of Lhoba Language (Idu)." In MZYW, 63-79. cite. STATS (4)
DJVU PDF Sun, Hongkai. 1988. "Notes On Anong and a New Language." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 11 , no. 1: 27-63. cite. STATS (4)
DJVU PDF Sun, Hongkai. 1986. "Notes On Tibeto-Burman Consonant Clusters." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 9 , no. 1: 1-21. cite. STATS (3)
Bieri, Dora and Marlene Schulze. 1971. "<Sunwar Phonemic Summary>, Revised Version." 38 pp. mimeo.. Summer Institute of Linguistics and Tribhuvan University. cite. STATS (3)
Mao tsung-Wu, Meng Chao-chi, and Cheng Tsung-Tse. 1982. "Yaozu Yuyan Jianshi." In Beijing, Minzu Chubanshe., . cite. STATS (3)
Sun Hongkai. 1981. "Qiang Yu Jian Zhi." In Peking., . cite. STATS (3)
Sun Hongkai. 1983. "The Personal Category of Verbs in Tibeto-Burman Languages Spoken in China." In MZYW, 17-29. cite. STATS (3)
Sunee Kamnunsin. Kasong Syntax. Master thesis, Mahidol University, 2002. cite. STATS (3)
Bieri, Dora and Marlene Schulze. 1969. "Sunwar Phonemic Summary." , no. mimeo.31 pp.. Summer Institute of Linguistics and Tribhuvan University. cite. STATS (2)
Bieri, Dora and Marlene Schulze. 1970. "Sunwar Tone and Higher Levels." In Tone systems of Tibeto-Burman languages of Nepal, edited by Austin Hale and Kenneth L. Pike. I: 70-85. University of Illinois. cite. STATS (2)
Kepping, Ksenia Borisovna. 1979. "Sun' Tszy V Tangutskom Perevode: Faksimile Ksilografa. Izdanie Teksta, Perovod, Vvedenie, Kommentarii, Grammaticheskii Ocherk, Slovar' I Prilozhenie." 579 pp.. Nauka. cite. STATS (2)
Suntana Gungsadan Sutadarat. A Phonological Description of Standard Thai,. PhD thesis, , 1978. cite. STATS (2)
DJVU PDF Sun, Hongkai. 1992. "On Nationality and the Recognition of Tibeto-Burman Languages." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 15 , no. 2: 1-19. cite. STATS (2)
DJVU PDF Sun, Jackson Tianshin. 1992. "Review of <i>Zangmianyu Yuyin He Cihui</i> [Tibeto-Burman Phonology and Lexicon]." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 15 , no. 2: 73-113. cite. STATS (2)
Sun, Hongkai. 2005. "The Anong Language: Studies of a Language in Decline." In Language endangerment in the Sinosphere, edited by David Bradley. 143-157. Mouton de Gruyter. cite. STATS (1)
Hardjadibrata, R. R. xxxx. "Sundanese: a Syntactical Analysis." . cite. STATS (1)
Tsunoda, Tasaku. 1996. "The Possession Cline in Japanese and Other Languages." In The grammar of inalienability: a typological perspective on body part terms and the part-whole relation, edited by Hilary Chappell and William Mcgregor. 565-630. Mouton de Gruyter. cite. STATS (1)
DJVU PDF Sun, Hongkai. 2002. "A Discussion of Qiang Bilingualism and with Concurrent Comments On the Influence of Chinese On the Qiang Language." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 25 , no. 2: 1-25. cite. STATS (1)
DJVU PDF Sun, Hongkai. 1999. "The Category of Causative Verbs in Tibeto-Burman Languages." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 22 , no. 1: 183-199. cite. STATS (1)
DJVU PDF Huang, Bufan. 1995. "Conditions For Tongenesis and Tone Split in Tibetan Dialects." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 18 , no. 1: 43-62. cite. STATS (1)
Sun, Chaofen. 1995. "Transitivity, the BA Construction and Its History." In Journal of Chinese linguistics, 23 , no. 1: 159-195. cite. STATS (1)
Sun, Hongkai. 2003. "Is Baima a Dialect or Vernacular of Tibetan?" In Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 32 , no. 1: . cite. STATS (1)
Sun, Chaofen. Word-order Change and the Grammaticalization in the History of Chinese. PhD thesis, Stanford UP, 1996. cite. STATS (1)
Sun, Hongkai. 1995. "A Further Discussion On Verb Agreement in Tibeto-Burman Languages." In New horizons in Tibeto-Burman morphosyntax, 17-29. National Museum of Ethnology. cite. STATS (1)
Tsuchida, Shigeru, Yukihiro Yamada and Tsunekazu Moriguchi. 1987. "Lists of Selected Words of Batanic Languages." 198 p. Univ. of Tokyo. cite. STATS (1)
Sunseng Sunkimmeng. 1977. "Un Manuscrit Khmer D'astrologie Conservé Au Musée Guimet." In Arts asiatiques, , no. 3357-132. cite. STATS (1)
Xu Lin. 1964. "A Brief Description of the Bai Language." In CKYW, , no. 131321-35. cite. STATS (1)
Zhao Yansun. 1982. "Bai Yu De Xi Shu Wen Ti." In CSML, 150-88. cite. STATS (1)
