Results1423 papers found searching for papers by "tan" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 5, G-Index: 7 Schachter, Paul and Fe T Otanes. xxxx. "Tagalog Reference Grammar." . cite.
STATS (18)
Das, Sarat Chandra. 1902. "A Tibetan--English Dictionary with Sanskit Synonyms." , no. revised and edited by Graham Sandberg and A. William Heyde1353 pp.. West Bengal Government press. cite.
Starosta, Stanley, Andrew K. Pawley and Lawrence A. Reid. 1982. "The Evolution of Focus in Austronesian." In Papers from the Third International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, edited by Amran Halim et al.. 145-170. Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. cite.
Shibatani, Masayoshi. 1988. "Voice in Philippine Languages." In Passive and voice, edited by Masayoshi Shibatani. 85-142. John Benjamins. cite.
Matisoff, James A. 1972. "Tangkhul Naga and Comparative Tibeto-Burman." In TAK, 1-13. cite.
Bhat, D. N. Shankara. 1969. "Tankhur Naga Vocabulary." xii, 199 pp.. Deccan College Postgraduate Research Institute. cite.
Forrest, R. A. D. 1962. "The Linguistic Position of Rong (Lepcha)." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 82 , no. 3: 331--335. American Oriental Society. cite.
Vichintana Chantavibulya. 1959. "The Phonology of the Syllable in Songkhla, a Southern Thai Dialect,." . cite.
Wilaiwan Khanittanan. The Influence of Siamese On Five Lao Dialects,. PhD thesis, , 1973. cite.
Wylie, Turrell V. 1959. "A Standard System of Tibetan Transcription." In Harvard journal of Asiatic studies, , no. 22261-7. cite.
Mitani, Yasuyuki. 1976. "Descriptive and Comparative Studies of the Khamet Phonology." In Southeast Asia: nature,, edited by ed., Shinichi ichimura. . society, and development (Kyoto U. Monogr. of the Center for Southeast Asian studies, English ser. 9), Honolulu, U. Press of Hawaii:76-95.. cite.
Starosta, Stanley. 1974. "Causative Verbs in Formosan Languages." In Oceanic Linguistics, 13 , no. 1/2: 279--369. University of Hawai'i Press. cite.
Delancey, Scott. 1983. "Tangut and Tibeto-Burman Morphology." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area, 7 , no. 2: 100-8. cite.
Mitani, Yasuyuki. 1977. "Palaung Dialects: a Preliminary Comparison." In TAK, 193-212. cite.
Tan, Hu and Dai Qingxia (Tai Ch'ing-hsia). 1964. "Ha-ni-yü Yüan-yin Te Sung-chin." In Chung-kuo Yü-wen, 128 , no. 1: 76-87. cite.
Peng, Jin, Tan Kerang, Qu Aitang and Lin Xiangrong. 1958. "Jiarong Yu Suomo Hua De Yu Yin He Xing Tai (xu)." In Yu-yen yen-chiu, 3: 71-108. cite.
Starosta, Stanley. 1967. "Sora Syntax: a Generative Approach To a Munda Language." In University of Wisconsin Ph.D. Thesis Dissertation, . cite.
Kun, Chang. 1977. "The Tibetan Role in Sino-Tibetan Comparative Linguistics." In Academia Sinica/Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, 48: 93-108. cite.
Constantino, Ernesto. 1971. "Tagalog and Other Major Languages of the Philippines." In Current Trends in Linguistics, 8 , no. 1: . cite.
Shintani, Tadahiko and Chao Yang. xxxx. "The Mun Language of Hainan Island: Its Classified Lexicon = Hai-nan Tao Men Yu Fen Lei T'zu Hui Chi." . cite.
Ratanakul, Suriya. 1985. "The Lawa L.... Poetry." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 73 , no. 1 & 2: . cite.
Goldstein, Melvyn C. 1975. "Tibetan--English Dictionary of Modern Tibetan." 1234 pp.. Ratna Pustak Bhandar. cite.
Mitani, Yasuyuki. 1978. "Problems in the Classification of Palaungic." In SICAL., . cite.
STATS (3) DJVUPDF Mitani, Yasayuki. 1979. "Vowel Correspondences Between Riang and Palaung." In Studies in Tai and Mon-Khmer Phonetics and Phonology In Honour of Eugénie J.A. Henderson, edited by Theraphan L. Thongkum et al.. 142-150. Chulalongkorn University Press. cite.
Qu Aitang. 1983. "The Personal Category of the Gyarong Verb." In MZYW, 35-48. cite.
Thomas, Frederick William. 1951. "Tibetan Literary Texts and Documents Concerning Chinese Turkestan,." . Documents, London,. cite.
Veena Chantanakomes. A Description of Moken: a Malayo-Polynesian Language. Master thesis, Mahidol University, 1980. cite.
