Results122 papers found searching for papers by "dai" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 2 Tan, Hu and Dai Qingxia (Tai Ch'ing-hsia). 1964. "Ha-ni-yü Yüan-yin Te Sung-chin." In Chung-kuo Yü-wen, 128 , no. 1: 76-87. cite.
STATS (4) DJVUPDF Hayes, La Vaughn H. 1982. "On Daic Loans and Initial Mutations in Thavung." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 11: 101-114. cite.
Tzeng, Ovid J.-L., Daisy L. Hung and Linda Garro. 1978. "Reading the Chinese Characters: An Information Processing View." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 6 , no. 2: . cite.
Bauer, Robert S. 1987. "Kadai Loanwords in Southern Chinese Dialects." In Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan, , no. 32. cite.
Biq, Yung-O, Huoyi Dai and Sandra A. Thompson. 1996. "Recent Development in Functional Approaches To Chinese." In New horizons in Chinese linguistics, edited by C.-T. James Huang and Y.-H. Audrey Li. 97-140. Kluwer Academic Publishers. cite.
STATS (1) DJVUPDF Dai, Qingxia. 1987. "Characteristics of the Language of Traditional Songs of the Jingpo Nationality." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 10 , no. 1: 86-116. cite.
STATS (1) DJVUPDF Dai, Qingxia and Yanmuchu. 1992. "On the Status of Tones in the Suomo Dialect of RGyarong." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 15 , no. 2: 21-31. cite.
STATS (1) DJVUPDF Edmondson, Jerold A. 1992. "Some Kadai Languages of Northern Guangxi, China." In The Third International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand, 28-43. Chulalongkorn University. cite.
Dai, John Xiang-ling. 1992. "The Head in Wo Pao-de Kuai." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 20 , no. 1: . cite.
Doan, Phan Dai. 1996. "Popular Buddhism in the Region of Dau." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 49. cite.
Doan, Phan Dai and Nguyen Quang Ngoc. 2002. "Relationship Between Village, Family Clan and Traditional Family in the Red River Delta." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 145. cite.
Dai, John Xiang-ling. 1990. "The Resultative De As An Inflectional Morpheme in Chinese." In Proceedings of the Eastern states conference on linguistics, 7: 67-78. cite.
Doan, Phan Dai. 1985. "L'evolution De La Population Rurale." In Cahiers d'etudes vietnamiennes, , no. 9. cite.
Dai, Qingxia and Lon Diehl. 2003. "Jinghpo." In The Sino-Tibetan languages, edited by Graham Thurgood and Randy J. Lapolla. 401-408. Routledge. cite.
Cho, Sungdai. 1999. "Distinction of Unaccusative and Unergative." In Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 8: . cite.
Chung, Viet. 1985. "Dai Viet Culture." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 7. cite.
Dai, Jian-Cheng and Hsi-Jian Lee. 1992. "Parsing with Slash Features To Resolve Movement Transformation in Mandarin Chinese." In Intelligent systems for processing oriental languages: proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, December 15-18, 1992, edited by Julius T. Tou and Joseph J. Liang. 123-130. Chinese Language Computer Society. cite.
Dai, Qingxia. 1994. "Two Compilatory Principles Underlying a Jingpo-Chinese Dictionary." In Papers from the First Asia International Lexicography Conference, Manila, Philippines--1992, edited by Bonifacio Sibayan and Leonard Newell. 279-285. Linguistic Society of the Philippines. cite.
Cho, Sungdai. 2006. "Linguistic Structures of Korean." In Korean language in culture and society, edited by Ho-min Sohn. 236-248. University of Hawaii Press. cite.
Chang, Jimei, Daisy L Hung and Ovid J.L. Tzeng. 1992. "Miscue Analysis of Chinese Children's Reading Behavior At the Entry Level." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 20 , no. 1: . cite.
Takahashi, Daiko. 2006. "Apparent Parasitic Gaps and Null Arguments in Japanese." In Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 15 , no. 1: . cite.
Ma, Xueliang and Qingxia Dai. 1988. "Language and Nationality." In Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, 21 , no. 1: . cite.
Dai, Ho Ngoc. 2000. "Happiness From Schooling." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 137. cite.