DJVU PDF Sun, Hongkai. 1987. "A Brief Account of My Research Work and with An Appended Bibliography." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 10 , no. 1: 117-125. cite. STATS (1)
DJVU PDF Sun, Hongkai. 1989. "A Preliminary Investigation Into the Relationship Between Qiong Long and the Languages of the Qiang Branch of Tibeto-Burman." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 12 , no. 1: 92-109. cite. STATS (1)
DJVU PDF Sun, Hongkai. 1990. "Languages of the Ethnic Corridor in Western Sichuan." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 13 , no. 1: 1-31. cite. STATS (1)
DJVU PDF Gandour, Jackson T., Soranee Holasuit Petty, Rochana Dardarananda, Sumalee Dechongkit and Sunee Mukngoen. 1986. "The Acquisition and Dissolution of the Voicing Contrast in Thai." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 9 , no. 2: 36-52. cite. STATS (1)
DJVU PDF Sung, Li-May and Yuting Yeh. 2005. "Negation in Kavalan." In SEALS XV Papers from the 15th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 2003, edited by Paul Sidwell. 83-96. Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University. cite. STATS (1)
Ahn, Sung-Ho. 1990. "The Thematic Hierarchy and Scope Interpretation in Korean." In Student conference in linguistics. Cambridge, Mass, edited by Thomas Green and Sigal Uziel. 1-13. Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. cite. STATS
Matsunaga, Sachiko. 1996. "The Linguistic Nature of Kanji Reexamined: Do Kanji Represent Only Meanings?" In Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese, 30 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Zhou, Minglang and Hongkai Sun. xxxx. "*Language Policy in the People's Republic of China: Theory and Practice Since 1949." . cite. STATS
Hong, Sung-woo. 1985. "Das Graphematische System Der Koreanischen Buchstaben." In Collectanea Philologica: Festschrift fur Helmut Gipper zum 65. Geburtstag, I & II, edited by Gunter Heintz and Peter Schmitter. 273-279. Valentin Koerner. cite. STATS
Chatterji, Suniti Kumar. 1986. "The Word About Igor's Folk (Slavo O Pulku Igoreve) As a Specimen of Old Slav and Indo-European Heroic Poetry." In Journal of the Asiatic Society, 28 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Sun, Fuchuan and Dagan Feng. 1999. "Eye Movements in Reading Chinese and English Text." In Reading Chinese script: a cognitive analysis. Mahwah, N.J, edited by Jian Wang et al.. 189-205. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. cite. STATS
Sundaram, C.S. 1980. "Stotras Found in Inscriptions: a Few Suggestions." In Annals of Oriental Research, 29 , no. 1-2: . cite. STATS
Lee, Hyuck-Joon and Hee-Sun Kim. 1997. "Phonetic Realization of Seoul Korean Accentual Phrase." In Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 7: . cite. STATS
Chang, Claire Hsun-huei. 1990. "On Serial Verbs in Mandarin Chinese: VV Compounds and Co-verbial Phrases." In Ohio State University Workshop Papers on Linguistics, . cite. STATS
Seo, Misun. 2001. "A Cross-linguistic Study of the Perception of Sonorant Sequences [Korean, Swedish and Moroccan Arabic]." In Onsei kenkyu = Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan, 5 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Im, Sung-Chool. 2002. "Characteristic Lexicalization Patterns of Motion Events in Korean." In Japanese / Korean linguistics, volume 10. Stanford, Calif, edited by Noriko M. Akatsuka and Susan Strauss. 50-61. Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by CSLI Publications. cite. STATS
Yasunari, Tetsuzo. 1981. "Temporal and Spatial Variations of Monthly Rainfall in Java, Indonesia." In Southeast Asian Studies = Tonan Ajia kenkyu, 19 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Bak, Sung-Yun. 1992. "The Semantics of Conditionals." In Korea Journal, 32 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Kim, Jong-Hyun and Hee-Sung Chung. 1991. "Adjunction Structure Formalism For English-Korean Machine Translation System." In Language Research, 27 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Moriguchi, Tsunekazu. 1982. "Some Notes On Accent in Kbalan: a Minority Aboriginal Language in Formosa." In Journal of Asian and African Studies = Ajia Afurika gengo bunka kenkyu, , no. 24. cite. STATS
