Results46 papers found searching for papers by "gong" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1 Hwang-cherng, Gong. 1980. "A Comparative Study of the Chinese, Tibetan, and Burmese Vowel Systems." In Academia Sinica/Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, 51 , no. 3: 455-90. cite.
Hutchinson, Robert Henry Sneyd. 1909. "Chittagong Hill Tracts." 3, iii, 108 pp.. The Pioneer Press. cite.
Gong, Hwang-Cherng. 2003. "Tangut." In The Sino-Tibetan languages, edited by Graham Thurgood and Randy J. Lapolla. 602-620. Routledge. cite.
Gong, Hwang-cherng. 1994. "A Hypothesis of Three Grades and Vowel Length Distinction in Tangut." In Journal of Asian and African Studies = Ajia Afurika gengo bunka kenkyu, , no. 46-47. cite.
Zhang, Gongjin. 1996. "The Cultural Accumulation in Dai Language." In In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Thai Studies, 603-607. s.n.. cite.
Gong, Jianping and Katia Chirkova. 2001. "On Language." In Contemporary Chinese Thought, 32 , no. 3: . cite.
Qanungo, Suniti Bhushan. 1976. "Chittagong During the Afghan Rule (1538-1580)." In Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 21 , no. 2: . cite.
Gong, Hwang-cherng. 1987. "Case Postpositions in Tibeto-Burman Languages." In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists: Berlin / GDR, August 10-August 15, 1987, edited by Werner Bahner et al.. 2429-2432. Akademie-Verlag. cite.
Gong, Hwang-cherng. 1982. "Chinese Elements in the Tangut Script." In Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica = Chung yang yen chiu yuan. Li shih yu yen yen chiu so, 53 , no. 1: . cite.
Zhang, Gongjin. 1993. "The Characters and Literature of the Dai Nationality." In South East Asian Review, 18 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Hwang-cherng, Gong. 1983. "Chinese Elements in Tangut Script." In Computational Analyses of Asian and African Languages, 21: 15-42. cite.
Gong, Hwang-cherng. 1981. "A Northwestern Chinese Dialect At the End of the 12th Century." In Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica = Chung yang yen chiu yuan. Li shih yu yen yen chiu so, 52 , no. 1: . cite.
Winstedt, R.O. 1932. "The Temenggongs of Muar." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 10 , no. 1: . cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Zhang Gongjin. 1992. "Measure Words in Tai: Their Syntactic Function, Word Order, and the Problem of Deletion." In Papers on Tai languages, Linguistics, and Literatures, edited by Carol J. Compton and John F. Hartmann. 205-222. Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University. cite.
Andrs, Dusan. 1998. "Gongsun Long's Baima Lun: a Semiotic Argument." In Tamkang Review, 28 , no. 3: . cite.
Hwang-cherng, Gong. 1981. "Voiced Obstruents in the Tangut Language." In Academia Sinica/Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, 52: 1-16. cite.
Zhang, Zhigong. 1985. "Chinese Characters and Reading: An Outline." In Chinese Education, 18 , no. 2: . cite.
Gong, Hwang-cherng. 2001. "Personal Agreements and Phonological Alternations in the Tangut Verb." In Language and linguistics = Yuyan ji yuyanxue, 2 , no. 1: 21-67. cite.
Gong, Hwang-cherng. 2000. "Prefixes in Old Chinese From the Perspective of Sino-Tibetan Comparative Studies." In Language and linguistics = Yuyan ji yuyanxue, 1 , no. 2: 39-62. cite.
Gong, Qunhu. "On Correspondent Words with Liquid Sound of Chinese and Tai Languages." . cite.
Myers, James and Shuping Gong. 2002. "Cross-morphemic Predictability and the Lexical Acces of Compounds in Mandarin Chinese." In Folia linguistica : acta Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae, 36 , no. 1-2: 65-96. cite.
Ge, Gong. 1957. "Zang Wen Wen Fa Jian Yao Ji Dong Ci De Yong Fa." . Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House. cite.
Gong, Hwang-cherng. 1977. "Gu Zang-wen De <y> Ju Qi-to Siang-guan Wen-ti." In Academia Sinica/Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, 48: 205-28. cite.
Hwang-cherng, Gong. 1981. "Reconstruction of the Tangut Initial Consonants of Group IX Words in the T'ung-yin Dictionary." In Academia Sinica/Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, 52: 17-36. cite.