Dai, John Xiang-ling. 1990. "Syntactic Constructions in Serial Verb Expressions in Chinese." In When verbs collide: papers from the 1990 Ohio State mini-conference on serial verbs, edited by Brian D. Joseph and Arnold M. Zwicky. 316-339. Department of Linguistics, Ohio State University. cite.
LISP, US / JAPAN WORKSHOP ON PARALLEL. xxxx. "Parallel Lisp: Languages and Systems: US / Japan Workshop On Parallel Lisp, Sendai, Japan, June 5-8, 1989, Proceedings." . cite.
Husain, Intizar and Rakshanda Jalil. 2003. "Daira." In India International Centre Quarterly, 30 , no. 1: . cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Dai, Qingxia. 1995. "The Variation of Free Morphemes in Compound Words in Jingpho." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 18 , no. 1: 29-41. cite.
Cho, Sungdai. 1998. "Passive and Middle Constructions in Korean." In Korean Linguistics: Journal of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics, 9: . cite.
Takahashi, Daiko. 1996. "Move-F and Pro [in Japanese]." In Formal approaches to Japanese linguistics 2: proceedings of the second conference on formal approaches to Japanese linguistics. Cambridge, Mass, edited by Masatoshi Koizumi et al.. 255-265. MITWPL, Dept. of Linguistics, MIT. cite.
Kindaichi, Haruhiko. 1989. "Some Aspects of the Japanese Language." In Japan Echo, 16: . cite.
Kindaichi, Haruhiko. xxxx. "Aspetti Della Lingua Giapponese." In Notiziario: Istituto giapponese di cultura, 69: 33-49. cite.
Takahashi, Daiko and Asako Uchibori. 2003. "Pseudoraising [argues For a New Type of A-movement in Japanese]." In Gengo Kenkyu = Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan, , no. 123. cite.
Kindaichi, Haruhiko and Umeyo Hirano. xxxx. "The Japanese Language." . cite.
Dai, John Xiang-ling. 1992. "Rethinking Case Theory For Constituency and Word Order in Chinese." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 27 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Kasahara, Michiko. xxxx. "Daily Japanese Words and Phrases = Gaikokujin No Tame No Nichijo Nihongo Kaiwa." . cite.
Tzeng, Ovid J.L. and Daisy L. Hung. 2002. "A Phantom of Linguistic Relativity: Script, Speech, and Thought." In Difficult characters: interdisciplinary studies of Chinese and Japanese writing, edited by Mary S. Erbaugh. 52-74. National East Asian Languages Resources Center, Ohio State University. cite.
Teng, Ung, Alain Jourdain and Francois Bourdillon. 1984. "Un Regard Sur La Contraception Des Femmes Cambodgiennes Residant En France." In Asie du sud-est et monde insulindien, , no. 1-4. cite.
Takahashi, Daiko. 1994. "Sluicing in Japanese." In Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 3 , no. 3: . cite.
Ma, Xueliang and Qingxia Dai. 1990. "Language and Nationality." In Anthropology in China: defining the discipline. Armonk, N.Y, edited by Gregory Eliyu Guldin. 189-210. M.E. Sharpe. cite.
Doan, Phan Dai. 1985. "Population Growth in the Vietnamese Countryside in the Course of History." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 9. cite.
Dai, John Xiang-ling. 1990. "Some Issues On A-not-A Questions." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 18 , no. 2: . cite.
Williams, T. Edward and V.Y. Jeyapaul. xxxx. "Udaiyar Dialect of Tamil." . cite.
Cho, Sungdai. 1993. "On the Potential Middle Constructions in Korean." In Language Research, 29 , no. 4: . cite.
Fu, Daiwie. 1999. "On Mengxi Bitan's World of Marginalities and 'south-pointing Needles'. Fragment Translation Vs. Contextual Translation." In De l'un au multiple: traduction du chinois vers les langues europeennes = Translations from Chinese into European languages, edited by Viviane Alleton and Michael Lackner. 175-201. Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme. cite.
Dai, John Xiang-ling. 1994. "Nominal Inflection and Morphosyntactic Government in the Deservative Construction in Chinese." In Journal of Chinese linguistics, 22 , no. 2: 248-277. cite.
Dai, Jian-Cheng and Hsi-Jian Lee. 1988. "Deterministic Parsing of Chinese Queries Through Attribute-dependent Grammar." 363-366. In: International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages (. cite.
Martens, Michael P. 1989. "The Badaic Languages of Central Sulawesi." In Nusa, 31: . cite.