Sung, Kuo-Ming. 1995. "On Definiteness : More Evidence For a Partitive Approach." In FLSM VI : proceedings of the sixth annual meeting of the Formal Linguistics Society of Mid-America , Vol. 1 . Phonology & syntax I , 2 . Syntax II & semantics, edited by . Bloomington, IN, 2: 55-66. Indiana Univ. Ling. Club. cite. STATS
Fukuyasu, Katsunori. 1993. "Vowel Lengthening As Empty Case-marker [in a Dialect Spoken in Tottori Prefecture]." In Actes du XVe Congres international des linguistes: Quebec, Universite Laval, 9-14 aout 1992: les langues menacees = Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Linguists: Quebec, Universite Laval, 9-14 August 1992: endangered languages, edited by Andre Crochetiere et al.. 273-276. Presses de l'Universite Laval. cite. STATS
Sundararajan, R. xxxx. "Language and Philosophy." In Journal of the Madras University: Humanities, 45 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Meenakshisundaram, T.P. xxxx. "Tamil: a Bird's-eye View." . cite. STATS
Sun, Maosong and Benjamin K. T'sou. 1995. "Ambiguity Resolution in Chinese Word Segmentation." In Language, information and computation: proceedings of the 10th Pacific Asia Conference, 27-28 December 1995, Hong Kong, edited by Benjamin K. T'sou and Tom B.Y. Lai. 121-126. Language Information Sciences Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong. cite. STATS
Venditti, Jennifer J., Sun-Ah Jun and Mary E. Beckman. 1996. "Prosodic Cues To Syntactic and Other Linguistic Structures in Japanese, Korean, and English." In Signal to syntax: bootstrapping from speech to grammar in early acquisition. Mahwah, N.J, edited by James L. Morgan and Katherine Demuth. 287-311. Lawrence, Erlbaum Associates. cite. STATS
Sung, Li-May and Peter Cole. 1991. "The Effect of Morphology On Long Distance Reflexives." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 19 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Sun, Chaofen. 1991. "The International Conference On Theoretical and Applied Studies of Chinese and English, June 23-24, 1990." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 19 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Chueh, Chuang-Hua, Meng-Sung Wu and Jen-Tzung Chien. 2007. "Some Advances in Language Modeling." In In: Lee, Chin-Hui, et al. Advances in Chinese spoken language processing. Singapore; Hackensack, N.J, 201-226. World Scientific. cite. STATS
Lee, Sunyoung. 1999. "A Korean Child's Acquisition of First-person Singular Pronouns: Compared with An English-speaking Child's." In Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 8: . cite. STATS
Tsuda, Hiroshi and Yasunari Harada. 1997. "Semantics and Pragmatics of Adnominal Particle NO in Quixote." In Travaux de linguistique japonaise, 10: . cite. STATS
Sun, Teresa Chi-ching. 1981. "A Study of the Literary Quotation of Ch'i Pai-shih's Seal Inscriptions and Some Insights Into His Outlook of Life." In Asian Profile, 9 , no. 5: . cite. STATS
Sunkapur, M.S. and Jayavant S. Kulli. xxxx. "Papers in Linguistics." . cite. STATS
Mantena, Rama Sundari. 2005. "Vernacular Features: Colonial Philology and the Ideas of History in Nineteenth-century South India [C.P. Brown's Linguistic Studies of Telugu]." In Indian Economic and Social History Review, 42 , no. 4: . cite. STATS
Sung, Margaret M.Y. 1989. "The Languages of the Taiwan Aborigines." In Anthropological studies of the Taiwan area: accomplishments and prospects, edited by Kuang-chou, et al. Li. 37-58. Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University. cite. STATS
Sun, Laichen. 2007. "Burmese Bells and Chinese Eroticism: Southeast Asia's Cultural Influence On China." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 38 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Harada, Yasunari and Naohiko Noguchi. 1992. "On the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dake (and Only)." In SALT II: proceedings of the Second Conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory: held at the Ohio State University, May 1-3, 1992, edited by Chris Barker and David R. Dowty. 125-144. Ohio State University, Department of Linguistics. cite. STATS