Zizhi, Gong. 1957. "Guan Yu Bai Zu Xing Cheng Wen Ti De Yi Xie Yi Jian (Jiu Bai Yu De Xi Shu Yi Ji Bai Zu Guo De Chuan Shuo Deng Fang Mian Yu Qin Fengxiang Xian Sheng De Shan Que)." . Publishing House, May. cite.
Hutchinson, Robert Henry Sneyd. 1906. "Chittagong Hill Tracts." 202, xxxix pp., 16 plates, map. Bengal Secretariat Book Depot. cite.
Xing Gongwan (Hsing Kung-Wan). 1949. "Han Tai Yu Guo Ci Fa De Yi Ge Bi Jiao Yan Jiu." In Guo wen yue kan, , no. 775-9. cite.
Xing Gongwan (Hsing Kung-Wan). 1950. "Dong Tai Yu Gai Shu." In Guangming Ri Bao, May 15, 22, and, . cite.
Xing Gongwan (Hsing Kung-Wan). 1955. "A Comparative Study of Word Formation in the Chinese and Tai Languages." In Selected reference material on the Chinese language, 143-53. cite.
Xing Gongwan (Hsing Kung-Wan). 1962. "Lun Diao Lei Zai Han Tai Yu Bi Jiao Shang De Zhong Yao Xing." In CKYW, , no. 11115-27. cite.
Xing Gongwan (Hsing Kung-Wan). 1979. "Lun Han Zang Xi Yu Yen De Bi Jiao Yu Fa Xue." In Nan kai da xue bao, , no. 468ff. cite.
Xing Gongwan (Hsing Kung-Wan). 1979. "On the Particles Liao and Zhou of Contemporary Chinese and Tai Languages." In MZYW, 84-98. cite.
Xing Gongwan (Hsing Kung-Wan). 1979. "Xian Dai Han Yu He Tai Yu Li De Zhu Ci Le He Zhe (xia)." In MZYW, , no. 3206ff. cite.
Xing Gongwan (Hsing Kung-Wan). 1983. "The Correspondence of the Word Bié Lí Between Chinese and Thai Languages." In MZYW, 31-4. cite.
Xing Gongwan (Hsing Kung-Wan). 1983. "Phonetic Correspondences Between Chinese and Dong-Tai in the Rhyme Groups Yu, Xie, Zhi, Xiao and Liu." In YYYC, 134-68. cite.
Zhang Gongjin. 1958. "Zai Yu Han Yu Bi Jiau Fen Xi Zhong Kan Dai Yu Dong Ci 'au De Lai Yuan He Yong Fa." In SMYL, . cite.
Zhang Gongjin. 1978. "Lun Han Yu Ji Zhuang Dong Yu Zu Zhu Yu Yan Zhong De Dan Wei Ci." In Zhong yang min zu xue yuan xue bao, , no. 414ff. cite.
Zhang Gongjin. 1979. "Dai Yu De Hong Fang Yan Zhong Dong Ci He Xing Rong Ci De Hou Fu Xing Shi." In MZYW, 125ff. cite.
Zhang Gongjin. 1979. "Zhen Gui De Lao Dai Wen Wen Xian." In Min zu tuan jie, , no. 352ff. cite.
Zhang Gongjin. 1980. "Xishuangbanna De Dai Wen Bei Ye Jing." In Bai ke zhi shi, , no. 1037ff. cite.
Zhang Gongjin. 1982. "Dai Yu Ming Ci Xiu Shi Yu De Ji Ben Yu Xu." In CSML, 309-22. cite.
Zhang Gongjin. 1982. "An Investigation of Tai Demonstratives and Their Relation To Chinese Zhě." In Studia Turcologica Cracoviensia, . cite.
Zhang Junru. 1983. "The Origin and Development of the Affricates in Zhuang-Dong (Kam-Dai) Languages." In MZYW, 19-29. cite.
Zhen bei yi xi zha ba, and Gong Bu Ji Cun. 1980. "Yu Men Wen Fa Gai Yao (Zang Wen)." In Ethnic Publishing House, January., . cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Zhang Gongjin. 1998. "The Status of Research On Kam-Tai Studies By Chinese Scholars." In The International Conference on Tai Studies, edited by Somsonge Burusphat. Bangkok, Thailand, 435-442. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Mayuree Thawornpat. 2007. "Gong Phonological Characteristics." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 37: 197-216. cite.