Nakagawa, Takeschi. 1998. "Daigoro Chihara (1917-1997) Et Bibliographie [obituary]." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 85: . cite.
Tsung, Linda and Qingxia Dai. 2005. "A Vanishing Language: the Case of Xiandao." In Language endangerment in the Sinosphere, edited by David Bradley. 177-186. Mouton de Gruyter. cite.
Ueyama, Daishun. 1981. "Etudes Des Manuscrits Tibetains De Dunhuang Relatifs Au Bouddhism De Dhyana: Bilan Et Perspectives." In Journal asiatique, 269: . cite.
Doan, Phan Dai. 1998. "Respect For Aged Peoples in Ancient Vietnam." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 128. cite.
Takahashi, Daiko. 2001. "Scrambling and Empty Categories." In Formal approaches to Japanese linguistics 3: proceedings from FAJL 3. Cambridge, Mass, edited by Maria, et al. Cristina. 47-58. MIT. cite.
Tzeng, Ovid J.L., Linda Garro and Daisy L Hung. 1977. "Research On Chinese Characters: a Call For Interdisciplinary Endeavor." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 5 , no. 2: . cite.
Doan, Phan Dai. 1979. "The Humanist Scholars." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 56. cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Dai, Qingxia. 1999. "On the Languages of the Jingpo Nationality." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 22 , no. 2: 49-59. cite.
Rajavelu, S. 2004. "Tiruvidandai Inscription of Virapandyadeva." In Krsnayan, a peep into the past: Dr. K.D. Banerjee commemorative volume, essays on archaeology, edited by Sila Tripati et al.. 221-224. Harman Publishing House. cite.
Chuong, Thau and Dai Doan Phan. 1979. "Two Typical Figures: Nguyen Trai and Nguyen Binh Khiem." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 56. cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Dai Qingxia. 1997. "Analysis of the Tones in the Guangka Subdialect of De’ang." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 27: 91-108. cite.
Ostapirat, Weera. 1996. "Kadai Dummy *-ɯ." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 26: 79-89. cite.
Dai, John Xiang-ling. 1992. "Derivational-inflectional Distinction and Levels in Chinese Morphology." In CLS : proceedings from the ... meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Part 1: The main session. Part 2: The panels, 28 , no. 2: 51-64. cite.
Dai, John-Xiang-ling. 1991. "The Negator Bu and a Morphosyntactic Analysis of A-not-A Questions in Chinese." In Papaers from the Regional Meetings, Chicago Linguistic Society, 27: . cite.
Hung, Daisy L. and Ovid J. L. Tzeng. 1996. "Neurolinguistics : a Chinese Perspective." In New horizons in Chinese linguistics, edited by C.-T. James Huang and Y.-H. Audrey Li. 357-379. Kluwer Academic Publishers. cite.
Kürelbaġatur, Uriyangqadai. "A Study of the Mongolian Language of the Manchu-Mongolian-Chinese Dictionary "Qaġan-u Bičigsen Manǰu Mongġul Kitad üsüg Ġurban ǰüil-ün Ayalġu Neyilegsen Toil Bičig"." . cite.
Lee, Chia-Lin, Daisy L. Hung, John Kwock-Ping Tse, Chia-Ying Lee, Jie-Li Tsai and Ovid J. L. Tzeng. 2005. "Processing of Disyllabic Compound Words in Chinese Aphasia : Evidence For the Processing Limitations Account." In B&L, 92 , no. 2: 168-184. cite.
Tien, Yi-Min, Ovid J. L. Tzeng and Daisy L. Hung. 2002. "Semantic and Cognitive Basis of Chinese Classifiers : a Functional Approach." In Language and linguistics = Yuyan ji yuyanxue, 3 , no. 1: 101-132. cite.
Tsai, Jie-Li, Chia-Ying Lee, Ovid J. L. Tzeng, Daisy L. Hung and Nai-Shing Yen. 2004. "Use of Phonological Codes For Chinese Characters : Evidence From Processing of Parafoveal Preview When Reading Sentences." In B&L, 91 , no. 2: 235-244. cite.
Dai, Huoyi. 1993. "Conceptual Structures of Chinese Spatial Structures." In CLS : proceedings from the ... meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Part 1: The main session. Part 2: The panels, 29 , no. 2: 347-362. cite.