Park, Mee-Jeong and Sung-Ock S. Sohn. 2002. "Discourse, Grammaticalization, & Intonation: An Analysis of -ketun in Korean." In Japanese / Korean linguistics, volume 10. Stanford, Calif, edited by Noriko M. Akatsuka and Susan Strauss. 306-319. Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by CSLI Publications. cite. STATS
Bak, Sung-yun. 1987. "Conditionals in Korean." In Harvard studies in Korean linguistics II--Proceedings of the 1987 Harvard Workshop on Korean Linguistics (Harvard WOKL-1987), February 13-14, 1987, edited by Susumu, et al Kuno. 163-173. Hanshin. cite. STATS
Sohn, Sung-Ock S. 1994. "The Development of Epistemic Causality in Korean." In Korean Linguistics: Journal of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics, 8: . cite. STATS
Ganeshsundaram, P.C. xxxx. "Computer Translation of Tamil and Other Languages: a Theoretical Paradigm." . cite. STATS
Hong, Ki-Sun. 1994. "Subjecthood Tests in Korean." In Language Research, 30 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Sun, Hongkai. 1992. "Language Recognition and Nationality [languages Used By Minorities in China]." In News from China: minority languages in perspective: with a note on transliteration problems in the Chinese context, edited by Hongkai Sun and Florian Coulmas. 9-22. Mouton De Gruyter. cite. STATS
Sun, Warren. 1995. "Lu Hsun of the May Fourth Movement and Chang Ping-lin of the 1911 Revolution: An Intriguing Story of the Intellectual Encounter Between Two Generations." In Journal of Oriental Studies, 33 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Sun, Chia-chun. xxxx. "As the Saying Goes: An Annotated Anthology of Chinese and Equivalent English Sayings and Expressions, and An Introduction To Xiehoyu." . cite. STATS
Sung, Chang-lien. xxxx. "Grammatik Der Chinesischen Umgangssprache." . cite. STATS
Sun, Hsin-Hou. 1975. "An Evaluation of Some Significant Aspects of Chinese Language and Its Inadaptability To Alphabets." In Chinese Culture, 16 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Kim, Sun-Woong. 1994. "A Study On the Light Verb Construction in English and Korean." In Language Research, 30 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Lande, Asuncion Nobleza. 1973. "Language Change and Linguistic Engineering: a Case of Non-implementation and Its Consequences." edited by International Congress of Anthropological et al.. 777-782. by Thomas R. Williams. The Hague, Mouton. cite. STATS
Cho, Sungdai. 1999. "Distinction of Unaccusative and Unergative." In Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 8: . cite. STATS
Sung, Margaret and Alex Kuo. 1986. "A Linguistic Evaluation of Chinese Computer Input Systems." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 21 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Moriguchi, Tsunekazu. 1983. "An Inquiry Into Kbalan Phonology." In Journal of Asian and African Studies = Ajia Afurika gengo bunka kenkyu, , no. 26. cite. STATS
Asuncion-Lande, Nobleza C. 1995. "English For Global Competitiveness: the Philippine Context." In Solidarity, , no. 147-148. cite. STATS
Asuncion-Lande, Nobleza and Emy M. Pascasio. 1979. "Language Maintenance and Code Switching Among Filipino Bilingual Speakers." In Sociolinguistic studies in language contact: methods and cases, edited by William F. Mackey and Jacob Ornstein. 211-230. Mouton. cite. STATS
Lee, Yongsung. 1994. "Onset Analysis of Korean On-glides." In Theoretical issues in Korean linguistics. Stanford, Calif, edited by Young-Key Kim-renaud. 133-156. Published by CSLI Publications for the Stanford Linguistics Society. cite. STATS
Cho, Sungdai. 2006. "Linguistic Structures of Korean." In Korean language in culture and society, edited by Ho-min Sohn. 236-248. University of Hawaii Press. cite. STATS
Sen-Gupta, Sunil. 1978. "Common Cognitive Elements in Combined Verbs (Bengali, Khmer, Bahasa Indonesian and Vietnamese)." In Approaches to language: anthropological issues, edited by William C. Mccormack and Stephen A. Wurm. 363-370. Mouton. cite. STATS
Kim, Kee-Ho. 1991. "Revisiting Distinctive Feature Approach in Speech Recognition." In Language Research, 27 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Nam, Jee-Sun. 1993. "Corpus Des Adjectifs Coreens: Constitution Et Classification." In Actes du XVe Congres international des linguistes: Quebec, Universite Laval, 9-14 aout 1992: les langues menacees = Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Linguists: Quebec, Universite Laval, 9-14 August 1992: endangered languages, edited by Andre Crochetiere et al.. 391-394. Presses de l'Universite Laval. cite. STATS