Juntanamalaga, Preecha. 1988. "Social Issues in Thai Classifier Usage." In Language sciences, 10 , no. 2: 313-330. cite.
Bautista, Maria Lourdes S. xxxx. "The Filipino Bilingual's Competence: a Model Based On An Analysis of Tagalog-English Code Switching." . cite.
Abraham, P.T. xxxx. "Apatani Grammar." . cite.
Starosta, Stanley. 1985. "Mandarin Case Marking: a Localistic Lexicase Analysis." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 13 , no. 2: . cite.
Lekawatana, Pongsri. 1975. "The So-called Passive in Thai." In A Tai festschrift for William J. Gedney on the occasion of his fifth cycle of life birthday anniversary, April 4, 1975, edited by Thomas W. Gething. 1-12. Southeast Asian Studies Program, University of Hawaii. cite.
Tan, Hu. 1982. "Recherches Sur Les Tons Du Tibétain (dialecte De Lhasa)." In Cahiers de Linguistique, Asie Orientale, 11 , no. 1: 11-46. cite.
STATS (2) DJVUPDF Starosta, Stanley. 2001. "The Identification of Word Classes in Thai." In Essays in Tai Linguistics, edited by M.R. Kalaya tingsabadh and Arthur S. Abramson. 63-90. Chulalongkorn University Press. cite.
Tournadre, Nicolas. 1995. "Tibetan Ergativity and the Trajectory Model." In New horizons in Tibeto-Burman morphosyntax, 261-275. National Museum of Ethnology. cite.
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STATS (2) DJVUPDF Miller, Carolyn. 1964. "The Substantive Phrase in Brôu." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 1: 63-80. cite.
Mitani, Yasuyuki. 1966. "Descriptive Study of the Lawa Language (Bo Luang Dialect)." In TAK, 40-62. cite.
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Purnell, Herbert C. 1976. "The Stanzaic Structure of Northern Thai (Lannathai) Khâaw Poetry." In TLHFKL, 185-204. cite.
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Shibatani, Masayoshi. 1985. "Passives and Related Constructions: A Prototype Analysis." In Language, 61 , no. 4: 821--848. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
STATS (2) DJVUPDF Khanittanan, Wilaiwan. 1988. "Thai Written Discourse: a Change To a More Autonomous Style?" In The International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, edited by Cholticha Bamroongraks et al.. Bangkok, Thailand, 120-128. Thammasat University. cite.
STATS (2) DJVUPDF Sornlertlamvanich, Virach and Wantanee Phantachat. 1992. "Information-based Language Analysis For Thai." In The Third International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand, 497-512. Chulalongkorn University. cite.
Starosta, Stanley. 2003. "On Defining the Chinese Compound Word: Headedness in Chinese Compounding and Chinese VR Compounds." In Explorations in seamless morphology. New Delhi; Thousand Oaks, Calif, edited by Rajendra Singh et al.. 90-115. Sage. cite.
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Starosta, Stanley. 1999. "Transitivity, Ergativity and the Best Analysis of Atayal Case Marking." In Selected papers from the eight International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, edited by Elizabeth Zeitoun Paul Jen-kuei Li. Taipei, 371-392. Acad. Sinica, Inst. of Linguistics (Preparatory Office). cite.
Simon, Walter. 1972. "Tibetan Lh- and Hr- in Alternation with Other Initial Consonant Clusters, or with Simple Initial L- and R-." In Ancient Mesoamerica, 216-22. cite.
Shibatani, Masayoshi. 1972. "Three Reasons For Not Deriving 'kill' From 'cause To Die' in Japanese." In Syntax and semantics, edited by John P. Kimball. 125-137. Seminar Press. cite.
Khanittanan, Wilaiwan. 1988. "Some Observations On Expressing Politeness in Thai." In Language sciences, 10 , no. 2: 353-362. cite.
Starosta, Stanley. 1973. "Case Forms and Case Relations in Sora." In Working papers in Linguistics of University of Hawaii, edited by by Jenner. . cite.
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Starosta, Stanley. 1991. "The Great Aux Cataclysm: Diachronic Justification For a Synchronic Analysis." In Studies in Dravidian and general linguistics: a festschrift for Bh. Krishnamurti, edited by B. Lakshmi bai and B. Ramakrishna reddy. 505-515. Centre of Advancd Study in Linguistics, Osmania University. cite.
Pattanayak, D.P. 1975. "Caste and Language." In International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 4 , no. 1: . cite.
Tang, Chih-Chen Jane. 1990. "A Note On the DP Analysis of the Chinese Noun Phrase." In Linguistics : an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences, , no. 306. cite.
Ratanakul, Suriya. 1981. "Sgaw Karen Color Categories." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 69 , no. 1 & 2: . cite.
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Tan, Chee-Beng. 1980. "Baba Malay Dialect." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 53 , no. 1: . cite.
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