Dai, Huoyi. 1993. "Iconicity : Motivations in Chinese Grammar." In Principles and prediction : the analysis of natural language : papers in honor of Gerald Sanders, edited by Mushira Eid and Gregory K. Iverson. 153-173. Benjamins. cite.
Daille, Béatrice, Christine Jacquin, Christian Lehmann, Lucie Raharinirina rabaovololona and Baholisoa Simone Ralalaoherivony. 1996. "Acquisition Automatique De Terminologies Dans Des Corpus De Langues Malgaches." In Colloque “Informatique & langue naturelle” I.L.N. ’96, 9-10 octobre 1996, Nantes : actes , [Tome 1], 175-184. Univ. de Nantes. cite.
Siahaan, Jamorian, Robert Sibarani and Jhonson Pardosi. 1997. "The Mandailing Script." ii, 38 p. Lembaga Penelitian, Univ. Sumatera Utara. cite.
Abe, Seiya. 1997. "Kodai Nihongo No Dshi Ju"fukukei Nishu No Goh To Hgen Bunpu Oyobi Sono Gengo Ruikei Chirironteki Shomondai 1." In Nihongo no rekishi chiri kz., edited by Masayoshi Kato. . Meiji Shoin. cite.
China,. 1965. "Dai Zu Xue Han Yu (sang Ce)." . Yunnan Ethnic Publishing House. cite.
Qingxia, Dai. 1979. "Wo Guo Zang Mian Zu Song Jin Yuan Yin Lai Yuan Chu Tan." In Chung-kuo Yü-wen, 1979 , no. 1: 31ff. cite.
Qingxia, Dai. 1981. "??" In Minzu yuwen, 1981 , no. 4: 36-41. cite.
Qingxia, Dai. 1984. "??" In Minzu yuwen, 1984 , no. 2: 39-44. cite.
Qingxia, Dai. 0nd0. "T'ang-t'an Sung-chin Yüa-an-yin." In Hsiao-shu ming-ts'u yü-yun lun-chi, 2: 2:35-48. cite.
Qingxia, Dai and Cui Zhichao. 1983. "??" In Minzu yuwen, 1983 , no. 3: 69-80. cite.
Dainamco,. 1982. "Cambodian--English, English--Cambodian Dictionary." 358 pp.. Dainamco. cite.
Shixun, Dao. 1956. "Daile Yu Qing Kuang Jie Shao." In Chung-kuo Yü-wen, 1956 , no. 7: 44ff. cite.
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Ma Xueliang. 1982. "A Study of The Song of Bai Lang." In MZYW, 16-26. cite.
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Shi Yunxiao. 1980. "Dai Zu Shi Yong De Ji Zhong Wen Zi." In Xishuangbanna Bao, January, . cite.
Yu Cuirong. 1963. "Dai Wen." In Wen zi gai ge, , no. 32ff. cite.
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Zhang Gongjin. 1979. "Dai Yu De Hong Fang Yan Zhong Dong Ci He Xing Rong Ci De Hou Fu Xing Shi." In MZYW, 125ff. cite.
Zhang Gongjin. 1982. "Dai Yu Ming Ci Xiu Shi Yu De Ji Ben Yu Xu." In CSML, 309-22. cite.
Zhou yaowen, and Dai Qingxia. 1980. "Yunnan Shao Shu Min Zu Yu Yan Wen Zi Gai Huang." In Yunnan Ethnic Pub. House., . cite.
Zhou yaowen, Fang Bolong, and Meng Zunxian. 1981. "On the Dai Script (Dehong Dialect)." In MZYW, 73-7. cite.
Bowie, Alasdair. 1991. "Book Reviews -- Ethnicity and the Economy: The State, Chinese Business, and Multinationals in Malaysia By James V. Jesudason." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 22 , no. 1: 202. cite.
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Dailey-O'cain, Jennifer. 2001. "[Untitled]." In Language, 77 , no. 3: 613--614. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Dai Zhaoming. 2000. "The Phonetic Changes of Tiantai Dialect." In The 33rd International Conference on Sino-Tibentan Languages and Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand, 397-407. Ramkhamhaeng University. cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Dai, Qingxia. 1988. "My Work in Tibeto-Burman Linguistics." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 11 , no. 2: 1-6. cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Weera Ostapirat. 1996. "Kadai Dummy *-µ." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 26: 79-88. cite.