Ogino, Tsunao. 1989. "Length and Politeness of Honorific Expressions." In Japanese quantitative linguistics, edited by Shizuo Mizutani. 188-199. N. Brockmeyer. cite. STATS
Sung, Li-May. 1989. "Long-distance Reflexives in Chinese." In Proceedings of the third Ohio State University Conference on Chinese Linguistics (13-14 May 1988), edited by Marjorie K.M. Chan and Thomas Ernst. 244-269. Indiana University Linguistics Club Publications. cite. STATS
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Suh, Sungki. 2000. "Multiple Subject NPs and Processing Overload [Korean and Japanese]." In Language Research, 36 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Kang, Sun-Young. 1995. "A Note On Auxiliary Verbs in Korean." In Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 6: . cite. STATS
Huang, Jong-Tsun and Man-Ying Wang. 1992. "From Unit To Gestalt: Perceptual Dynamics in Recognizing Chinese Characters." In Language processing in Chinese, edited by Hsuan-Chih Chen and Ovid J.L. Tzeng. 3-35. North-Holland. cite. STATS
Sohn, Sung-Ock S. 1998. "From Quotation To Sentence-final Particle: the Analysis of -ko in Modern Korean." In Description and explanation in Korean linguistics, edited by Ross King. 351-367. East Asia Program, Cornell University. cite. STATS
Sun, Yifeng. 2007. "Cultural Diaspora and Foreignising Translation [includes Chinese]." In Journal of Translation Studies, 10 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Jun, Sun-Ah. 1994. "Asymmetry of Prosodic Effects On the Glottal Gesture in Korean." In Papers from the linguistics laboratory, edited by Jennifer J. Venditti. 125-145. Department of Linguistics, Ohio State University. cite. STATS
Lee, Sung-nyong. 1976. "On Stem-formation in Korean: a Comparative Study Between Korean and Old Turkish." In Asian Culture Quarterly, 4 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Sastry, V. Sundara Rama. 1999. "Buddhism in Andhradesa: a Socio Economic Study in Historical Outline." In Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, 90 , no. 1-2: . cite. STATS
Sundaram, R.M. 1988. "Translating Marxian Literature Into Tamil: Some Syntactic and Semantic Problems." In Translation as synthesis: a search for a new gestalt, edited by K. Karunakaran and M. Jayakumar. 159-164. Bahri Publications. cite. STATS
Sung, Hung-cheh. 1974. "Sprachges Chichtliche Untersuchungen Uber Das Erste Auftreten Des Zahleinheit Sworten Ge (Nr.1) Sowie Uber Das Vorkommen Von Zahleinheitsworten Innerhalb Der Struktur Numerale + Zahleinheitswort + Substantiv." In In: International Congress of Orientalists, 29th, Vergangenheit und Gegenwart: Beitrage der Asienwissenschaftler der DDR zum XXIX. Internationalen Orientalistenkongress 1973 in Paris, 491-498. Akademie-Verlag. cite. STATS
Kawanishi, Yumiko and Sung-Ock Sohn. 1993. "The Grammaticalization of Korean Negation: a Semantic-pragmatic Analysis of -canh." In Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 5: . cite. STATS
Hong, Ki-Sun. 1990. "Quantifier Float in Korean." In Proceedings of the sixteenth annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 16-19, 1990. Berkeley, Calif, edited by Kira, et al. Hall. 175-186. Berkeley Linguistics Society. cite. STATS
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Kim, Sung-A. 1999. "Exceptional Affixes in Hamkyeng Korean: Word-to-word Analogy." In Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 8: . cite. STATS
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Sung, Hyekyung and Amado M. Padilla. 1998. "Student Motivation, Parental Attitudes, and Involvement in the Learning of Asian Languages in Elementary and Secondary Schools." In Modern Language Journal, 82 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
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Sun, Hongkai. 1999. "On the Tibeto-Burman Languages of the Eastern Himalayan Area in China." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 22 , no. 2: 61-72. cite. STATS
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